Shell File Manager
# Copyright (C) 2016 Red Hat, Inc., Pep Turro Mauri <[email protected]>
# This file is part of the sos project:
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
from sos.plugins import Plugin, RedHatPlugin
import os.path
# This plugin collects static configuration and runtime information
# about OpenShift Origin based environments, like OpenShift Enterprise 3
# Some clarification on naming:
# OpenShift Origin is the upstream project for OpenShift Enterprise,
# OpenShift Container Platflorm, and Atomic Platform.
# However, the name "OpenShift Origin" refers to two different code bases:
# * Origin M5 and later (
# which is upstream for OpenShift 3.x and later.
# This is what this plugin handles
# * Origin M4 and earlier (
# which is upstream for OpenShift 1.x and 2.x.
# This is handled by the plugin in
# Note that this plugin should be used in conjunction with other plugins
# in order to capture relevant data: the Kubernetes plugin for the
# masters, the Docker plugin for the nodes, and also generic
# plugins (e.g. for /etc/sysconfig entries, network setup etc)
class OpenShiftOrigin(Plugin):
""" OpenShift Origin """
plugin_name = "origin"
files = None # file lists assigned after path setup below
profiles = ('openshift',)
option_list = [
("diag", "run 'oc adm diagnostics' to collect its output",
'fast', True),
("diag-prevent", "set --prevent-modification on 'oc adm diagnostics'",
'fast', True),
("all-namespaces", "collect dc output for all namespaces", "fast",
master_base_dir = "/etc/origin/master"
node_base_dir = "/etc/origin/node"
master_cfg = os.path.join(master_base_dir, "master-config.yaml")
master_env = os.path.join(master_base_dir, "master.env")
node_cfg_file = "node-config.yaml"
node_cfg = os.path.join(node_base_dir, node_cfg_file)
node_kubeconfig = os.path.join(node_base_dir, "node.kubeconfig")
static_pod_dir = os.path.join(node_base_dir, "pods")
files = (master_cfg, node_cfg)
# Master vs. node
# OpenShift Origin/3.x cluster members can be a master, a node, or both at
# the same time: in most deployments masters are also nodes in order to get
# access to the pod network, which some functionality (e.g. the API proxy)
# requires. Therefore the following methods may all evaluate True on a
# single instance (at least one must evaluate True if this is an OpenShift
# installation)
def is_master(self):
"""Determine if we are on a master"""
return os.path.exists(self.master_cfg)
def is_node(self):
"""Determine if we are on a node"""
return os.path.exists(self.node_cfg)
def is_static_etcd(self):
"""Determine if we are on a node running etcd"""
return os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.static_pod_dir, "etcd.yaml"))
def is_static_pod_compatible(self):
"""Determine if a node is running static pods"""
return os.path.exists(self.static_pod_dir)
def setup(self):
bstrap_node_cfg = os.path.join(self.node_base_dir,
"bootstrap-" + self.node_cfg_file)
bstrap_kubeconfig = os.path.join(self.node_base_dir,
node_certs = os.path.join(self.node_base_dir, "certs", "*")
node_client_ca = os.path.join(self.node_base_dir, "client-ca.crt")
admin_cfg = os.path.join(self.master_base_dir, "admin.kubeconfig")
oc_cmd_admin = "%s --config=%s" % ("oc", admin_cfg)
static_pod_logs_cmd = "master-logs"
# Note that a system can run both a master and a node.
# See "Master vs. node" above.
if self.is_master():
os.path.join(self.master_base_dir, "*.crt"),
if self.is_static_pod_compatible():
self.add_copy_spec(os.path.join(self.static_pod_dir, "*.yaml"))
"%s api api" % static_pod_logs_cmd,
"%s controllers controllers" % static_pod_logs_cmd,
# TODO: some thoughts about information that might also be useful
# to collect. However, these are maybe not needed in general
# and/or present some challenges (scale, sensitive, ...) and need
# some more thought. For now just leaving this comment here until
# we decide if it's worth collecting:
# General project status:
# oc status --all-namespaces (introduced in OSE 3.2)
# -> deemed as not worthy in BZ#1394527
# Metrics deployment configurations
# oc get -o json dc -n openshift-infra
# Logging stack deployment configurations
# oc get -o json dc -n logging
# Note: Information about nodes, events, pods, and services
# is already collected by the Kubernetes plugin
subcmds = [
"describe projects",
"adm top images",
"adm top imagestreams"
'%s %s' % (oc_cmd_admin, subcmd) for subcmd in subcmds
jcmds = [
'%s get -o json %s' % (oc_cmd_admin, jcmd) for jcmd in jcmds
if self.get_option('all-namespaces'):
ocn = self.exec_cmd('%s get namespaces' % oc_cmd_admin)
ns_output = ocn['output'].splitlines()[1:]
nmsps = [n.split()[0] for n in ns_output if n]
nmsps = [
'%s get -o json dc -n %s' % (oc_cmd_admin, n) for n in nmsps
if self.get_option('diag'):
diag_cmd = "%s adm diagnostics -l 0" % oc_cmd_admin
if self.get_option('diag-prevent'):
diag_cmd += " --prevent-modification=true"
# get logs from the infrastruture pods running in the default ns
pods = self.exec_cmd("%s get pod -o name -n default"
% oc_cmd_admin)
for pod in pods['output'].splitlines():
self.add_cmd_output("%s logs -n default %s"
% (oc_cmd_admin, pod))
# Note that a system can run both a master and a node.
# See "Master vs. node" above.
if self.is_node():
os.path.join(self.node_base_dir, "*.crt"),
os.path.join(self.node_base_dir, "resolv.conf"),
os.path.join(self.node_base_dir, "node-dnsmasq.conf"),
if self.is_static_etcd():
self.add_cmd_output("%s etcd etcd" % static_pod_logs_cmd)
def postproc(self):
# Clear env values from objects that can contain sensitive data
# Sample JSON content:
# {
# "name": "MYSQL_PASSWORD",
# "value": "mypassword"
# },
# This will mask values when the "name" looks susceptible of
# values worth obfuscating, i.e. if the name contains strings
# like "pass", "pwd", "key" or "token".
env_regexp = r'(?P<var>{\s*"name":\s*[^,]*' \
r'(pass|pwd|key|token|cred|secret' \
self.do_cmd_output_sub('oc*json', env_regexp, r'\g<var> "********"')
# LDAP identity provider
# github/google/OpenID identity providers
class AtomicOpenShift(OpenShiftOrigin, RedHatPlugin):
""" OpenShift Enterprise / OpenShift Container Platform
packages = ('atomic-openshift',)
# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]