Shell File Manager
"""This demonstrates good part of the syntax accepted by theme_create.
This is a translation of plastik.tcl to python.
You will need the images used by the plastik theme to test this. The
images (and other tile themes) can be retrived by doing:
$ cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/tktable \
co tile-themes
To test this module you should do, for example:
import Tkinter
import plastik_theme
root = Tkinter.Tk()
Where plastik_image_dir contains the path to the images directory used by
the plastik theme, something like: tile-themes/plastik/plastik
import os
import glob
import ttk
from Tkinter import PhotoImage
__all__ = ['install']
colors = {
"frame": "#efefef",
"disabledfg": "#aaaaaa",
"selectbg": "#657a9e",
"selectfg": "#ffffff"
imgs = {}
def _load_imgs(imgdir):
imgdir = os.path.expanduser(imgdir)
if not os.path.isdir(imgdir):
raise Exception("%r is not a directory, can't load images" % imgdir)
for f in glob.glob("%s/*.gif" % imgdir):
img = os.path.split(f)[1]
name = img[:-4]
imgs[name] = PhotoImage(name, file=f, format="gif89")
def install(imgdir):
style = ttk.Style()
style.theme_create("plastik", "default", settings={
".": {
{"background": colors['frame'],
"troughcolor": colors['frame'],
"selectbackground": colors['selectbg'],
"selectforeground": colors['selectfg'],
"fieldbackground": colors['frame'],
"font": "TkDefaultFont",
"borderwidth": 1},
"map": {"foreground": [("disabled", colors['disabledfg'])]}
"Vertical.TScrollbar": {"layout": [
("Vertical.Scrollbar.uparrow", {"side": "top", "sticky": ''}),
("Vertical.Scrollbar.downarrow", {"side": "bottom", "sticky": ''}),
("Vertical.Scrollbar.uparrow", {"side": "bottom", "sticky": ''}),
("Vertical.Scrollbar.trough", {"sticky": "ns", "children":
[("Vertical.Scrollbar.thumb", {"expand": 1, "unit": 1,
"children": [("Vertical.Scrollbar.grip", {"sticky": ''})]
"Horizontal.TScrollbar": {"layout": [
("Horizontal.Scrollbar.leftarrow", {"side": "left", "sticky": ''}),
{"side": "right", "sticky": ''}),
{"side": "right", "sticky": ''}),
("Horizontal.Scrollbar.trough", {"sticky": "ew", "children":
[("Horizontal.Scrollbar.thumb", {"expand": 1, "unit": 1,
"children": [("Horizontal.Scrollbar.grip", {"sticky": ''})]
"TButton": {
"configure": {"width": 10, "anchor": "center"},
"layout": [
("Button.button", {"children":
[("Button.focus", {"children":
[("Button.padding", {"children":
[("Button.label", {"side": "left", "expand": 1})]
"Toolbutton": {
"configure": {"anchor": "center"},
"layout": [
("Toolbutton.border", {"children":
[("Toolbutton.button", {"children":
[("Toolbutton.padding", {"children":
[("Toolbutton.label", {"side":"left", "expand":1})]
"TMenubutton": {"layout": [
("Menubutton.button", {"children":
[("Menubutton.indicator", {"side": "right"}),
("Menubutton.focus", {"children":
[("Menubutton.padding", {"children":
[("Menubutton.label", {"side": "left", "expand": 1})]
"TNotebook": {"configure": {"tabmargins": [0, 2, 0, 0]}},
"": {
"configure": {"padding": [6, 2, 6, 2], "expand": [0, 0, 2]},
"map": {"expand": [("selected", [1, 2, 4, 2])]}
"Treeview": {"configure": {"padding": 0}},
# elements
"Button.button": {"element create":
("image", 'button-n',
("pressed", 'button-p'), ("active", 'button-h'),
{"border": [4, 10], "padding": 4, "sticky":"ewns"}
"Toolbutton.button": {"element create":
("image", 'tbutton-n',
