Shell File Manager
// Database access definition
$dbserver = "[[softdbhost]]"; // your database hostname
$dbname = "[[softdb]]"; // your database name
$dbuser = "[[softdbuser]]"; // your database username
$dbpass = "[[softdbpass]]"; // your database password
// Read-Only user for increasd security (optional):
// * GRANT SELECT ON $dbname.addressbook TO $dbuser_read
// * GRANT SELECT ON $dbname.group_list TO $dbuser_read
// * GRANT SELECT ON $dbname.address_in_groups TO $dbuser_read
// * GRANT SELECT ON $dbname.month_lookup TO $dbuser_read
// $dbuser_read = "root"; // your database username
// $dbpass_read = ""; // your database password
// You may use a table-prefix if you have only one DB-User
$table_prefix = "";
// Keep a history of all changes, incl. deletion. Used for intelligent merge.
$keep_history = true;
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]