Shell File Manager
# Copyright (C) 2017 Canonical Ltd.
# Author: Chad Smith <[email protected]>
# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
import configobj
import logging
import os
import re
import signal
import time
from import (
EphemeralIPv4Network, find_fallback_nic, get_devicelist,
from import mask_and_ipv4_to_bcast_addr as bcip
from cloudinit import temp_utils
from cloudinit import util
from six import StringIO
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
NETWORKD_LEASES_DIR = '/run/systemd/netif/leases'
class InvalidDHCPLeaseFileError(Exception):
"""Raised when parsing an empty or invalid dhcp.leases file.
Current uses are DataSourceAzure and DataSourceEc2 during ephemeral
boot to scrape metadata.
class NoDHCPLeaseError(Exception):
"""Raised when unable to get a DHCP lease."""
class EphemeralDHCPv4(object):
def __init__(self, iface=None, connectivity_url=None):
self.iface = iface
self._ephipv4 = None = None
self.connectivity_url = connectivity_url
def __enter__(self):
"""Setup sandboxed dhcp context, unless connectivity_url can already be
if self.connectivity_url:
if has_url_connectivity(self.connectivity_url):
'Skip ephemeral DHCP setup, instance has connectivity'
' to %s', self.connectivity_url)
return self.obtain_lease()
def __exit__(self, excp_type, excp_value, excp_traceback):
"""Teardown sandboxed dhcp context."""
def clean_network(self):
"""Exit _ephipv4 context to teardown of ip configuration performed."""
if = None
if not self._ephipv4:
self._ephipv4.__exit__(None, None, None)
def obtain_lease(self):
"""Perform dhcp discovery in a sandboxed environment if possible.
@return: A dict representing dhcp options on the most recent lease
obtained from the dhclient discovery if run, otherwise an error
is raised.
@raises: NoDHCPLeaseError if no leases could be obtained.
leases = maybe_perform_dhcp_discovery(self.iface)
except InvalidDHCPLeaseFileError:
raise NoDHCPLeaseError()
if not leases:
raise NoDHCPLeaseError() = leases[-1]
LOG.debug("Received dhcp lease on %s for %s/%s",['interface'],['fixed-address'],['subnet-mask'])
nmap = {'interface': 'interface', 'ip': 'fixed-address',
'prefix_or_mask': 'subnet-mask',
'broadcast': 'broadcast-address',
'static_routes': [
'router': 'routers'}
kwargs = self.extract_dhcp_options_mapping(nmap)
if not kwargs['broadcast']:
kwargs['broadcast'] = bcip(kwargs['prefix_or_mask'], kwargs['ip'])
if kwargs['static_routes']:
kwargs['static_routes'] = (
if self.connectivity_url:
kwargs['connectivity_url'] = self.connectivity_url
ephipv4 = EphemeralIPv4Network(**kwargs)
self._ephipv4 = ephipv4
def extract_dhcp_options_mapping(self, nmap):
result = {}
for internal_reference, lease_option_names in nmap.items():
if isinstance(lease_option_names, list):
result[internal_reference] =
return result
def get_first_option_value(self, internal_mapping,
lease_option_names, result):
for different_names in lease_option_names:
if not result.get(internal_mapping):
result[internal_mapping] =
def maybe_perform_dhcp_discovery(nic=None):
"""Perform dhcp discovery if nic valid and dhclient command exists.
If the nic is invalid or undiscoverable or dhclient command is not found,
skip dhcp_discovery and return an empty dict.
@param nic: Name of the network interface we want to run dhclient on.
@return: A list of dicts representing dhcp options for each lease obtained
from the dhclient discovery if run, otherwise an empty list is
if nic is None:
nic = find_fallback_nic()
if nic is None:
LOG.debug('Skip dhcp_discovery: Unable to find fallback nic.')
return []
elif nic not in get_devicelist():
'Skip dhcp_discovery: nic %s not found in get_devicelist.', nic)
return []
dhclient_path = util.which('dhclient')
if not dhclient_path:
LOG.debug('Skip dhclient configuration: No dhclient command found.')
return []
with temp_utils.tempdir(rmtree_ignore_errors=True,
needs_exe=True) as tdir:
# Use /var/tmp because /run/cloud-init/tmp is mounted noexec
return dhcp_discovery(dhclient_path, nic, tdir)
def parse_dhcp_lease_file(lease_file):
"""Parse the given dhcp lease file for the most recent lease.
