Shell File Manager
# Copyright (C) 2006 Steve Conklin <[email protected]>
# This file is part of the sos project:
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
""" This exports methods available for use by plugins for sos """
from __future__ import with_statement
from sos.utilities import (sos_get_command_output, import_module, grep,
fileobj, tail, is_executable)
import os
import glob
import re
import stat
from time import time
import logging
import fnmatch
import errno
import six
from six.moves import zip, filter
from datetime import datetime
# FileNotFoundError does not exist in 2.7, so map it to IOError
except NameError:
FileNotFoundError = IOError
def _to_u(s):
if not isinstance(s, six.text_type):
# Workaround python.six mishandling of strings ending in '\' by
# adding a single space following any '\' at end-of-line.
# See Six issue #60.
if s.endswith('\\'):
s += " "
s = six.u(s)
return s
def regex_findall(regex, fname):
"""Return a list of all non overlapping matches in the string(s)"""
with fileobj(fname) as f:
return re.findall(regex,, re.MULTILINE)
except AttributeError:
return []
def _mangle_command(command, name_max):
mangledname = re.sub(r"^/(usr/|)(bin|sbin)/", "", command)
mangledname = re.sub(r"[^\w\-\.\/]+", "_", mangledname)
mangledname = re.sub(r"/", ".", mangledname).strip(" ._-")
mangledname = mangledname[0:name_max]
return mangledname
def _path_in_path_list(path, path_list):
return any(p == path for p in path_list)
def _node_type(st):
""" return a string indicating the type of special node represented by
the stat buffer st (block, character, fifo, socket).
_types = [
(stat.S_ISBLK, "block device"),
(stat.S_ISCHR, "character device"),
(stat.S_ISFIFO, "named pipe"),
(stat.S_ISSOCK, "socket")
for t in _types:
if t[0](st.st_mode):
return t[1]
def _file_is_compressed(path):
"""Check if a file appears to be compressed
Return True if the file specified by path appears to be compressed,
or False otherwise by testing the file name extension against a
list of known file compression extentions.
return path.endswith(('.gz', '.xz', '.bz', '.bz2'))
_certmatch = re.compile("-*BEGIN.*?-*END", re.DOTALL)
_cert_replace = "-----SCRUBBED"
class SoSPredicate(object):
"""A class to implement collection predicates.
A predicate gates the collection of data by an sos plugin. For any
`add_cmd_output()`, `add_copy_spec()` or `add_journal()` call, the
passed predicate will be evaulated and collection will proceed if
the result is `True`, and not otherwise.
Predicates may be used to control conditional data collection
without the need for explicit conditional blocks in plugins.
#: The plugin that owns this predicate
_owner = None
#: Skip all collection?
dry_run = False
#: Kernel module enablement list
kmods = []
#: Services enablement list
services = []
#: Package presence list
packages = []
# Command output inclusion pairs {'cmd': 'foo --help', 'output': 'bar'}
cmd_outputs = []
#: Allowed architecture(s) of the system
arch = []
def __str(self, quote=False, prefix="", suffix=""):
"""Return a string representation of this SoSPredicate with
optional prefix, suffix and value quoting.
quotes = '"%s"'
pstr = "dry_run=%s, " % self.dry_run
kmods = self.kmods
kmods = [quotes % k for k in kmods] if quote else kmods
pstr += "kmods=[%s], " % (",".join(kmods))
services =
services = [quotes % s for s in services] if quote else services
pstr += "services=[%s], " % (",".join(services))
pkgs = self.packages
pkgs = [quotes % p for p in pkgs] if quote else pkgs
pstr += "packages=[%s], " % (",".join(pkgs))
cmdoutputs = [
"{ %s: %s, %s: %s }" % (quotes % "cmd",
quotes % cmdoutput['cmd'],
quotes % "output",
quotes % cmdoutput['output'])
for cmdoutput in self.cmd_outputs
pstr += "cmdoutputs=[%s], " % (",".join(cmdoutputs))
arches = self.arch
arches = [quotes % a for a in arches] if quote else arches
pstr += "arches=[%s]" % (",".join(arches))
return prefix + pstr + suffix
def __str__(self):
"""Return a string representation of this SoSPredicate.
"dry_run=False, kmods=[], services=[], cmdoutputs=[]"
return self.__str()
def __repr__(self):
"""Return a machine readable string representation of this
"SoSPredicate(dry_run=False, kmods=[], services=[], cmdoutputs=[])"
return self.__str(quote=True, prefix="SoSPredicate(", suffix=")")
def _check_required_state(self, items, required):
"""Helper to simplify checking the state of the predicate's evaluations
against the setting of the required state of that evaluation
if required == 'any':
return any(items)
elif required == 'all':
return all(items)
elif required == 'none':
return not any(items)
def _failed_or_forbidden(self, test, item):
"""Helper to direct failed predicates to provide the proper messaging
based on the required check type
:param test: The type of check we're doing, e.g. kmods, arch
:param item: The string of what failed
_req = self.required[test]
if _req != 'none':
def _eval_kmods(self):
if not self.kmods or self._owner.get_option('allow_system_changes'):
return True
_kmods = []
# Are kernel modules loaded?
for kmod in self.kmods:
res = self._owner.is_module_loaded(kmod)
if not res:
self._failed_or_forbidden('kmods', kmod)
return self._check_required_state(_kmods, self.required['kmods'])
def _eval_services(self):
if not
return True
_svcs = []
for svc in
res = self._owner.is_service_running(svc)
if not res:
self._failed_or_forbidden('services', svc)
return self._check_required_state(_svcs, self.required['services'])
def _eval_packages(self):
if not self.packages:
return True
_pkgs = []
for pkg in self.packages:
res = self._owner.is_installed(pkg)
if not res:
self._failed_or_forbidden('packages', pkg)
return self._check_required_state(_pkgs, self.required['packages'])
def _eval_cmd_output(self, cmd_output):
"""Does 'cmd' output contain string 'output'?"""
if 'cmd' not in cmd_output or 'output' not in cmd_output:
return False
result = sos_get_command_output(cmd_output['cmd'])
if result['status'] != 0:
return False
for line in result['output'].splitlines():
if cmd_output['output'] in line:
return True
return False
def _eval_cmd_outputs(self):
if not self.cmd_outputs:
return True
_cmds = []
for cmd in self.cmd_outputs:
res = self._eval_cmd_output(cmd)
if not res:
"%s: %s" % (cmd['cmd'], cmd['output'])
return self._check_required_state(_cmds, self.required['cmd_outputs'])
def _eval_arch(self):
if not self.arch:
return True
# a test for 'all' against arch does not make sense, so only test to
# see if the system's reported architecture is in the last of 'allowed'
# arches requested by the predicate
_arch = self._owner.policy.get_arch()
regex = '(?:%s)' % '|'.join(self.arch)
if self.required['arch'] == 'none':
if re.match(regex, _arch):
return False
return True
if re.match(regex, _arch):
return True
return False
def _report_failed(self):
"""Return a string informing user what caused the predicate to fail
msg = ''
_substr = "required %s missing: %s."
