Shell File Manager
package Log::Message::Handlers;
use if $] > 5.017, 'deprecate';
use strict;
use vars qw[$VERSION];
$VERSION = '0.08';
=head1 NAME
Log::Message::Handlers - Message handlers for Log::Message
# Implicitly used by Log::Message to serve as handlers for
# Log::Message::Item objects
# Create your own file with a package called
# Log::Message::Handlers to add to the existing ones, or to even
# overwrite them
Log::Message::Handlers provides handlers for Log::Message::Item objects.
The handler corresponding to the level (see Log::Message::Item manpage
for an explanation about levels) will be called automatically upon
storing the error.
Handlers may also explicitly be called on an Log::Message::Item object
if one so desires (see the Log::Message manpage on how to retrieve the
Item objects).
=head1 Default Handlers
=head2 log
Will simply log the error on the stack, and do nothing special
sub log { 1 }
=head2 carp
Will carp (see the Carp manpage) with the error, and add the timestamp
of when it occurred.
sub carp {
my $self = shift;
warn join " ", $self->message, $self->shortmess, 'at', $self->when, "\n";
=head2 croak
Will croak (see the Carp manpage) with the error, and add the
timestamp of when it occurred.
sub croak {
my $self = shift;
die join " ", $self->message, $self->shortmess, 'at', $self->when, "\n";
=head2 cluck
Will cluck (see the Carp manpage) with the error, and add the
timestamp of when it occurred.
sub cluck {
my $self = shift;
warn join " ", $self->message, $self->longmess, 'at', $self->when, "\n";
=head2 confess
Will confess (see the Carp manpage) with the error, and add the
timestamp of when it occurred
sub confess {
my $self = shift;
die join " ", $self->message, $self->longmess, 'at', $self->when, "\n";
=head2 die
Will simply die with the error message of the item
sub die { die shift->message; }
=head2 warn
Will simply warn with the error message of the item
sub warn { warn shift->message; }
=head2 trace
Will provide a traceback of this error item back to the first one that
occurred, clucking with every item as it comes across it.
sub trace {
my $self = shift;
for my $item( $self->parent->retrieve( chrono => 0 ) ) {
=head1 Custom Handlers
If you wish to provide your own handlers, you can simply do the
=over 4
=item *
Create a file that holds a package by the name of
=item *
Create subroutines with the same name as the levels you wish to
handle in the Log::Message module (see the Log::Message manpage for
explanation on levels)
=item *
Require that file in your program, or add it in your configuration
(see the Log::Message::Config manpage for explanation on how to use a
config file)
And that is it, the handler will now be available to handle messages
for you.
The arguments a handler may receive are those specified by the
C<extra> key, when storing the message.
See the Log::Message manpage for details on the arguments.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Log::Message>, L<Log::Message::Item>, L<Log::Message::Config>
=head1 AUTHOR
This module by
Jos Boumans E<lt>[email protected]<gt>.
=head1 Acknowledgements
Thanks to Ann Barcomb for her suggestions.
This module is
copyright (c) 2002 Jos Boumans E<lt>[email protected]<gt>.
All rights reserved.
This library is free software;
you may redistribute and/or modify it under the same
terms as Perl itself.
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Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]