Shell File Manager
= MediaWiki 1.43 =
=== Changes since MediaWiki 1.43.0-rc.0 ===
* (T381728) Use PHP 8.3 in MediaWiki-Docker
* (T382375) Misaligned label margins on Special:MathStatus
* (T382196) \overbrace rendered below (not above) in MathML and client-side
* (T381310) Math Popup not working in newer version of Popup-Extension
* (T380079) This page is using the deprecated ResourceLoader module
"mediawiki.Uri" on page load
* (T381311) Preview has wrong location in MathML mode
* (T381046) Preview not working with MathML rendering
* (T381102) <math>\left(a\right)'</math> in MathML and MathJax renders
with one prime symbol too much
* (T380184) <math>\operatorname{vec}</math> crashes with native MathML
* (T380654) vertical space between multline equations is ignored
* (T375274) mediawiki_function_names math functions eat the following paren in
native MML mode
* (T373732) Audit SUL3 shared-domain i18n messages for XSS
* (T381068) PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property
MediaWiki\\Auth\\ButtonAuthenticationRequest::$skipReset is deprecated
at AuthenticationRequest.php:182
* (T20110) Define AbuseFilter consequence to display a CAPTCHA
* (T332743) On private wikis the ellipsis should not appear above 720px
(wikitech, office, translate wiki)
== MediaWiki 1.43.0-PRERELEASE ==
== Upgrading notes for 1.43 ==
Don't forget to always back up your database before upgrading!
See the file UPGRADE for more detailed per-version upgrade instructions from the
oldest supported upgrading version, MediaWiki 1.35.
Some specific notes for MediaWiki 1.43 upgrades are below:
* It is now necessary that the OpenSSL PHP extension is installed.
* update.php updates the Linter database table with two migration scripts that
can take a long time to run: with the provided settings, each migration
script update roughly 500 rows per second. If at all possible, it is
highly recommended to let update.php run these migration scripts.
If this is deemed too long a maintenance operation (depending on the number
of rows in the Linter database table), it is possible, for a upgrade from
1.40 onwards, to run the migration scripts before updating the MediaWiki
and extensions files to 1.43. Set $wgLinterWriteNamespaceColumnStage and
$wgLinterWriteTagAndTemplateColumnsStage to true, and run the
extensions/Linter/maintenance/migrateNamespace.php and
extensions/Linter/maintenance/migrateTagTemplate.php migration scripts
before proceeding with any other code update.
When upgrading from a version <= 1.39, a multi-step update is necessary to
be able to run the migration scripts independently from update.php: first
update to 1.42, then proceed as indicated.
== MediaWiki 1.42.4 ==
This is a maintenance release of the MediaWiki 1.42 branch.
=== Changes since MediaWiki 1.42.3 ===
* Localisation updates.
* (T370380) installer: Support MW_SKIP_EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES in update.php.
* (T372569) installer: Consistently use double quotes when outputting settings.
* (T368289) rdbms: Reduce log severity of "found writes pending".
* (T368289) rdbms: only mention write queries in "writes pending" warnings.
* (T349608) user: Add recursion guard to APCOND_BLOCKED check in
* (T377450) [DatabaseUpdater] Don't interact with updatelog on virtual domains.
* (T377916) specials: Avoid passing null to str_replace().
* (T378006, T372500) AutoLoader: Use require_once rather than require.
* (T378259) SpecialRenameUser: Fix warning display.
* (T378304) GlobalIdGenerator: Update str_getcsv() call for PHP 8.4.
* Upgrade php-session-serializer from 2.0.1 to 3.0.0.
* Upgrade xmp-reader from 0.9.1 to 0.9.2.
* (T376911) Upgrade AtEase from 2.1.0 to 3.0.0.
* (T374494) Add DumpableObjectsTest to the database test group.
* (T362829) Correct range error in regexp of formatmetadata.
* (T379656) RefreshLinksJob: Don't retry job if "Revision x is not current" is
* (T381068) ButtonAuthenticationRequest: Add AllowDynamicProperties directive.
== MediaWiki 1.42.3 ==
This is a maintenance release of the MediaWiki 1.42 branch.
=== Changes since MediaWiki 1.42.2 ===
* Fix issue related to backport of AbuseFilter patch for T372998.
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]