for key, val in self._failed.items():
if not val:
val = set(val)
msg += _substr % (key, ', '.join(v for v in val))
return msg
def _report_forbidden(self):
"""Return a string informing the user that a forbidden condition exists
which caused the predicate to fail
msg = ''
_substr = "forbidden %s '%s' found."
for key, val in self._forbidden.items():
if not val:
val = set(val)
msg += _substr % (key, ', '.join(v for v in val))
return msg
def report_failure(self):
"""Used by `Plugin()` to obtain the error string based on if the reason
was a failed check or a forbidden check
msg = [self._report_failed(), self._report_forbidden()]
return " ".join(msg).lstrip()
def __nonzero__(self):
"""Predicate evaluation hook.
# Null predicate?
if not any([self.kmods,, self.packages, self.cmd_outputs,
self.arch, self.dry_run]):
return True
return ((self._eval_kmods() and self._eval_services() and
self._eval_packages() and self._eval_cmd_outputs() and
and not self.dry_run)
def __bool__(self):
# Py3 evaluation ends in a __bool__() call where py2 ends in a call
# to __nonzero__(). Wrap the latter here, to support both versions
return self.__nonzero__()
def __init__(self, owner, dry_run=False, kmods=[], services=[],
packages=[], cmd_outputs=[], arch=[], required={}):
"""Initialise a new SoSPredicate object.
self._owner = owner
self.kmods = list(kmods) = list(services)
self.packages = list(packages)
self.arch = list(arch)
if not isinstance(cmd_outputs, list):
cmd_outputs = [cmd_outputs]
self.cmd_outputs = cmd_outputs
self.dry_run = dry_run | self._owner.commons['cmdlineopts'].dry_run
self.required = {'kmods': 'any', 'services': 'any', 'packages': 'any',
'cmd_outputs': 'any', 'arch': 'any'}
k: v for k, v in required.items() if
required[k] != self.required[k]
#: Dict holding failed evaluations
self._failed = {
'kmods': [], 'services': [], 'packages': [], 'cmd_outputs': [],
'architecture': []
self._forbidden = {
'kmods': [], 'services': [], 'packages': [], 'cmd_outputs': [],
'architecture': []
class SoSCommand(object):
"""A class to represent a command to be collected.
A SoSCommand() object is instantiated for each command handed to an
_add_cmd_output() call, so that we no longer need to pass around a very
long tuple to handle the parameters.
Any option supported by _add_cmd_output() is passed to the SoSCommand
object and converted to an attribute. SoSCommand.__dict__ is then passed to
_get_command_output_now() for each command to be collected.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def __str__(self):
"""Return a human readable string representation of this SoSCommand
return ', '.join("%s=%r" % (param, val) for (param, val) in
class Plugin(object):
""" This is the base class for sosreport plugins. Plugins should subclass
this and set the class variables where applicable.
plugin_name is a string returned by If this is set to None
(the default) class\\_.__name__.tolower() will be returned. Be sure to set
this if you are defining multiple plugins that do the same thing on
different platforms.
requires_root is a boolean that specifies whether or not sosreport should
execute this plugin as a super user.
version is a string representing the version of the plugin. This can be
useful for post-collection tooling.
packages (files) is an iterable of the names of packages (the paths
of files) to check for before running this plugin. If any of these packages
or files is found on the system, the default implementation of
check_enabled will return True.
profiles is an iterable of profile names that this plugin belongs to.
Whenever any of the profiles is selected on the command line the plugin
will be enabled (subject to normal check_enabled tests).
plugin_name = None
requires_root = True
version = 'unversioned'
packages = ()
files = ()
commands = ()
kernel_mods = ()
services = ()
architectures = None
archive = None
profiles = ()
sysroot = '/'
plugin_timeout = 300
cmd_timeout = 300
_timeout_hit = False
# Default predicates
predicate = None
cmd_predicate = None
_default_plug_opts = [
('timeout', 'Timeout in seconds for plugin', 'fast', -1),
('postproc', 'Enable post-processing collected plugin data', 'fast',
def __init__(self, commons):
if not getattr(self, "option_list", False):
self.option_list = []
self.copied_files = []
self.executed_commands = []
self._env_vars = set()
self.alerts = []
self.custom_text = ""
self.opt_names = []
self.opt_parms = []
self.commons = commons
self.forbidden_paths = []
self.copy_paths = set()
self.copy_strings = []
self.collect_cmds = []
self.sysroot = commons['sysroot']
self.policy = commons['policy']
self.soslog = self.commons['soslog'] if 'soslog' in self.commons \
else logging.getLogger('sos')
# add the default plugin opts
# get the option list into a dictionary
for opt in self.option_list:
self.opt_parms.append({'desc': opt[1], 'speed': opt[2],
'enabled': opt[3]})
# Initialise the default --dry-run predicate
def timeout(self):
"""Returns either the default plugin timeout value, the value as
provided on the commandline via -k plugin.timeout=value, or the value
of the global --plugin-timeout option.
_timeout = None
opt_timeout = self.get_option('plugin_timeout')
own_timeout = int(self.get_option('timeout'))
if opt_timeout is None:
_timeout = own_timeout
elif opt_timeout is not None and own_timeout == -1:
_timeout = int(opt_timeout)
elif opt_timeout is not None and own_timeout > -1:
_timeout = own_timeout
return None
except ValueError:
return self.plugin_timeout # Default to known safe value
if _timeout is not None and _timeout > -1:
return _timeout
return self.plugin_timeout
def check_timeout(self):
Checks to see if the plugin has hit its timeout.
This is set when the sos.collect_plugin() method hits a timeout and
terminates the thread. From there, a Popen() call can still continue to
run, and we need to manually terminate it. Thus, check_timeout() should
only be called in sos_get_command_output().
Since sos_get_command_output() is not plugin aware, this method is
handed to that call to use as a polling method, to avoid passing the
entire plugin object.
