Shell File Manager
# -*- mode: perl -*-
# ============================================================================
package Net::SNMP::Security;
# $Id:,v 2.0 2009/09/09 15:05:33 dtown Rel $
# Base object that implements the Net::SNMP Security Models.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 David M. Town <[email protected]>
# All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
# ============================================================================
use strict;
use Net::SNMP::Message qw(
:securityLevels :securityModels :versions TRUE FALSE
## Version of the Net::SNMP::Security module
our $VERSION = v2.0.0;
## Handle importing/exporting of symbols
use base qw( Exporter );
our @EXPORT_OK = qw( DEBUG_INFO );
our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
levels => [
models => [
Exporter::export_ok_tags( qw( levels models ) );
## Package variables
our $DEBUG = FALSE; # Debug flag
our $AUTOLOAD; # Used by the AUTOLOAD method
#perl2exe_include Net::SNMP::Security::USM
# [public methods] -----------------------------------------------------------
sub new
my ($class, %argv) = @_;
my $version = SNMP_VERSION_1;
# See if a SNMP version has been passed
for (keys %argv) {
if (/^-?version$/i) {
if (($argv{$_} == SNMP_VERSION_1) ||
($argv{$_} == SNMP_VERSION_2C) ||
($argv{$_} == SNMP_VERSION_3))
$version = $argv{$_};
# Return the appropriate object based upon the SNMP version. To
# avoid consuming unnecessary resources, only load the appropriate
# module when requested. The Net::SNMP::Security::USM module
# requires four non-core modules. If any of these modules are not
# present, we gracefully return an error.
if ($version == SNMP_VERSION_3) {
if (defined(my $error = load_module('Net::SNMP::Security::USM'))) {
$error = 'SNMPv3 support is unavailable ' . $error;
return wantarray ? (undef, $error) : undef;
return Net::SNMP::Security::USM->new(%argv);
# Load the default Security module without eval protection.
require Net::SNMP::Security::Community;
return Net::SNMP::Security::Community->new(%argv);
sub version
my ($this) = @_;
if (@_ > 1) {
return $this->_error('The SNMP version is not modifiable');
return $this->{_version};
sub discovered
return TRUE;
sub security_model
# RFC 3411 - SnmpSecurityModel::=TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
sub security_level
# RFC 3411 - SnmpSecurityLevel::=TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
sub security_name
return q{};
sub debug
return (@_ == 2) ? $DEBUG = ($_[1]) ? TRUE : FALSE : $DEBUG;
sub error
return $_[0]->{_error} || q{};
my ($this) = @_;
return if $AUTOLOAD =~ /::DESTROY$/;
$AUTOLOAD =~ s/.*://;
if (ref $this) {
return $this->_error(
'The method "%s" is not supported by this Security Model', $AUTOLOAD
} else {
require Carp;
Carp::croak(sprintf 'The function "%s" is not supported', $AUTOLOAD);
# Never get here.
# [private methods] ----------------------------------------------------------
sub _error
my $this = shift;
if (!defined $this->{_error}) {
$this->{_error} = (@_ > 1) ? sprintf(shift(@_), @_) : $_[0];
if ($this->debug()) {
printf "error: [%d] %s(): %s\n",
(caller 0)[2], (caller 1)[3], $this->{_error};
sub _error_clear
return $_[0]->{_error} = undef;
my %modules;
sub load_module
my ($module) = @_;
# We attempt to load the required module under the protection of an
# eval statement. If there is a failure, typically it is due to a
# missing module required by the requested module and we attempt to
# simplify the error message by just listing that module. We also
# need to track failures since require() only produces an error on
# the first attempt to load the module.
# NOTE: Contrary to our typical convention, a return value of "undef"
# actually means success and a defined value means error.
return $modules{$module} if exists $modules{$module};
if (!eval "require $module") {
if ($@ =~ m/locate (\S+\.pm)/) {
$modules{$module} = err_msg('(Required module %s not found)', $1);
} elsif ($@ =~ m/(.*)\n/) {
$modules{$module} = err_msg('(%s)', $1);
} else {
$modules{$module} = err_msg('(%s)', $@);
} else {
$modules{$module} = undef;
return $modules{$module};
sub err_msg
my $msg = (@_ > 1) ? sprintf(shift(@_), @_) : $_[0];
if ($DEBUG) {
printf "error: [%d] %s(): %s\n", (caller 0)[2], (caller 1)[3], $msg;
return $msg;
return if (!$DEBUG);
return printf
sprintf('debug: [%d] %s(): ', (caller 0)[2], (caller 1)[3]) .
((@_ > 1) ? shift(@_) : '%s') .
# ============================================================================
1; # [end Net::SNMP::Security]
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]