Shell File Manager
Current Path : /scripts/ |
Current File : //scripts/find_pids_with_inotify_watch_on_path |
# cpanel - scripts/find_pids_with_inotify_watch_on_path
# Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
# All rights reserved.
# [email protected]
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
package scripts::find_pids_with_inotify_watch_on_path;
use strict;
use warnings;
use parent qw( Cpanel::HelpfulScript );
use Cpanel::Version::Compare ();
use Cpanel::OSSys ();
use Cpanel::LoadFile ();
use Cpanel::ProcessInfo ();
my $PROC_PATH = '/proc';
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
find_pids_with_inotify_watch_on_path <path>
This command will look at /proc to find which process has an inotify
watch on a specific path (inode)
__PACKAGE__->new(@ARGV)->script() unless caller();
sub _ACCEPT_UNNAMED { return 1; }
sub _OPTIONS { }
sub script {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($release) = ( Cpanel::OSSys::uname() )[2];
if ( !Cpanel::Version::Compare::compare( $release, '>=', '3.10' ) ) {
die "Kernel version “$release” is too old to find inotify watches. Please upgrade to “3.10” or newer.";
my ($path) = $self->getopt_unnamed();
my ( $dev, $inode ) = ( stat($path) )[ 0, 1 ];
if ( !$inode ) {
die "The system could not determine the inode for “$path”: $!";
my $hexdev = sprintf( "%x", $dev );
my $hexinode = sprintf( "%x", $inode );
my %procs_holding_inotify;
opendir( my $proc_dh, $PROC_PATH ) or die "opendir($PROC_PATH): $!";
my $binary_path;
foreach my $proc ( grep { $_ !~ tr{0-9}{}c } readdir($proc_dh) ) { # Only has numbers so its a pid
$binary_path = readlink("$PROC_PATH/$proc/exe") or next;
# no file means it a kernel process that we always want to exclude
# stat name is here. we don't want to ever kill kernel process so not used
opendir( my $fd_dh, "$PROC_PATH/$proc/fd" ) or next;
if ( my @inotify_fds = grep { $_ !~ tr{0-9}{}c && readlink("$PROC_PATH/$proc/fd/$_") =~ m{inotify}i } readdir($fd_dh) ) {
foreach my $inotify_fd (@inotify_fds) {
# use Cpanel::LoadFile::loadfile since it will not exception if the pid goes away while we
# are reading
my @lines = ( split( m{\n}, Cpanel::LoadFile::loadfile("$PROC_PATH/$proc/fdinfo/$inotify_fd") ) );
splice( @lines, 0, 3 );
my @data = map {
map { ( split( m{:}, $_ ) )[ 0, 1 ] } split( m{ }, $_ ) ## no critic qw(BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitVoidMap)
} @lines;
foreach my $watch (@data) {
if ( index( $watch->{'sdev'}, $hexdev ) == 0 && $watch->{'ino'} eq $hexinode ) {
$procs_holding_inotify{$proc} = $watch->{'wd'};
foreach my $proc ( sort keys %procs_holding_inotify ) {
my $name = Cpanel::ProcessInfo::get_pid_cmdline($proc);
my $exe;
local $@;
warn if !eval { $exe = Cpanel::ProcessInfo::get_pid_exe($proc); 1 };
my $watch_decimal = hex $procs_holding_inotify{$proc};
print "$name ($exe) is holding a inotify on $path (watch #$watch_decimal)\n";
if ( !%procs_holding_inotify ) {
print "No processes holding an inotify watch on $path\n";
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]