Returns True if timeout has been hit, else False.
return self._timeout_hit
def name(cls):
"""Returns the plugin's name as a string. This should return a
lowercase string.
if cls.plugin_name:
return cls.plugin_name
return cls.__name__.lower()
def _format_msg(self, msg):
return "[plugin:%s] %s" % (, msg)
def _log_error(self, msg):
def _log_warn(self, msg):
def _log_info(self, msg):
def _log_debug(self, msg):
def join_sysroot(self, path):
if path[0] == os.sep:
path = path[1:]
return os.path.join(self.sysroot, path)
def strip_sysroot(self, path):
if not self.use_sysroot():
return path
if path.startswith(self.sysroot):
return path[len(self.sysroot):]
return path
def use_sysroot(self):
return self.sysroot != os.path.abspath(os.sep)
def tmp_in_sysroot(self):
paths = [self.sysroot, self.archive.get_tmp_dir()]
return os.path.commonprefix(paths) == self.sysroot
def is_installed(self, package_name):
"""Is the package $package_name installed?"""
return self.policy.pkg_by_name(package_name) is not None
def is_service(self, name):
"""Does the service $name exist on the system?"""
return self.policy.init_system.is_service(name)
def is_service_enabled(self, name):
"""Is the service $name enabled?"""
return self.policy.init_system.is_enabled(name)
def is_service_disabled(self, name):
"""Is the service $name disabled?"""
return self.policy.init_system.is_disabled(name)
def is_service_running(self, name):
"""Is the service $name currently running?"""
return self.policy.init_system.is_running(name)
def get_service_status(self, name):
"""Return the reported status for service $name"""
return self.policy.init_system.get_service_status(name)['status']
def get_service_names(self, regex):
"""Get all service names matching regex"""
return self.policy.init_system.get_service_names(regex)
def set_predicate(self, pred):
"""Set or clear the default predicate for this plugin.
self.predicate = pred
def set_cmd_predicate(self, pred):
"""Set or clear the default predicate for command collection
for this plugin. If set, this predecate takes precedence
over the `Plugin` default predicate for command and journal
data collection.
self.cmd_predicate = pred
def get_predicate(self, cmd=False, pred=None):
"""Get the current default `Plugin` or command predicate. If the
`cmd` argument is `True`, the current command predicate is
returned if set, otherwise the default `Plugin` predicate
will be returned (which may be `None`).
If no default predicate is set and a `pred` value is passed
it will be returned.
if pred is not None:
return pred
if cmd and self.cmd_predicate is not None:
return self.cmd_predicate
return self.predicate
def test_predicate(self, cmd=False, pred=None):
"""Test the current predicate and return its value.
:param cmd: ``True`` if the predicate is gating a command or
``False`` otherwise.
:param pred: An optional predicate to override the current
``Plugin`` or command predicate.
pred = self.get_predicate(cmd=cmd, pred=pred)
if pred is not None:
return bool(pred)
return False
def log_skipped_cmd(self, pred, cmd, kmods=False, services=False,
"""Log that a command was skipped due to predicate evaluation.
Emit a warning message indicating that a command was skipped due
to predicate evaluation. If ``kmods`` or ``services`` are ``True``
then the list of expected kernel modules or services will be
included in the log message. If ``allow_changes`` is ``True`` a
message indicating that the missing data can be collected by using
the "--allow-system-changes" command line option will be included.
msg = "skipped command '%s': %s" % (cmd, pred.report_failure())
if changes:
msg += " Use '--allow-system-changes' to enable collection."
def do_cmd_private_sub(self, cmd, desc=""):
"""Remove certificate and key output archived by sosreport. cmd
is the command name from which output is collected (i.e. exlcuding
parameters). Any matching instances are replaced with: '-----SCRUBBED'
and this function does not take a regexp or substituting string.
This function returns the number of replacements made.
if not self.executed_commands:
return 0
self._log_debug("Scrubbing certs and keys for commands matching %s"
% (cmd))
replace = "%s %s" % (_cert_replace, desc) if desc else _cert_replace
return self.do_cmd_output_sub(cmd, _certmatch, replace)
def do_cmd_output_sub(self, cmd, regexp, subst):
"""Apply a regexp substitution to command output archived by sosreport.
cmd is the command name from which output is collected (i.e. excluding
parameters). The regexp can be a string or a compiled re object. The
substitution string, subst, is a string that replaces each occurrence
of regexp in each file collected from cmd. Internally 'cmd' is treated
as a glob with a leading and trailing '*' and each matching file from
the current module's command list is subjected to the replacement.
This function returns the number of replacements made.
globstr = '*' + cmd + '*'
pattern = regexp.pattern if hasattr(regexp, "pattern") else regexp
self._log_debug("substituting '%s' for '%s' in commands matching '%s'"
% (subst, pattern, globstr))
if not self.executed_commands:
return 0
replacements = None
for called in self.executed_commands:
# was anything collected?
if called['file'] is None:
if called['binary'] == 'yes':
self._log_warn("Cannot apply regex substitution to binary"
" output: '%s'" % called['exe'])
if fnmatch.fnmatch(called['cmd'], globstr):
path = os.path.join(self.commons['cmddir'], called['file'])
self._log_debug("applying substitution to '%s'" % path)
readable = self.archive.open_file(path)
result, replacements = re.subn(
regexp, subst,
if replacements:
self.archive.add_string(result, path)
except Exception as e:
msg = "regex substitution failed for '%s' with: '%s'"
self._log_error(msg % (called['exe'], e))
replacements = None
return replacements
def do_file_private_sub(self, pathregex, desc=""):
"""Scrub certificate/key/etc information from files collected by sos.
Files matching the provided pathregex are searched for content that
resembles certificate, ssh keys, or similar information. Any matches
are replaced with "-----SCRUBBED $desc" where `desc` is a description
of the specific type of content being replaced, e.g.
"-----SCRUBBED RSA PRIVATE KEY" so that support representatives can
at least be informed of what type of content it was originally.
Positional arguments:
:param pathregex: A string or regex of a filename to match against
:param desc: A description of the replaced content
self._log_debug("Scrubbing certs and keys for paths matching %s"
% pathregex)
match = re.compile(pathregex).match
replace = "%s %s" % (_cert_replace, desc) if desc else _cert_replace
file_list = [f for f in self.copied_files if match(f['srcpath'])]
for i in file_list:
path = i['dstpath']
if not path:
self.do_file_sub(path, _certmatch, replace)
def do_file_sub(self, srcpath, regexp, subst):
"""Apply a regexp substitution to a file archived by sosreport.
srcpath is the path in the archive where the file can be found. regexp
can be a regexp string or a compiled re object. subst is a string to
replace each occurance of regexp in the content of srcpath.
