Shell File Manager
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Test Test::More::subtest(), focusing on correct line numbers in
# failed test diagnostics.
if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
chdir 't';
@INC = ( '../lib', 'lib' );
else {
unshift @INC, 't/lib';
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 5;
use Test::Builder;
use Test::Builder::Tester;
# Formatting may change if we're running under Test::Harness.
our %line;
test_out(" 1..3");
test_out(" ok 1");
test_out(" not ok 2");
test_err(" # Failed test at $0 line $line{innerfail1}.");
test_out(" ok 3");
test_err(" # Looks like you failed 1 test of 3.");
test_out("not ok 1 - namehere");
test_err("# Failed test 'namehere'");
test_err("# at $0 line $line{outerfail1}.");
subtest namehere => sub {
plan tests => 3;
ok 1;
ok 0; BEGIN{ $line{innerfail1} = __LINE__ }
ok 1;
}; BEGIN{ $line{outerfail1} = __LINE__ }
test_test("un-named inner tests");
test_out(" 1..3");
test_out(" ok 1 - first is good");
test_out(" not ok 2 - second is bad");
test_err(" # Failed test 'second is bad'");
test_err(" # at $0 line $line{innerfail2}.");
test_out(" ok 3 - third is good");
test_err(" # Looks like you failed 1 test of 3.");
test_out("not ok 1 - namehere");
test_err("# Failed test 'namehere'");
test_err("# at $0 line $line{outerfail2}.");
subtest namehere => sub {
plan tests => 3;
ok 1, "first is good";
ok 0, "second is bad"; BEGIN{ $line{innerfail2} = __LINE__ }
ok 1, "third is good";
}; BEGIN{ $line{outerfail2} = __LINE__ }
test_test("named inner tests");
sub run_the_subtest {
subtest namehere => sub {
plan tests => 3;
ok 1, "first is good";
ok 0, "second is bad"; BEGIN{ $line{innerfail3} = __LINE__ }
ok 1, "third is good";
}; BEGIN{ $line{outerfail3} = __LINE__ }
test_out(" 1..3");
test_out(" ok 1 - first is good");
test_out(" not ok 2 - second is bad");
test_err(" # Failed test 'second is bad'");
test_err(" # at $0 line $line{innerfail3}.");
test_out(" ok 3 - third is good");
test_err(" # Looks like you failed 1 test of 3.");
test_out("not ok 1 - namehere");
test_err("# Failed test 'namehere'");
test_err("# at $0 line $line{outerfail3}.");
test_test("subtest() called from a sub");
test_out( " 1..0");
test_err( " # No tests run!");
test_out( 'not ok 1 - No tests run for subtest "namehere"');
test_err(q{# Failed test 'No tests run for subtest "namehere"'});
test_err( "# at $0 line $line{outerfail4}.");
subtest namehere => sub {
}; BEGIN{ $line{outerfail4} = __LINE__ }
test_test("lineno in 'No tests run' diagnostic");
test_out(" 1..1");
test_out(" not ok 1 - foo is bar");
test_err(" # Failed test 'foo is bar'");
test_err(" # at $0 line $line{is_fail}.");
test_err(" # got: 'foo'");
test_err(" # expected: 'bar'");
test_err(" # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.");
test_out('not ok 1 - namehere');
test_err("# Failed test 'namehere'");
test_err("# at $0 line $line{is_outer_fail}.");
subtest namehere => sub {
plan tests => 1;
is 'foo', 'bar', 'foo is bar'; BEGIN{ $line{is_fail} = __LINE__ }
}; BEGIN{ $line{is_outer_fail} = __LINE__ }
test_test("diag indent for is() in subtest");
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]