Shell File Manager
package inc::latest;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.4005';
use Carp;
use File::Basename ();
use File::Spec ();
use File::Path ();
use IO::File ();
use File::Copy ();
# track and return modules loaded by inc::latest
my @loaded_modules;
sub loaded_modules {@loaded_modules}
# must ultimately "goto" the import routine of the module to be loaded
# so that the calling package is correct when $mod->import() runs.
sub import {
my ($package, $mod, @args) = @_;
return unless(defined $mod);
my $private_path = 'inc/latest/';
if(-e $private_path) {
# user mode - delegate work to bundled private module
require $private_path;
splice( @_, 0, 1, 'inc::latest::private');
goto \&inc::latest::private::import;
# author mode - just record and load the modules
push(@loaded_modules, $mod);
require inc::latest::private;
goto \&inc::latest::private::_load_module;
sub write {
my $package = shift;
my ($where, @preload) = @_;
warn "should really be writing in inc/" unless $where =~ /inc$/;
# write inc/
File::Path::mkpath( $where );
my $fh = IO::File->new( File::Spec->catfile($where,''), "w" );
print {$fh} "# This stub created by inc::latest $VERSION\n";
print {$fh} <<'HERE';
package inc::latest;
use strict;
use vars '@ISA';
require inc::latest::private;
@ISA = qw/inc::latest::private/;
if (@preload) {
print {$fh} "\npackage inc::latest::preload;\n";
for my $mod (@preload) {
print {$fh} "inc::latest->import('$mod');\n";
print {$fh} "\n1;\n";
close $fh;
# write inc/latest/private;
require inc::latest::private;
File::Path::mkpath( File::Spec->catdir( $where, 'latest' ) );
my $from = $INC{'inc/latest/'};
my $to = File::Spec->catfile($where,'latest','');
File::Copy::copy( $from, $to ) or die "Couldn't copy '$from' to '$to': $!";
return 1;
sub bundle_module {
my ($package, $module, $where) = @_;
# create inc/inc_$foo
(my $dist = $module) =~ s{::}{-}g;
my $inc_lib = File::Spec->catdir($where,"inc_$dist");
File::Path::mkpath $inc_lib;
# get list of files to copy
require ExtUtils::Installed;
# workaround buggy EU::Installed check of @INC
my $inst = ExtUtils::Installed->new(extra_libs => [@INC]);
my $packlist = $inst->packlist( $module ) or die "Couldn't find packlist";
my @files = grep { /\.pm$/ } keys %$packlist;
# figure out prefix
my $mod_path = quotemeta $package->_mod2path( $module );
my ($prefix) = grep { /$mod_path$/ } @files;
$prefix =~ s{$mod_path$}{};
# copy files
for my $from ( @files ) {
next unless $from =~ /\.pm$/;
(my $mod_path = $from) =~ s{^\Q$prefix\E}{};
my $to = File::Spec->catfile( $inc_lib, $mod_path );
File::Copy::copy( $from, $to ) or die "Couldn't copy '$from' to '$to': $!";
return 1;
# Translate a module name into a directory/ to search for in @INC
sub _mod2path {
my ($self, $mod) = @_;
my @parts = split /::/, $mod;
$parts[-1] .= '.pm';
return $parts[0] if @parts == 1;
return File::Spec->catfile(@parts);
=head1 NAME
inc::latest - use modules bundled in inc/ if they are newer than installed ones
# in Build.PL
use inc::latest 'Module::Build';
The C<inc::latest> module helps bootstrap configure-time dependencies for CPAN
distributions. These dependencies get bundled into the C<inc> directory within
a distribution and are used by Build.PL (or Makefile.PL).
Arguments to C<inc::latest> are module names that are checked against both the
current C<@INC> array and against specially-named directories in C<inc>. If
the bundled version is newer than the installed one (or the module isn't
installed, then, the bundled directory is added to the start of <@INC> and the
module is loaded from there.
There are actually two variations of C<inc::latest> -- one for authors and one
for the C<inc> directory. For distribution authors, the C<inc::latest>
installed in the system will record modules loaded via C<inc::latest> and can
be used to create the bundled files in C<inc>, including writing the second
variation as C<inc/>.
This second C<inc::latest> is the one that is loaded in a distribution being
installed (e.g. from Build.PL). This bundled C<inc::latest> is the one
that determines which module to load.
=head2 Special notes on bundling
The C<inc::latest> module creates bundled directories based on the packlist
file of an installed distribution. Even though C<inc::latest> takes module
name arguments, it is better to think of it as bundling and making available
entire I<distributions>. When a module is loaded through C<inc::latest>,
it looks in all bundled distributions in C<inc/> for a newer module than
can be found in the existing C<@INC> array.
Thus, the module-name provided should usually be the "top-level" module name of
a distribution, though this is not strictly required. For example,
L<Module::Build> has a number of heuristics to map module names to packlists,
allowing users to do things like this:
use inc::latest 'Devel::AssertOS::Unix';
even though Devel::AssertOS::Unix is contained within the Devel-CheckOS
At the current time, packlists are required. Thus, bundling dual-core modules
may require a 'forced install' over versions in the latest version of perl
in order to create the necessary packlist for bundling.
=head1 USAGE
When calling C<use>, the bundled C<inc::latest> takes a single module name and
optional arguments to pass to that module's own import method.
use 'inc::latest' 'Foo::Bar' qw/foo bar baz/;
=head2 Author-mode
You are in author-mode inc::latest if any of the Author-mode methods are
available. For example:
if ( inc::latest->can('write') ) {
=over 4
=item loaded_modules()
my @list = inc::latest->loaded_modules;
This takes no arguments and always returns a list of module names requested for
loading via "use inc::latest 'MODULE'", regardless of whether the load was
successful or not.
=item write()
inc::latest->write( 'inc' );
This writes the bundled version of inc::latest to the directory name given as an
argument. It almost all cases, it should be 'C<inc>'.
=item bundle_module()
for my $mod ( inc::latest->loaded_modules ) {
inc::latest->bundle_module($mod, $dir);
If $mod corresponds to a packlist, then this function creates a specially-named
directory in $dir and copies all .pm files from the modlist to the new
directory (which almost always should just be 'inc'). For example, if Foo::Bar
is the name of the module, and $dir is 'inc', then the directory would be
'inc/inc_Foo-Bar' and contain files like this:
Currently, $mod B<must> have a packlist. If this is not the case (e.g. for a
dual-core module), then the bundling will fail. You may be able to create a
packlist by forced installing the module on top of the version that came with
core Perl.
=head2 As bundled in inc/
All methods are private. Only the C<import> method is public.
=head1 AUTHOR
Eric Wilhelm <[email protected]>, David Golden <[email protected]>
Copyright (c) 2009 by Eric Wilhelm and David Golden
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]