This function returns the number of replacements made.
path = self._get_dest_for_srcpath(srcpath)
pattern = regexp.pattern if hasattr(regexp, "pattern") else regexp
self._log_debug("substituting scrpath '%s'" % srcpath)
self._log_debug("substituting '%s' for '%s' in '%s'"
% (subst, pattern, path))
if not path:
return 0
readable = self.archive.open_file(path)
content =
if not isinstance(content, six.string_types):
content = content.decode('utf8', 'ignore')
result, replacements = re.subn(regexp, subst, content)
if replacements:
self.archive.add_string(result, srcpath)
replacements = 0
except (OSError, IOError) as e:
# if trying to regexp a nonexisting file, dont log it as an
# error to stdout
if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
msg = "file '%s' not collected, substitution skipped"
self._log_debug(msg % path)
msg = "regex substitution failed for '%s' with: '%s'"
self._log_error(msg % (path, e))
replacements = 0
return replacements
def do_path_regex_sub(self, pathexp, regexp, subst):
"""Apply a regexp substituation to a set of files archived by
sos. The set of files to be substituted is generated by matching
collected file pathnames against pathexp which may be a regular
expression string or compiled re object. The portion of the file
to be replaced is specified via regexp and the replacement string
is passed in subst."""
if not hasattr(pathexp, "match"):
pathexp = re.compile(pathexp)
match = pathexp.match
file_list = [f for f in self.copied_files if match(f['srcpath'])]
for file in file_list:
self.do_file_sub(file['srcpath'], regexp, subst)
def do_regex_find_all(self, regex, fname):
return regex_findall(regex, fname)
def _copy_symlink(self, srcpath):
# the target stored in the original symlink
linkdest = os.readlink(srcpath)
dest = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(srcpath), linkdest)
# Absolute path to the link target. If SYSROOT != '/' this path
# is relative to the host root file system.
absdest = os.path.normpath(dest)
# adjust the target used inside the report to always be relative
if os.path.isabs(linkdest):
# Canonicalize the link target path to avoid additional levels
# of symbolic links (that would affect the path nesting level).
realdir = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(srcpath))
reldest = os.path.relpath(linkdest, start=realdir)
# trim leading /sysroot
if self.use_sysroot():
reldest = reldest[len(os.sep + os.pardir):]
self._log_debug("made link target '%s' relative as '%s'"
% (linkdest, reldest))
reldest = linkdest
self._log_debug("copying link '%s' pointing to '%s' with isdir=%s"
% (srcpath, linkdest, os.path.isdir(absdest)))
dstpath = self.strip_sysroot(srcpath)
# use the relative target path in the tarball
self.archive.add_link(reldest, dstpath)
if os.path.isdir(absdest):
self._log_debug("link '%s' is a directory, skipping..." % linkdest)
self.copied_files.append({'srcpath': srcpath,
'dstpath': dstpath,
'symlink': "yes",
'pointsto': linkdest})
# Check for indirect symlink loops by stat()ing the next step
# in the link chain.
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == 40:
self._log_debug("link '%s' is part of a file system "
"loop, skipping target..." % dstpath)
# copy the symlink target translating relative targets
# to absolute paths to pass to _do_copy_path.
self._log_debug("normalized link target '%s' as '%s'"
% (linkdest, absdest))
# skip recursive copying of symlink pointing to itself.
if (absdest != srcpath):
self._log_debug("link '%s' points to itself, skipping target..."
% linkdest)
def _copy_dir(self, srcpath):
for name in os.listdir(srcpath):
self._log_debug("recursively adding '%s' from '%s'"
% (name, srcpath))
path = os.path.join(srcpath, name)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == errno.EPERM or errno.EACCES:
msg = "Permission denied"
self._log_warn("_copy_dir: '%s' %s" % (srcpath, msg))
if e.errno == errno.ELOOP:
msg = "Too many levels of symbolic links copying"
self._log_error("_copy_dir: %s '%s'" % (msg, srcpath))
def _get_dest_for_srcpath(self, srcpath):
if self.use_sysroot():
srcpath = self.join_sysroot(srcpath)
for copied in self.copied_files:
if srcpath == copied["srcpath"]:
return copied["dstpath"]
return None
def _is_forbidden_path(self, path):
return _path_in_path_list(path, self.forbidden_paths)
def _copy_node(self, path, st):
dev_maj = os.major(st.st_rdev)
dev_min = os.minor(st.st_rdev)
mode = st.st_mode
self.archive.add_node(path, mode, os.makedev(dev_maj, dev_min))
# Methods for copying files and shelling out
def _do_copy_path(self, srcpath, dest=None):
"""Copy file or directory to the destination tree. If a directory, then
everything below it is recursively copied. A list of copied files are
saved for use later in preparing a report.
if self._timeout_hit:
if self._is_forbidden_path(srcpath):
self._log_debug("skipping forbidden path '%s'" % srcpath)
return ''
if not dest:
dest = srcpath
if self.use_sysroot():
dest = self.strip_sysroot(dest)
st = os.lstat(srcpath)
except (OSError, IOError):
self._log_info("failed to stat '%s'" % srcpath)
if stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode):
if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) and os.access(srcpath, os.R_OK):
# copy empty directory
if not os.listdir(srcpath):
# handle special nodes (block, char, fifo, socket)
if not (stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode) or stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)):
ntype = _node_type(st)
self._log_debug("creating %s node at archive:'%s'"
% (ntype, dest))
self._copy_node(dest, st)
# if we get here, it's definitely a regular file (not a symlink or dir)
self._log_debug("copying path '%s' to archive:'%s'" % (srcpath, dest))
# if not readable(srcpath)
if not st.st_mode & 0o444:
# FIXME: reflect permissions in archive
self.archive.add_string("", dest)
self.archive.add_file(srcpath, dest)
'srcpath': srcpath,
'dstpath': dest,
'symlink': "no"
def add_forbidden_path(self, forbidden):
"""Specify a path, or list of paths, to not copy, even if it's
part of a copy_specs[] entry.
if isinstance(forbidden, six.string_types):
forbidden = [forbidden]
if self.use_sysroot():
forbidden = [self.join_sysroot(f) for f in forbidden]
for forbid in forbidden:
self._log_info("adding forbidden path '%s'" % forbid)
for path in glob.glob(forbid):
def get_all_options(self):
"""return a list of all options selected"""
return (self.opt_names, self.opt_parms)
def set_option(self, optionname, value):
"""Set the named option to value. Ensure the original type
of the option value is preserved.
