Shell File Manager
package TAP::Formatter::Session;
use strict;
use TAP::Base;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
@ISA = qw(TAP::Base);
@ACCESSOR = qw( name formatter parser show_count );
for my $method (@ACCESSOR) {
no strict 'refs';
*$method = sub { shift->{$method} };
=head1 NAME
TAP::Formatter::Session - Abstract base class for harness output delegate
=head1 VERSION
Version 3.28
$VERSION = '3.28';
=head1 METHODS
=head2 Class Methods
=head3 C<new>
my %args = (
formatter => $self,
my $harness = TAP::Formatter::Console::Session->new( \%args );
The constructor returns a new C<TAP::Formatter::Console::Session> object.
=over 4
=item * C<formatter>
=item * C<parser>
=item * C<name>
=item * C<show_count>
sub _initialize {
my ( $self, $arg_for ) = @_;
$arg_for ||= {};
my %arg_for = %$arg_for; # force a shallow copy
for my $name (@ACCESSOR) {
$self->{$name} = delete $arg_for{$name};
if ( !defined $self->show_count ) {
$self->{show_count} = 1; # defaults to true
if ( $self->show_count ) { # but may be a damned lie!
$self->{show_count} = $self->_should_show_count;
if ( my @props = sort keys %arg_for ) {
"Unknown arguments to " . __PACKAGE__ . "::new (@props)" );
return $self;
=head3 C<header>
Output test preamble
=head3 C<result>
Called by the harness for each line of TAP it receives.
=head3 C<close_test>
Called to close a test session.
=head3 C<clear_for_close>
Called by C<close_test> to clear the line showing test progress, or the parallel
test ruler, prior to printing the final test result.
sub header { }
sub result { }
sub close_test { }
sub clear_for_close { }
sub _should_show_count {
my $self = shift;
&& -t $self->formatter->stdout
sub _format_for_output {
my ( $self, $result ) = @_;
return $self->formatter->normalize ? $result->as_string : $result->raw;
sub _output_test_failure {
my ( $self, $parser ) = @_;
my $formatter = $self->formatter;
return if $formatter->really_quiet;
my $tests_run = $parser->tests_run;
my $tests_planned = $parser->tests_planned;
my $total
= defined $tests_planned
? $tests_planned
: $tests_run;
my $passed = $parser->passed;
# The total number of fails includes any tests that were planned but
# didn't run
my $failed = $parser->failed + $total - $tests_run;
my $exit = $parser->exit;
if ( my $exit = $parser->exit ) {
my $wstat = $parser->wait;
my $status = sprintf( "%d (wstat %d, 0x%x)", $exit, $wstat, $wstat );
$formatter->_failure_output("Dubious, test returned $status\n");
if ( $failed == 0 ) {
? "All $total subtests passed "
: 'No subtests run '
else {
$formatter->_failure_output("Failed $failed/$total subtests ");
if ( !$total ) {
$formatter->_failure_output("\nNo tests run!");
if ( my $skipped = $parser->skipped ) {
$passed -= $skipped;
my $test = 'subtest' . ( $skipped != 1 ? 's' : '' );
"\n\t(less $skipped skipped $test: $passed okay)");
if ( my $failed = $parser->todo_passed ) {
my $test = $failed > 1 ? 'tests' : 'test';
"\n\t($failed TODO $test unexpectedly succeeded)");
sub _make_ok_line {
my ( $self, $suffix ) = @_;
return "ok$suffix\n";
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]