Shell File Manager
use strict;
#use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 26;
BEGIN { use_ok 'Try::Tiny' };
sub _eval {
local $@;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 2;
return ( scalar(eval { $_[0]->(); 1 }), $@ );
sub lives_ok (&$) {
my ( $code, $desc ) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
my ( $ok, $error ) = _eval($code);
ok($ok, $desc );
diag "error: $@" unless $ok;
sub throws_ok (&$$) {
my ( $code, $regex, $desc ) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
my ( $ok, $error ) = _eval($code);
if ( $ok ) {
} else {
like($error || '', $regex, $desc );
my $prev;
lives_ok {
try {
die "foo";
} "basic try";
throws_ok {
try {
die "foo";
} catch { die $_ };
} qr/foo/, "rethrow";
local $@ = "magic";
is( try { 42 }, 42, "try block evaluated" );
is( $@, "magic", '$@ untouched' );
local $@ = "magic";
is( try { die "foo" }, undef, "try block died" );
is( $@, "magic", '$@ untouched' );
local $@ = "magic";
like( (try { die "foo" } catch { $_ }), qr/foo/, "catch block evaluated" );
is( $@, "magic", '$@ untouched' );
is( scalar(try { "foo", "bar", "gorch" }), "gorch", "scalar context try" );
is_deeply( [ try {qw(foo bar gorch)} ], [qw(foo bar gorch)], "list context try" );
is( scalar(try { die } catch { "foo", "bar", "gorch" }), "gorch", "scalar context catch" );
is_deeply( [ try { die } catch {qw(foo bar gorch)} ], [qw(foo bar gorch)], "list context catch" );
my ($sub) = catch { my $a = $_; };
is(ref($sub), 'Try::Tiny::Catch', 'Checking catch subroutine scalar reference is correctly blessed');
my ($sub) = finally { my $a = $_; };
is(ref($sub), 'Try::Tiny::Finally', 'Checking finally subroutine scalar reference is correctly blessed');
lives_ok {
try {
die "foo";
} catch {
my $err = shift;
try {
like $err, qr/foo/;
} catch {
fail("shouldn't happen");
pass "got here";
} "try in try catch block";
throws_ok {
try {
die "foo";
} catch {
my $err = shift;
try { } catch { };
die "rethrowing $err";
} qr/rethrowing foo/, "rethrow with try in catch block";
sub Evil::DESTROY {
eval { "oh noes" };
sub Evil::new { bless { }, $_[0] }
local $@ = "magic";
local $_ = "other magic";
try {
my $object = Evil->new;
die "foo";
} catch {
pass("catch invoked");
local $TODO = "i don't think we can ever make this work sanely, maybe with SIG{__DIE__}" if $] < 5.014;
like($_, qr/foo/);
is( $@, "magic", '$@ untouched' );
is( $_, "other magic", '$_ untouched' );
my ( $caught, $prev );
local $@;
eval { die "bar\n" };
is( $@, "bar\n", 'previous value of $@' );
try {
die {
prev => $@,
} catch {
$caught = $_;
$prev = $@;
is_deeply( $caught, { prev => "bar\n" }, 'previous value of $@ available for capture' );
is( $prev, "bar\n", 'previous value of $@ also available in catch block' );
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]