for name, parms in zip(self.opt_names, self.opt_parms):
if name == optionname:
# FIXME: ensure that the resulting type of the set option
# matches that of the default value. This prevents a string
# option from being coerced to int simply because it holds
# a numeric value (e.g. a password).
# See PR #1526 and Issue #1597
defaulttype = type(parms['enabled'])
if defaulttype != type(value) and defaulttype != type(None):
value = (defaulttype)(value)
parms['enabled'] = value
return True
return False
def get_option(self, optionname, default=0):
"""Returns the first value that matches 'optionname' in parameters
passed in via the command line or set via set_option or via the
global_plugin_options dictionary, in that order.
optionaname may be iterable, in which case the first option that
matches any of the option names is returned.
global_options = (
'all_logs', 'allow_system_changes', 'log_size', 'plugin_timeout',
'since', 'verify'
if optionname in global_options:
return getattr(self.commons['cmdlineopts'], optionname)
for name, parms in zip(self.opt_names, self.opt_parms):
if name == optionname:
val = parms['enabled']
if val is not None:
return val
return default
def get_option_as_list(self, optionname, delimiter=",", default=None):
"""Will try to return the option as a list separated by the
option = self.get_option(optionname)
opt_list = [opt.strip() for opt in option.split(delimiter)]
return list(filter(None, opt_list))
except Exception:
return default
def _add_copy_paths(self, copy_paths):
def add_copy_spec(self, copyspecs, sizelimit=None, maxage=None,
tailit=True, pred=None):
"""Add a file or glob but limit it to sizelimit megabytes. Collect
files with mtime not older than maxage hours.
If fname is a single file the file will be tailed to meet sizelimit.
If the first file in a glob is too large it will be tailed to meet
the sizelimit.
since = None
if self.get_option('since'):
since = self.get_option('since')
logarchive_pattern = re.compile(r'.*((\.(zip|gz|bz2|xz))|[-.][\d]+)$')
configfile_pattern = re.compile(r"^%s/*" % self.join_sysroot("etc"))
if not self.test_predicate(pred=pred):
self._log_info("skipped copy spec '%s' due to predicate (%s)" %
(copyspecs, self.get_predicate(pred=pred)))
if sizelimit is None:
sizelimit = self.get_option("log_size")
if self.get_option('all_logs'):
sizelimit = None
if sizelimit:
sizelimit *= 1024 * 1024 # in MB
if not copyspecs:
return False
if isinstance(copyspecs, six.string_types):
copyspecs = [copyspecs]
for copyspec in copyspecs:
if not (copyspec and len(copyspec)):
return False
if self.use_sysroot():
copyspec = self.join_sysroot(copyspec)
files = self._expand_copy_spec(copyspec)
if len(files) == 0:
# Files hould be sorted in most-recently-modified order, so that
# we collect the newest data first before reaching the limit.
def getmtime(path):
return os.path.getmtime(path)
except OSError:
return 0
def time_filter(path):
""" When --since is passed, or maxage is coming from the
plugin, we need to filter out older files """
# skip config files or not-logarchive files from the filter
if (( is None) or
( is not None)):
return True
filetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(getmtime(path))
if ((since and filetime < since) or
(maxage and (time()-filetime < maxage*3600))):
return False
return True
if since or maxage:
files = list(filter(lambda f: time_filter(f), files))
files.sort(key=getmtime, reverse=True)
current_size = 0
limit_reached = False
for _file in files:
if _file in self.copy_paths:
self._log_debug("skipping redundant file '%s'" % _file)
if self._is_forbidden_path(_file):
self._log_debug("skipping forbidden path '%s'" % _file)
if limit_reached:
self._log_info("skipping '%s' over size limit" % _file)
filestat = os.stat(_file)
except OSError:
self._log_info("failed to stat '%s'" % _file)
current_size += filestat[stat.ST_SIZE]
if sizelimit and current_size > sizelimit:
limit_reached = True
if tailit and not _file_is_compressed(_file):
self._log_info("collecting tail of '%s' due to size "
"limit" % _file)
file_name = _file
if file_name[0] == os.sep:
file_name = file_name.lstrip(os.sep)
strfile = (
file_name.replace(os.path.sep, ".") + ".tailed"
self.add_string_as_file(tail(_file, sizelimit),
rel_path = os.path.relpath('/', os.path.dirname(_file))
link_path = os.path.join(rel_path, 'sos_strings',, strfile)
self.archive.add_link(link_path, _file)
self._log_info("skipping '%s' over size limit" % _file)
# size limit not hit, copy the file
def _add_cmd_output(self, **kwargs):
"""Internal helper to add a single command to the collection list."""
pred = kwargs.pop('pred') if 'pred' in kwargs else None
soscmd = SoSCommand(**kwargs)
self._log_debug("packed command: " + soscmd.__str__())
if self.test_predicate(cmd=True, pred=pred):
self._log_info("added cmd output '%s'" % soscmd.cmd)
self.log_skipped_cmd(pred, soscmd.cmd, kmods=bool(pred.kmods),
def add_cmd_output(self, cmds, suggest_filename=None,
root_symlink=None, timeout=cmd_timeout, stderr=True,
chroot=True, runat=None, env=None, binary=False,
sizelimit=None, pred=None, subdir=None,
changes=False, foreground=False):
"""Run a program or a list of programs and collect the output"""
if isinstance(cmds, six.string_types):
cmds = [cmds]
if len(cmds) > 1 and (suggest_filename or root_symlink):
self._log_warn("ambiguous filename or symlink for command list")
if sizelimit is None:
sizelimit = self.get_option("log_size")
if pred is None:
pred = self.get_predicate(cmd=True)
for cmd in cmds:
self._add_cmd_output(cmd=cmd, suggest_filename=suggest_filename,
root_symlink=root_symlink, timeout=timeout,
stderr=stderr, chroot=chroot, runat=runat,
env=env, binary=binary, sizelimit=sizelimit,
pred=pred, subdir=subdir,
changes=changes, foreground=foreground)
def get_cmd_output_path(self, name=None, make=True):
"""Return a path into which this module should store collected
command output
cmd_output_path = os.path.join(self.archive.get_tmp_dir(),
if name:
cmd_output_path = os.path.join(cmd_output_path, name)
if make:
return cmd_output_path
def file_grep(self, regexp, *fnames):
"""Returns lines matched in fnames, where fnames can either be
pathnames to files to grep through or open file objects to grep through
line by line.
return grep(regexp, *fnames)
def _mangle_command(self, exe):
name_max = self.archive.name_max()
return _mangle_command(exe, name_max)
def _make_command_filename(self, exe, subdir=None):
"""The internal function to build up a filename based on a command."""
plugin_dir =
if subdir:
# only allow a single level of subdir to be created
plugin_dir += "/%s" % subdir.split('/')[0]
outdir = os.path.join(self.commons['cmddir'], plugin_dir)
outfn = self._mangle_command(exe)
# check for collisions
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.archive.get_tmp_dir(),
outdir, outfn)):
inc = 1
name_max = self.archive.name_max()
while True:
suffix = ".%d" % inc
newfn = outfn
if name_max < len(newfn)+len(suffix):
newfn = newfn[:(name_max-len(newfn)-len(suffix))]
newfn = newfn + suffix
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.archive.get_tmp_dir(),
outdir, newfn)):
outfn = newfn
inc += 1
return os.path.join(outdir, outfn)
def add_env_var(self, name):
"""Add an environment variable to the list of to-be-collected env vars.