("selected", 'tbutton-p'), ("pressed", 'tbutton-p'),
("active", 'tbutton-h'),
{"border": [4, 9], "padding": 3, "sticky": "news"}
"Checkbutton.indicator": {"element create":
("image", 'check-nu',
('active', 'selected', 'check-hc'),
('pressed', 'selected', 'check-pc'),
('active', 'check-hu'),
("selected", 'check-nc'),
{"sticky": ''}
"Radiobutton.indicator": {"element create":
("image", 'radio-nu',
('active', 'selected', 'radio-hc'),
('pressed', 'selected', 'radio-pc'),
('active', 'radio-hu'), ('selected', 'radio-nc'),
{"sticky": ''}
"Horizontal.Scrollbar.thumb": {"element create":
("image", 'hsb-n', {"border": 3, "sticky": "ew"})
"Horizontal.Scrollbar.grip": {"element create": ("image", 'hsb-g')},
"Horizontal.Scrollbar.trough": {"element create": ("image", 'hsb-t')},
"Vertical.Scrollbar.thumb": {"element create":
("image", 'vsb-n', {"border": 3, "sticky": "ns"})
"Vertical.Scrollbar.grip": {"element create": ("image", 'vsb-g')},
"Vertical.Scrollbar.trough": {"element create": ("image", 'vsb-t')},
"Scrollbar.uparrow": {"element create":
("image", 'arrowup-n', ("pressed", 'arrowup-p'), {"sticky": ''})
"Scrollbar.downarrow": {"element create":
("image", 'arrowdown-n',
("pressed", 'arrowdown-p'), {'sticky': ''})
"Scrollbar.leftarrow": {"element create":
("image", 'arrowleft-n',
("pressed", 'arrowleft-p'), {'sticky': ''})
"Scrollbar.rightarrow": {"element create":
("image", 'arrowright-n', ("pressed", 'arrowright-p'),
{'sticky': ''})
"Horizontal.Scale.slider": {"element create":
("image", 'hslider-n', {'sticky': ''})
"Horizontal.Scale.trough": {"element create":
("image", 'hslider-t', {'border': 1, 'padding': 0})
"Vertical.Scale.slider": {"element create":
("image", 'vslider-n', {'sticky': ''})
"Vertical.Scale.trough": {"element create":
("image", 'vslider-t', {'border': 1, 'padding': 0})
"Entry.field": {"element create":
("image", 'entry-n',
("focus", 'entry-f'),
{'border': 2, 'padding': [3, 4], 'sticky': 'news'}
"Labelframe.border": {"element create":
("image", 'border', {'border': 4, 'padding': 4, 'sticky': 'news'})
"Menubutton.button": {"element create":
("image", 'combo-r',
('active', 'combo-ra'),
{'sticky': 'news', 'border': [4, 6, 24, 15],
'padding': [4, 4, 5]}
"Menubutton.indicator": {"element create":
("image", 'arrow-d', {"sticky": "e", "border": [15, 0, 0, 0]})
"Combobox.field": {"element create":
("image", 'combo-n',
('readonly', 'active', 'combo-ra'),
('focus', 'active', 'combo-fa'),
('active', 'combo-a'), ('!readonly', 'focus', 'combo-f'),
('readonly', 'combo-r'),
{'border': [4, 6, 24, 15], 'padding': [4, 4, 5],
'sticky': 'news'}
"Combobox.downarrow": {"element create":
("image", 'arrow-d', {'sticky': 'e', 'border': [15, 0, 0, 0]})
"Notebook.client": {"element create":
("image", 'notebook-c', {'border': 4})
"": {"element create":
("image", 'notebook-tn',
("selected", 'notebook-ts'), ("active", 'notebook-ta'),
{'padding': [0, 2, 0, 0], 'border': [4, 10, 4, 10]}
"Progressbar.trough": {"element create":
("image", 'hprogress-t', {'border': 2})
"Horizontal.Progressbar.pbar": {"element create":
("image", 'hprogress-b', {'border': [2, 9]})
"Vertical.Progressbar.pbar": {"element create":
("image", 'vprogress-b', {'border': [9, 2]})
"Treeheading.cell": {"element create":
("image", 'tree-n',
("pressed", 'tree-p'),
{'border': [4, 10], 'padding': 4, 'sticky': 'news'}
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]