Return a list of dicts of dhcp options. Each dict contains key value pairs
a specific lease in order from oldest to newest.
@raises: InvalidDHCPLeaseFileError on empty of unparseable leasefile
lease_regex = re.compile(r"lease {(?P<lease>[^}]*)}\n")
dhcp_leases = []
lease_content = util.load_file(lease_file)
if len(lease_content) == 0:
raise InvalidDHCPLeaseFileError(
'Cannot parse empty dhcp lease file {0}'.format(lease_file))
for lease in lease_regex.findall(lease_content):
lease_options = []
for line in lease.split(';'):
# Strip newlines, double-quotes and option prefix
line = line.strip().replace('"', '').replace('option ', '')
if not line:
lease_options.append(line.split(' ', 1))
if not dhcp_leases:
raise InvalidDHCPLeaseFileError(
'Cannot parse dhcp lease file {0}. No leases found'.format(
return dhcp_leases
def dhcp_discovery(dhclient_cmd_path, interface, cleandir):
"""Run dhclient on the interface without scripts or filesystem artifacts.
@param dhclient_cmd_path: Full path to the dhclient used.
@param interface: Name of the network inteface on which to dhclient.
@param cleandir: The directory from which to run dhclient as well as store
dhcp leases.
@return: A list of dicts of representing the dhcp leases parsed from the
dhcp.leases file or empty list.
LOG.debug('Performing a dhcp discovery on %s', interface)
# XXX We copy dhclient out of /sbin/dhclient to avoid dealing with strict
# app armor profiles which disallow running dhclient -sf <our-script-file>.
# We want to avoid running /sbin/dhclient-script because of side-effects in
# /etc/resolv.conf any any other vendor specific scripts in
# /etc/dhcp/dhclient*hooks.d.
sandbox_dhclient_cmd = os.path.join(cleandir, 'dhclient')
util.copy(dhclient_cmd_path, sandbox_dhclient_cmd)
pid_file = os.path.join(cleandir, '')
lease_file = os.path.join(cleandir, 'dhcp.leases')
# In some cases files in /var/tmp may not be executable, launching dhclient
# from there will certainly raise 'Permission denied' error. Try launching
# the original dhclient instead.
if not os.access(sandbox_dhclient_cmd, os.X_OK):
sandbox_dhclient_cmd = dhclient_cmd_path
# ISC dhclient needs the interface up to send initial discovery packets.
# Generally dhclient relies on dhclient-script PREINIT action to bring the
# link up before attempting discovery. Since we are using -sf /bin/true,
# we need to do that "link up" ourselves first.
util.subp(['ip', 'link', 'set', 'dev', interface, 'up'], capture=True)
cmd = [sandbox_dhclient_cmd, '-1', '-v', '-lf', lease_file,
'-pf', pid_file, interface, '-sf', '/bin/true']
util.subp(cmd, capture=True)
# Wait for pid file and lease file to appear, and for the process
# named by the pid file to daemonize (have pid 1 as its parent). If we
# try to read the lease file before daemonization happens, we might try
# to read it before the dhclient has actually written it. We also have
# to wait until the dhclient has become a daemon so we can be sure to
# kill the correct process, thus freeing cleandir to be deleted back
# up the callstack.
missing = util.wait_for_files(
[pid_file, lease_file], maxwait=5, naplen=0.01)
if missing:
LOG.warning("dhclient did not produce expected files: %s",
', '.join(os.path.basename(f) for f in missing))
return []
ppid = 'unknown'
for _ in range(0, 1000):
pid_content = util.load_file(pid_file).strip()
pid = int(pid_content)
except ValueError:
ppid = util.get_proc_ppid(pid)
if ppid == 1:
LOG.debug('killing dhclient with pid=%s', pid)
os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
return parse_dhcp_lease_file(lease_file)
'dhclient(pid=%s, parentpid=%s) failed to daemonize after %s seconds',
pid_content, ppid, 0.01 * 1000
return parse_dhcp_lease_file(lease_file)
def networkd_parse_lease(content):
"""Parse a systemd lease file content as in /run/systemd/netif/leases/
Parse this (almost) ini style file even though it says:
# This is private data. Do not parse.
Simply return a dictionary of key/values."""