Accepts either a single variable name or a list of names. Any value
given will be added as provided to the method, as well as an upper-
and lower- cased version.
if not isinstance(name, list):
name = [name]
for env in name:
# get both upper and lower cased vars since a common support issue
# is setting the env vars to the wrong case, and if the plugin
# adds a mixed case variable name, still get that as well
self._env_vars.update([env, env.upper(), env.lower()])
def add_string_as_file(self, content, filename, pred=None):
"""Add a string to the archive as a file named `filename`"""
# Generate summary string for logging
summary = content.splitlines()[0] if content else ''
if not isinstance(summary, six.string_types):
summary = content.decode('utf8', 'ignore')
if not self.test_predicate(cmd=False, pred=pred):
self._log_info("skipped string ...'%s' due to predicate (%s)" %
(summary, self.get_predicate(pred=pred)))
self.copy_strings.append((content, filename))
self._log_debug("added string ...'%s' as '%s'" % (summary, filename))
def _collect_cmd_output(self, cmd, suggest_filename=None,
root_symlink=False, timeout=cmd_timeout,
stderr=True, chroot=True, runat=None, env=None,
binary=False, sizelimit=None, subdir=None,
changes=False, foreground=False):
"""Execute a command and save the output to a file for inclusion in the
Positional Arguments:
:param cmd: The command to run
Keyword Arguments:
:param suggest_filename: Filename to use when writing to the
:param root_symlink: Create a symlink in the archive root
:param timeout: Time in seconds to allow a cmd to run
:param stderr: Write stderr to stdout?
:param chroot: Perform chroot before running cmd?
:param runat: Run the command from this location,
overriding chroot
:param env: Dict of env vars to set for the cmd
:param binary: Is the output in binary?
:param sizelimit: Maximum size in MB of output to save
:param subdir: Subdir in plugin directory to save to
:param changes: Does this cmd potentially make a change
on the system?
:returns: dict containing status, output, and filename in the
archive for the executed cmd
if self._timeout_hit:
if chroot or self.commons['cmdlineopts'].chroot == 'always':
root = self.sysroot
root = None
start = time()
result = sos_get_command_output(
cmd, timeout=timeout, stderr=stderr, chroot=root,
chdir=runat, env=env, binary=binary, sizelimit=sizelimit,
poller=self.check_timeout, foreground=foreground
if result['status'] == 124:
"command '%s' timed out after %ds" % (cmd, timeout)
# command not found or not runnable
if result['status'] == 126 or result['status'] == 127:
# automatically retry chroot'ed commands in the host namespace
if root and root != '/':
if self.commons['cmdlineopts'].chroot != 'always':
self._log_info("command '%s' not found in %s - "
"re-trying in host root"
% (cmd.split()[0], root))
result = sos_get_command_output(
cmd, timeout=timeout, chroot=False, chdir=runat,
env=env, binary=binary, sizelimit=sizelimit,
self._log_debug("could not run '%s': command not found" % cmd)
# Exit here if the command was not found in the chroot check above
# as otherwise we will create a blank file in the archive
if result['status'] in [126, 127]:
return result
self._log_debug("collected output of '%s' in %s (changes=%s)"
% (cmd.split()[0], time() - start, changes))
if suggest_filename:
outfn = self._make_command_filename(suggest_filename, subdir)
outfn = self._make_command_filename(cmd, subdir)
outfn_strip = outfn[len(self.commons['cmddir'])+1:]
if binary:
self.archive.add_binary(result['output'], outfn)
self.archive.add_string(result['output'], outfn)
if root_symlink:
self.archive.add_link(outfn, root_symlink)
# save info for later
self.executed_commands.append({'cmd': cmd, 'file': outfn_strip,
'binary': 'yes' if binary else 'no'})
result['filename'] = (
os.path.join(self.archive.get_archive_path(), outfn) if outfn else
return result
def collect_cmd_output(self, cmd, suggest_filename=None,
root_symlink=False, timeout=cmd_timeout,
stderr=True, chroot=True, runat=None, env=None,
binary=False, sizelimit=None, pred=None,
"""Execute a command and save the output to a file for inclusion in the
if not self.test_predicate(cmd=True, pred=pred):
self._log_info("skipped cmd output '%s' due to predicate (%s)" %
(cmd, self.get_predicate(cmd=True, pred=pred)))
return {
'status': None, # don't match on if result['status'] checks
'output': '',
'filename': ''
return self._collect_cmd_output(
cmd, suggest_filename=suggest_filename, root_symlink=root_symlink,
timeout=timeout, stderr=stderr, chroot=chroot, runat=runat,
env=env, binary=binary, sizelimit=sizelimit, subdir=subdir
def exec_cmd(self, cmd, timeout=cmd_timeout, stderr=True, chroot=True,
runat=None, env=None, binary=False, pred=None,
"""Execute a command right now and return the output and status, but
do not save the output within the archive.
Use this method in a plugin's setup() if command output is needed to
build subsequent commands added to a report via add_cmd_output().
if not self.test_predicate(cmd=True, pred=pred):
return {
'status': None,
'output': ''
if chroot or self.commons['cmdlineopts'].chroot == 'always':
root = self.sysroot
root = None
return sos_get_command_output(cmd, timeout=timeout, chroot=root,
chdir=runat, binary=binary, env=env,
def is_module_loaded(self, module_name):
"""Return whether specified module as module_name is loaded or not"""
return module_name in self.policy.kernel_mods
# For adding output
def add_alert(self, alertstring):
"""Add an alert to the collection of alerts for this plugin. These
will be displayed in the report
def add_custom_text(self, text):
"""Append text to the custom text that is included in the report. This
is freeform and can include html.
self.custom_text += text
def add_service_status(self, services, **kwargs):
"""Collect service status information based on the InitSystem used.
