Shell File Manager
# Usage: bench json-file
# which modules to test (JSON::PP usually excluded because its so slow)
my %tst = (
# "JSON" => ['JSON::encode_json $perl' , 'JSON::decode_json $json'],
"JSON::PP" => ['$pp->encode ($perl)' , '$pp->decode ($json)'],
"JSON::DWIW/FJ" => ['$dwiw->to_json ($perl)' , '$dwiw->from_json ($json)'],
"JSON::DWIW/DS" => ['$dwiw->to_json ($perl)' , 'JSON::DWIW::deserialize $json'],
# "JSON::PC" => ['$pc->convert ($perl)' , '$pc->parse ($json)'],
"JSON::Syck" => ['JSON::Syck::Dump $perl' , 'JSON::Syck::Load $json'],
"JSON::XS" => ['encode_json $perl' , 'decode_json $json'],
"JSON::XS/2" => ['$xs2->encode ($perl)' , '$xs2->decode ($json)'],
"JSON::XS/3" => ['$xs3->encode ($perl)' , '$xs3->decode ($json)'],
"Storable" => ['Storable::nfreeze $perl' , 'Storable::thaw $pst'],
use JSON ();
use JSON::PC;
use JSON::PP ();
use JSON::XS qw(encode_json decode_json);
use JSON::Syck;
use Storable ();
use Time::HiRes;
use List::Util;
use utf8;
my $dwiw = new JSON::DWIW;
my $pc = new JSON::PC;
my $pp = JSON::PP->new->max_depth (512);
my $xs2 = JSON::XS->new->utf8->pretty->canonical;
my $xs3 = JSON::XS->new->utf8->shrink;
my $json; # the test string
local $/;
$json = <>;
# fix syck-brokenised stuff
#$json = JSON::XS->new->ascii(1)->encode (JSON::Syck::Load $json);
#srand 0; $json = JSON::XS->new->utf8(1)->ascii(0)->encode ([join "", map +(chr rand 255), 0..2047]);
#if (1) {
# use Storable;
# open my $fh, "<:unix", "/opt/crossfire/share/cfserver/faces" or die "$!";
# my $faces = Storable::thaw do { <$fh> };
# $json = objToJson $faces;
# open my $fh2, ">:unix", "faces.json" or die "$!";
# print $fh2 $json;
# warn length $json;
sub bench($) {
my ($code) = @_;
my $pst = Storable::nfreeze JSON::XS::decode_json $json; # seperately decode as storable stringifies :/
my $perl = JSON::XS::decode_json $json;
my $count = 5;
my $times = 200;
my $cent = eval "sub { my \$t = Time::HiRes::time; " . (join ";", ($code) x $count) . "; Time::HiRes::time - \$t }";
my $min = 1e99;
for (1..$times) {
my $t = $cent->();
$min = $t if $t < $min;
return $count / $min;
printf "%-13s | %10s | %10s |\n", "module", "encode", "decode";
printf "--------------|------------|------------|\n";
for my $module (sort keys %tst) {
my $enc = bench $tst{$module}[0];
my $dec = bench $tst{$module}[1];
printf "%-13s | %10.3f | %10.3f |\n", $module, $enc, $dec;
printf "--------------+------------+------------+\n";
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]