return dict(configobj.ConfigObj(StringIO(content), list_values=False))
def networkd_load_leases(leases_d=None):
"""Return a dictionary of dictionaries representing each lease
found in lease_d.i
The top level key will be the filename, which is typically the ifindex."""
if leases_d is None:
ret = {}
if not os.path.isdir(leases_d):
return ret
for lfile in os.listdir(leases_d):
ret[lfile] = networkd_parse_lease(
util.load_file(os.path.join(leases_d, lfile)))
return ret
def networkd_get_option_from_leases(keyname, leases_d=None):
if leases_d is None:
leases = networkd_load_leases(leases_d=leases_d)
for _ifindex, data in sorted(leases.items()):
if data.get(keyname):
return data[keyname]
return None
def parse_static_routes(rfc3442):
""" parse rfc3442 format and return a list containing tuple of strings.
The tuple is composed of the network_address (including net length) and
gateway for a parsed static route. It can parse two formats of rfc3442,
one from dhcpcd and one from dhclient (isc).
@param rfc3442: string in rfc3442 format (isc or dhcpd)
@returns: list of tuple(str, str) for all valid parsed routes until the
first parsing error.
("", ""), ("", "")
sr2 = parse_static_routes(",0")
sr2 = [
("", ""), ("", "")
Python version of isc-dhclient's hooks:
# raw strings from dhcp lease may end in semi-colon
rfc3442 = rfc3442.rstrip(";")
tokens = [tok for tok in re.split(r"[, .]", rfc3442) if tok]
static_routes = []
def _trunc_error(cidr, required, remain):
msg = ("RFC3442 string malformed. Current route has CIDR of %s "
"and requires %s significant octets, but only %s remain. "
"Verify DHCP rfc3442-classless-static-routes value: %s"
% (cidr, required, remain, rfc3442))
current_idx = 0
for idx, tok in enumerate(tokens):
if idx < current_idx:
net_length = int(tok)
if net_length in range(25, 33):
req_toks = 9
if len(tokens[idx:]) < req_toks:
_trunc_error(net_length, req_toks, len(tokens[idx:]))
return static_routes
net_address = ".".join(tokens[idx+1:idx+5])
gateway = ".".join(tokens[idx+5:idx+req_toks])
current_idx = idx + req_toks
elif net_length in range(17, 25):
req_toks = 8
if len(tokens[idx:]) < req_toks:
_trunc_error(net_length, req_toks, len(tokens[idx:]))
return static_routes
net_address = ".".join(tokens[idx+1:idx+4] + ["0"])
gateway = ".".join(tokens[idx+4:idx+req_toks])
current_idx = idx + req_toks
elif net_length in range(9, 17):
req_toks = 7
if len(tokens[idx:]) < req_toks:
_trunc_error(net_length, req_toks, len(tokens[idx:]))
return static_routes
net_address = ".".join(tokens[idx+1:idx+3] + ["0", "0"])
gateway = ".".join(tokens[idx+3:idx+req_toks])
current_idx = idx + req_toks
elif net_length in range(1, 9):
req_toks = 6
if len(tokens[idx:]) < req_toks:
_trunc_error(net_length, req_toks, len(tokens[idx:]))
return static_routes
net_address = ".".join(tokens[idx+1:idx+2] + ["0", "0", "0"])
gateway = ".".join(tokens[idx+2:idx+req_toks])
current_idx = idx + req_toks
elif net_length == 0:
req_toks = 5
if len(tokens[idx:]) < req_toks:
_trunc_error(net_length, req_toks, len(tokens[idx:]))
return static_routes
net_address = ""
gateway = ".".join(tokens[idx+1:idx+req_toks])
current_idx = idx + req_toks
LOG.error('Parsed invalid net length "%s". Verify DHCP '
'rfc3442-classless-static-routes value.', net_length)
return static_routes
static_routes.append(("%s/%s" % (net_address, net_length), gateway))
return static_routes
# vi: ts=4 expandtab
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]