:param services: A string, or list of strings, specifying the services
to collect
:param kwargs Optional arguments to pass to _add_cmd_output
(timeout, predicate, suggest_filename,..)
if isinstance(services, six.string_types):
services = [services]
query = self.policy.init_system.query_cmd
if not query:
# No policy defined InitSystem, cannot use add_service_status
self._log_debug('Cannot add service output, policy does not define'
' an InitSystem to use')
for service in services:
self._add_cmd_output(cmd="%s %s" % (query, service), **kwargs)
def add_journal(self, units=None, boot=None, since=None, until=None,
lines=None, allfields=False, output=None,
timeout=cmd_timeout, identifier=None, catalog=None,
sizelimit=None, pred=None):
"""Collect journald logs from one of more units.
:param units: A string, or list of strings specifying the
systemd units for which journal entries will be
:param boot: A string selecting a boot index using the
journalctl syntax. The special values 'this' and
'last' are also accepted.
:param since: A string representation of the start time for
journal messages.
:param until: A string representation of the end time for
journal messages.
:param lines: The maximum number of lines to be collected.
:param allfields: A bool. Include all journal fields
regardless of size or non-printable
:param output: A journalctl output control string, for
example "verbose".
:param timeout: An optional timeout in seconds.
:param identifier: An optional message identifier.
:param catalog: Bool. If True, augment lines with descriptions
from the system catalog.
:param sizelimit: Limit to the size of output returned in MB.
Defaults to the value of --log-size.
journal_cmd = "journalctl --no-pager "
unit_opt = " --unit %s"
boot_opt = " --boot %s"
since_opt = " --since '%s'"
until_opt = " --until %s"
lines_opt = " --lines %s"
output_opt = " --output %s"
identifier_opt = " --identifier %s"
catalog_opt = " --catalog"
journal_size = 100
all_logs = self.get_option("all_logs")
log_size = sizelimit or self.get_option("log_size")
log_size = max(log_size, journal_size) if not all_logs else 0
if isinstance(units, six.string_types):
units = [units]
if units:
for unit in units:
journal_cmd += unit_opt % unit
if identifier:
journal_cmd += identifier_opt % identifier
if catalog:
journal_cmd += catalog_opt
if allfields:
journal_cmd += " --all"
if boot:
if boot == "this":
boot = ""
if boot == "last":
boot = "-1"
journal_cmd += boot_opt % boot
if since:
journal_cmd += since_opt % since
if until:
journal_cmd += until_opt % until
if lines:
journal_cmd += lines_opt % lines
if output:
journal_cmd += output_opt % output
self._log_debug("collecting journal: %s" % journal_cmd)
self._add_cmd_output(cmd=journal_cmd, timeout=timeout,
sizelimit=log_size, pred=pred)
def add_udev_info(self, device, attrs=False):
"""Collect udevadm info output for a given device
:param device: A string or list of strings of device names or sysfs
paths. E.G. either '/sys/class/scsi_host/host0' or
'/dev/sda' is valid.
:param attrs: If True, run udevadm with the --attribute-walk option.
udev_cmd = 'udevadm info'
if attrs:
udev_cmd += ' -a'
if isinstance(device, six.string_types):
device = [device]
for dev in device:
self._log_debug("collecting udev info for: %s" % dev)
self._add_cmd_output(cmd='%s %s' % (udev_cmd, dev))
def _expand_copy_spec(self, copyspec):
return glob.glob(copyspec)
def _collect_copy_specs(self):
for path in self.copy_paths:
self._log_info("collecting path '%s'" % path)
def _collect_cmds(self):
for soscmd in self.collect_cmds:
self._log_debug("unpacked command: " + soscmd.__str__())
self._log_info("collecting output of '%s'" % soscmd.cmd)
def _collect_strings(self):
for string, file_name in self.copy_strings:
if self._timeout_hit:
content = ''
if string:
content = string.splitlines()[0]
if not isinstance(content, six.string_types):
content = content.decode('utf8', 'ignore')
self._log_info("collecting string ...'%s' as '%s'"
% (content, file_name))
except Exception as e:
self._log_debug("could not add string '%s': %s"
% (file_name, e))
def collect(self):
"""Collect the data for a plugin."""
start = time()
fields = (, time() - start)
self._log_debug("collected plugin '%s' in %s" % fields)
def get_description(self):
""" This function will return the description for the plugin"""
if hasattr(self, '__doc__') and self.__doc__:
return self.__doc__.strip()
return super(self.__class__, self).__doc__.strip()
except Exception:
return "<no description available>"
def check_enabled(self):
"""This method will be used to verify that a plugin should execute
given the condition of the underlying environment.
The default implementation will return True if none of class.files,
class.packages, nor class.commands is specified. If any of these is
specified the plugin will check for the existence of any of the
corresponding paths, packages or commands and return True if any
are present.
For SCLPlugin subclasses, it will check whether the plugin can be run
for any of installed SCLs. If so, it will store names of these SCLs
on the plugin class in addition to returning True.
For plugins with more complex enablement checks this method may be
# some files or packages have been specified for this package
if any([self.files, self.packages, self.commands, self.kernel_mods,, self.architectures]):
if isinstance(self.files, six.string_types):
self.files = [self.files]
if isinstance(self.packages, six.string_types):
self.packages = [self.packages]
if isinstance(self.commands, six.string_types):
self.commands = [self.commands]
if isinstance(self.kernel_mods, six.string_types):
self.kernel_mods = [self.kernel_mods]
if isinstance(, six.string_types): = []
if isinstance(self, SCLPlugin):
# save SCLs that match files or packages
type(self)._scls_matched = []
for scl in self._get_scls():
files = [f % {"scl_name": scl} for f in self.files]
packages = [p % {"scl_name": scl} for p in self.packages]
commands = [c % {"scl_name": scl} for c in self.commands]
services = [s % {"scl_name": scl} for s in]
if self._check_plugin_triggers(files,
return len(type(self)._scls_matched) > 0
return self._check_plugin_triggers(self.files,
if isinstance(self, SCLPlugin):
# if files and packages weren't specified, we take all SCLs
type(self)._scls_matched = self._get_scls()
return True
def _check_plugin_triggers(self, files, packages, commands, services):
return ((any(os.path.exists(fname) for fname in files) or
any(self.is_installed(pkg) for pkg in packages) or
any(is_executable(cmd) for cmd in commands) or
any(self.is_module_loaded(mod) for mod in self.kernel_mods) or
any(self.is_service(svc) for svc in services)) and
def check_is_architecture(self):
"""Checks whether or not the system is running on an architecture that
the plugin allows. If not architecture is set, assume plugin can run
on all arches.
