Shell File Manager
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Curses::UI::Language
# (c) 2001-2002 by Maurice Makaay. All rights reserved.
# This file is part of Curses::UI. Curses::UI is free software.
# You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
# as perl itself.
# Currently maintained by Marcus Thiesen
# e-mail: [email protected]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
package Curses::UI::Language;
my $default_lang = 'English';
my %lang_alias = (
'en' => 'english',
'uk' => 'english',
'us' => 'english',
'it' => 'italian',
'pl' => 'polish',
'ru' => 'russian',
'de' => 'german',
'at' => 'german',
'ch' => 'german',
'du' => 'dutch',
'nl' => 'dutch',
'fr' => 'french',
'pt' => 'portuguese',
'pt_BR' => 'portuguese',
'br' => 'portuguese',
'no' => 'norwegian',
'es' => 'spanish',
'tr' => 'tukish',
'cn' => 'chinese',
sub new()
my $class = shift;
my $lang = shift;
my $this = {
-tags => {},
-lang => undef,
bless $this, $class;
# Load english tags so these can be used
# as a fallback for other languages.
# Load the wanted language.
return $this;
sub loadlanguage($;)
my $this = shift;
my $lang = shift;
# Construct the language module to use.
$lang = $default_lang unless defined $lang;
$lang =~ s/[^\w\_]//g;
$lang = lc $lang;
$lang = $lang_alias{$lang} if defined $lang_alias{$lang};
# Loading the same language twice is not very useful.
return $this if defined $this->{-lang} and
$lang eq $this->{-lang};
# Determine filename for the language package.
(my $l_file = __FILE__) =~ s/\.pm$/\/$lang\.pm/;
# Save the name of the currently loaded language.
$this->{-lang} = $lang;
# Create a filehandle to the __DATA__ section
# of the language package.
local *LANG_DATA;
open(LANG_DATA, "< $l_file") or die "Can't open $l_file: $!";
while (<LANG_DATA>) {
last if /^\s*__DATA__$/;
# Read and store tags/blocks.
my $tag = undef;
my $block = '';
LINE: while (<LANG_DATA>) {
if (m/^#/) {
next LINE;
elsif (m/^\s*\[\s*(.*)\s*\]\s*(.*)$/) {
my $oldtag = $tag;
$tag = $1;
$this->store($oldtag, $block);
$block = $2;
$block = '' unless defined $block;
elsif (defined $tag) {
$block .= "$_";
elsif (!m/^\s*$/) {
warn "$l_file, line $.: found data outside tag block\n";
$this->store($tag, $block);
sub store($$;)
my $this = shift;
my $tag = shift;
my $block = shift;
return $this unless defined $tag;
# Remove empty start- and endlines.
my @block = split /\n/, $block;
while (@block and $block[0] =~ /^\s*$/) { shift @block }
while (@block and $block[-1] =~ /^\s*$/) { pop @block }
$this->{-tags}->{lc $tag} = join "\n", @block;
return $this;
sub get($;)
my $this = shift;
my $tag = shift;
my $block = $this->{-tags}->{$tag};
unless (defined $block) {
warn "get(): no language block for tag '$tag'";
$block = '';
return $block;
sub getarray($;)
my $this = shift;
my $tag = shift;
my $block = $this->get($tag);
return () unless defined $block;
$block =~ s/\n/ /g;
return split " ", $block;
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]