Shell File Manager
Xfsdump/Xfsrestore Troubleshooting Questions
SGI Support (relevant for IRIX customers only)
* What is the customer support case number?
* Is there an associated engineering bug number?
* Do you have any existing contacts within SGI?
* Have you run xfsdump or xfsrestore before?
* Is this a new problem?
And if so, what has changed since xfsdump or
xfsrestore last worked correctly?
Operating System (OS)
* What versions of the OS are you using now and
when the dump was made ?
(IRIX: uname -Ra or Linux: uname -a, cat /etc/issue)
* What patches were installed for the OS ?
* If Linux, what version of the xfsdump package
are you using?
(rpm -q xfsdump)
* Is there anything in the /var/adm/SYSLOG file for the period that
xfsdump or xfsrestore was run?
File System (FS)
* How big is the filesystem being dumped ?
(df -kl)
* Does the filesystem have quotas enabled ?
* Is the filesystem managed with DMF ?
* Does the file system use Security attributes such as ACLs ?
* Are extended attributes used in the filesystem ?
* Is the filesystem controlled by CXFS, or the host part of a cluster?
Tape System
* Is TMF or Openvault used to manage the tapes ? If so, which versions?
* What kind of tape drive is used ?
* On IRIX, what kind of tape driver is used - tpsc or ts ?
(eg. attr -g _drivername /dev/rmt/tps4d6)
* Is the drive used in variable or fixed block mode ?
(IRIX: look at the path for the tape specification)
(Linux: mt -f /dev/st0 status; and report the blocksize)
* How many tapes were used for the dump ?
Dump/restore commands
* What was the xfsdump/xfsrestore command lines used ?
* What was the output from the commands ?
* If the FS is not too large,
what is the output with the -v5 option ?
* How big was the dump ?
* What drive strategy was used in the commands?
(xfsdump -v3 ... |grep "instantiat")
(xfsrestore -v3 ... |grep "instantiat")
If you have the -v5 output, then just grep for "instantiat".
* If dumping/restoring to/from a remote host,
what is the OS version of that host?
* If xfsdump/xfsrestore seem to take a really long time, use the -p
option to get progress output.
* What is the output of 'xfsdump -I' ?
* If the problem is related to files not being dumped or restored, and
you know the inode numbers from the xfsdump/xfsrestore output, what
files are they associated with?
(IRIX: xfs_ncheck -i <ino /dev/dsk/<disk_device)
(Linux: find /<mntpt -local -inum <ino )
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]