if self.architectures is None:
return True
regex = '(?:%s)' % '|'.join(self.architectures)
return re.match(regex, self.policy.get_arch())
def default_enabled(self):
"""This decides whether a plugin should be automatically loaded or
only if manually specified in the command line."""
return True
def add_default_collections(self):
"""Based on the class attrs defined for plugin enablement, add a
standardized set of collections before we call the plugin's own setup()
# For any service used for enablement checks, collect its current
# status if it exists
for service in
if self.is_service(service):
def setup(self):
"""Collect the list of files declared by the plugin. This method
may be overridden to add further copy_specs, forbidden_paths, and
external programs if required.
def setup_verify(self):
if not hasattr(self, "verify_packages") or not self.verify_packages:
if hasattr(self, "packages") and self.packages:
# Limit automatic verification to only the named packages
self.verify_packages = [p + "$" for p in self.packages]
pm = self.policy.package_manager
verify_cmd = pm.build_verify_command(self.verify_packages)
if verify_cmd:
def postproc(self):
"""Perform any postprocessing. To be replaced by a plugin if required.
def check_process_by_name(self, process):
"""Checks if a named process is found in /proc/[0-9]*/cmdline.
Returns either True or False."""
status = False
cmd_line_glob = "/proc/[0-9]*/cmdline"
cmd_line_paths = glob.glob(cmd_line_glob)
for path in cmd_line_paths:
f = open(path, 'r')
cmd_line =
if process in cmd_line:
status = True
except IOError as e:
return False
return status
def get_process_pids(self, process):
"""Returns PIDs of all processes with process name.
If the process doesn't exist, returns an empty list"""
pids = []
cmd_line_glob = "/proc/[0-9]*/cmdline"
cmd_line_paths = glob.glob(cmd_line_glob)
for path in cmd_line_paths:
with open(path, 'r') as f:
cmd_line =
if process in cmd_line:
except IOError as e:
return pids
class RedHatPlugin(object):
"""Tagging class for Red Hat's Linux distributions"""
class SCLPlugin(RedHatPlugin):
"""Superclass for plugins operating on Software Collections (SCLs).
Subclasses of this plugin class can specify class.files and class.packages
using "%(scl_name)s" interpolation. The plugin invoking mechanism will try
to match these against all found SCLs on the system. SCLs that do match
class.files or class.packages are then accessible via self.scls_matched
when the plugin is invoked.
Additionally, this plugin class provides "add_cmd_output_scl" (run
a command in context of given SCL), and "add_copy_spec_scl" and
"add_copy_spec_limit_scl" (copy package from file system of given SCL).
For example, you can implement a plugin that will list all global npm
packages in every SCL that contains "npm" package:
class SCLNpmPlugin(Plugin, SCLPlugin):
packages = ("%(scl_name)s-npm",)
def setup(self):
for scl in self.scls_matched:
self.add_cmd_output_scl(scl, "npm ls -g --json")
def scls_matched(self):
if not hasattr(type(self), '_scls_matched'):
type(self)._scls_matched = []
return type(self)._scls_matched
def _get_scls(self):
output = sos_get_command_output("scl -l")["output"]
return [scl.strip() for scl in output.splitlines()]
def convert_cmd_scl(self, scl, cmd):
"""wrapping command in "scl enable" call and adds proper PATH
# load default SCL prefix to PATH
prefix = self.policy.get_default_scl_prefix()
# read prefix from /etc/scl/prefixes/${scl} and strip trailing '\n'
prefix = open('/etc/scl/prefixes/%s' % scl, 'r').read()\
except Exception as e:
self._log_error("Failed to find prefix for SCL %s, using %s"
% (scl, prefix))
# expand PATH by equivalent prefixes under the SCL tree
path = os.environ["PATH"]
for p in path.split(':'):
path = '%s/%s%s:%s' % (prefix, scl, p, path)
scl_cmd = "scl enable %s \"PATH=%s %s\"" % (scl, path, cmd)
return scl_cmd
def add_cmd_output_scl(self, scl, cmds, **kwargs):
"""Same as add_cmd_output, except that it wraps command in
"scl enable" call and sets proper PATH.
if isinstance(cmds, six.string_types):
cmds = [cmds]
scl_cmds = []
for cmd in cmds:
scl_cmds.append(self.convert_cmd_scl(scl, cmd))
self.add_cmd_output(scl_cmds, **kwargs)
# config files for Software Collections are under /etc/${prefix}/${scl} and
# var files are under /var/${prefix}/${scl} where the ${prefix} is distro
# specific path. So we need to insert the paths after the appropriate root
# dir.
def convert_copyspec_scl(self, scl, copyspec):
scl_prefix = self.policy.get_default_scl_prefix()
for rootdir in ['etc', 'var']:
p = re.compile('^/%s/' % rootdir)
copyspec = p.sub('/%s/%s/%s/' % (rootdir, scl_prefix, scl),
return copyspec
def add_copy_spec_scl(self, scl, copyspecs):
"""Same as add_copy_spec, except that it prepends path to SCL root
to "copyspecs".
if isinstance(copyspecs, six.string_types):
copyspecs = [copyspecs]
scl_copyspecs = []
for copyspec in copyspecs:
scl_copyspecs.append(self.convert_copyspec_scl(scl, copyspec))
def add_copy_spec_limit_scl(self, scl, copyspec, **kwargs):
"""Same as add_copy_spec_limit, except that it prepends path to SCL
root to "copyspec".
self.convert_copyspec_scl(scl, copyspec),
class PowerKVMPlugin(RedHatPlugin):
"""Tagging class for IBM PowerKVM Linux"""
class ZKVMPlugin(RedHatPlugin):
"""Tagging class for IBM ZKVM Linux"""
class UbuntuPlugin(object):
"""Tagging class for Ubuntu Linux"""
class DebianPlugin(object):
"""Tagging class for Debian Linux"""
class SuSEPlugin(object):
"""Tagging class for SuSE Linux distributions"""
class IndependentPlugin(object):
"""Tagging class for plugins that can run on any platform"""
class ExperimentalPlugin(object):
"""Tagging class that indicates that this plugin is experimental"""
def import_plugin(name, superclasses=None):
"""Import name as a module and return a list of all classes defined in that
module. superclasses should be a tuple of valid superclasses to import,
this defaults to (Plugin,).
plugin_fqname = "sos.plugins.%s" % name
if not superclasses:
superclasses = (Plugin,)
return import_module(plugin_fqname, superclasses)
# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]