Shell File Manager
# This file is part of the sos project:
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
from __future__ import with_statement
import os
import re
import inspect
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
import logging
import fnmatch
import errno
import shlex
import glob
import threading
import time
from contextlib import closing
from collections import deque
import six
def tail(filename, number_of_bytes):
"""Returns the last number_of_bytes of filename"""
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
if os.stat(filename).st_size > number_of_bytes:, 2)
def fileobj(path_or_file, mode='r'):
"""Returns a file-like object that can be used as a context manager"""
if isinstance(path_or_file, six.string_types):
return open(path_or_file, mode)
except IOError:
log = logging.getLogger('sos')
log.debug("fileobj: %s could not be opened" % path_or_file)
return closing(six.StringIO())
return closing(path_or_file)
def convert_bytes(bytes_, K=1 << 10, M=1 << 20, G=1 << 30, T=1 << 40):
"""Converts a number of bytes to a shorter, more human friendly format"""
fn = float(bytes_)
if bytes_ >= T:
return '%.1fT' % (fn / T)
elif bytes_ >= G:
return '%.1fG' % (fn / G)
elif bytes_ >= M:
return '%.1fM' % (fn / M)
elif bytes_ >= K:
return '%.1fK' % (fn / K)
return '%d' % bytes_
def find(file_pattern, top_dir, max_depth=None, path_pattern=None):
"""Generator function to find files recursively.
for filename in find("*.properties", "/var/log/foobar"):
print filename
if max_depth:
base_depth = os.path.dirname(top_dir).count(os.path.sep)
max_depth += base_depth
for path, dirlist, filelist in os.walk(top_dir):
if max_depth and path.count(os.path.sep) >= max_depth:
del dirlist[:]
if path_pattern and not fnmatch.fnmatch(path, path_pattern):
for name in fnmatch.filter(filelist, file_pattern):
yield os.path.join(path, name)
def grep(pattern, *files_or_paths):
"""Returns lines matched in fnames, where fnames can either be pathnames to
files to grep through or open file objects to grep through line by line"""
matches = []
for fop in files_or_paths:
with fileobj(fop) as fo:
matches.extend((line for line in fo if re.match(pattern, line)))
return matches
def is_executable(command):
"""Returns if a command matches an executable on the PATH"""
paths = os.environ.get("PATH", "").split(os.path.pathsep)
candidates = [command] + [os.path.join(p, command) for p in paths]
return any(os.access(path, os.X_OK) for path in candidates)
def sos_get_command_output(command, timeout=300, stderr=False,
chroot=None, chdir=None, env=None, foreground=False,
binary=False, sizelimit=None, poller=None):
"""Execute a command and return a dictionary of status and output,
optionally changing root or current working directory before
executing command.
# Change root or cwd for child only. Exceptions in the prexec_fn
# closure are caught in the parent (chroot and chdir are bound from
# the enclosing scope).
def _child_prep_fn():
if (chroot):
if (chdir):
cmd_env = os.environ.copy()
# ensure consistent locale for collected command output
cmd_env['LC_ALL'] = 'C'
# optionally add an environment change for the command
if env:
for key, value in env.items():
if value:
cmd_env[key] = value
cmd_env.pop(key, None)
# use /usr/bin/timeout to implement a timeout
if timeout and is_executable("timeout"):
command = "timeout %s %ds %s" % (
'--foreground' if foreground else '',
# shlex.split() reacts badly to unicode on older python runtimes.
if not six.PY3:
command = command.encode('utf-8', 'ignore')
args = shlex.split(command)
# Expand arguments that are wildcard paths.
expanded_args = []
for arg in args:
expanded_arg = glob.glob(arg)
if expanded_arg:
p = Popen(expanded_args, shell=False, stdout=PIPE,
stderr=STDOUT if stderr else PIPE,
bufsize=-1, env=cmd_env, close_fds=True,
reader = AsyncReader(p.stdout, sizelimit, binary)
if poller:
while reader.running:
if poller():
raise SoSTimeoutError
stdout = reader.get_contents()
while p.poll() is None:
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
return {'status': 127, 'output': ""}
raise e
if p.returncode == 126 or p.returncode == 127:
stdout = six.binary_type(b"")
return {
'status': p.returncode,
'output': stdout
def import_module(module_fqname, superclasses=None):
"""Imports the module module_fqname and returns a list of defined classes
from that module. If superclasses is defined then the classes returned will
be subclasses of the specified superclass or superclasses. If superclasses
is plural it must be a tuple of classes."""
module_name = module_fqname.rpartition(".")[-1]
module = __import__(module_fqname, globals(), locals(), [module_name])
modules = [class_ for cname, class_ in
inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass)
if class_.__module__ == module_fqname]
if superclasses:
modules = [m for m in modules if issubclass(m, superclasses)]
return modules
def shell_out(cmd, timeout=30, chroot=None, runat=None):
"""Shell out to an external command and return the output or the empty
string in case of error.
return sos_get_command_output(cmd, timeout=timeout,
chroot=chroot, chdir=runat)['output']
class AsyncReader(threading.Thread):
"""Used to limit command output to a given size without deadlocking
Takes a sizelimit value in MB, and will compile stdout from Popen into a
string that is limited to the given sizelimit.
def __init__(self, channel, sizelimit, binary):
super(AsyncReader, self).__init__()
self.chan = channel
self.binary = binary
self.chunksize = 2048
slots = None
if sizelimit:
sizelimit = sizelimit * 1048576 # convert to bytes
slots = int(sizelimit / self.chunksize)
self.deque = deque(maxlen=slots)
self.running = True
def run(self):
"""Reads from the channel (pipe) that is the output pipe for a
called Popen. As we are reading from the pipe, the output is added
to a deque. After the size of the deque exceeds the sizelimit
earlier (older) entries are removed.
This means the returned output is chunksize-sensitive, but is not
really byte-sensitive.
while True:
line =
if not line:
# Pipe can remain open after output has completed
except (ValueError, IOError):
# pipe has closed, meaning command output is done
self.running = False
def get_contents(self):
"""Returns the contents of the deque as a string"""
# block until command completes or timesout (separate from the plugin
# hitting a timeout)
while self.running:
if not self.binary:
return ''.join(ln.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') for ln in self.deque)
return b''.join(ln for ln in self.deque)
class ImporterHelper(object):
"""Provides a list of modules that can be imported in a package.
Importable modules are located along the module __path__ list and modules
are files that end in .py.
def __init__(self, package):
"""package is a package module
import my.package.module
helper = ImporterHelper(my.package.module)"""
self.package = package
def _plugin_name(self, path):
"Returns the plugin module name given the path"
base = os.path.basename(path)
name, ext = os.path.splitext(base)
return name
def _get_plugins_from_list(self, list_):
plugins = [self._plugin_name(plugin)
for plugin in list_
if "__init__" not in plugin and plugin.endswith(".py")]
return plugins
def _find_plugins_in_dir(self, path):
if os.path.exists(path):
py_files = list(find("*.py", path))
pnames = self._get_plugins_from_list(py_files)
if pnames:
return pnames
return []
def get_modules(self):
"""Returns the list of importable modules in the configured python
package. """
plugins = []
for path in self.package.__path__:
if os.path.isdir(path):
return plugins
class SoSTimeoutError(OSError):
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Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]