Shell File Manager
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0; # not running under some shell
# This program implements a simple translator to convert POD
# to HTML, Text, or back to POD again (e.g. for normalising a
# document). You can easily extend it to work with any other
# view modules you create which convert POD to different formats
# or in different styles.
# Written by Andy Wardley <[email protected]>. This is free software.
# Extended by Andrew Ford to check for any other installed viewers.
use Pod::POM;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
my $PROGRAM = 'pom2';
my $program = basename($0);
my $format;
my $views = {
pod => 'Pod',
text => 'Text',
html => 'HTML',
my %options;
die usage() if grep(/^--?h(elp)?$/, @ARGV);
while (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~ /^--([^=]+)(=(.*))?$/) {
$options{$1} = $2 ? $3 : 1;
if ($program =~ /^$PROGRAM(.+)$/) {
$format = $1;
else {
$format = shift
|| die usage('no output format specified');
while (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~ /^--([^=]+)(=(.*))?$/) {
$options{$1} = $2 ? $3 : 1;
my $file = shift
|| die usage('no filename specified');
$format = lc $format;
my $view = $views->{ $format };
if (!$view) {
foreach my $libdir (@INC) {
foreach (<$libdir/Pod/POM/View/*.pm>) {
(my $module = $_) =~ s{.*/([^/]+).pm$}{$1};
if (lc($module) eq $format) {
$view = $1;
last DIR;
else {
$views->{lc($module)} = $module;
$view || die usage("invalid format '$format', try one of: "
. join(', ', sort keys %$views));
$view = "Pod::POM::View::$view";
if (keys %options) {
eval "use $view";
$view = $view->new(%options);
|| die "$Pod::POM::ERROR\n";
my $parser = Pod::POM->new( warn => 1 )
|| die "$Pod::POM::ERROR\n";
my $pom = $parser->parse_file($file)
|| die $parser->error(), "\n";
print $pom;
sub usage {
my $msg = shift || '';
if ($program =~ /^$PROGRAM$/) {
$program = "pom2 format";
return <<EOF;
usage: $program file
=head1 NAME
pom2 - convert POD to Text, HTML, etc., with Pod::POM
pom2 text > MyFile.txt
pom2 html > MyFile.html
pom2 pod > Myfile.pod
pom2 format [options] >
This script uses C<Pod::POM> to convert a Pod document into text,
HTML, back into Pod (e.g. to normalise a document to fix any
markup errors), or any other format for which you have a view
If the viewer is not one of the viewers bundled with C<Pod::POM>, the script
searches for an installed C<Pod::POM::View> module that matches the
specified format. For example if you have C<Pod::POM::View::DocBook>
installed then you could say:
pod2 docbook > MyFile.xml
If any options other than C<--help> are specified then they are passed
to the constructor method of the view class. For example:
pod2 docbook --root=chapter --titlecasing > MyFile.xml
would convert the Pod document to a DocBook chapter document with the
titlecasing option enabled. Note that any string prefixed by "C<-->" is
taken as a valid option and passed to the constructor; if no value is
specified then a value of 1 is passed in.
=head1 AUTHOR
Andy Wardley E<lt>[email protected]<gt>
extended by Andrew Ford E<lt>[email protected]<gt>
=head1 VERSION
This is version 0.3 of pom2.
Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (C) 2009 Andrew Ford. All Rights Reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO
For further information please see L<Pod::POM>.
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]