Shell File Manager
package Filter::UUdecode ;
use Filter::Util::Call ;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
our $VERSION = '1.00' ;
sub import
my($self) = @_ ;
my ($count) = 0 ;
filter_add( \$count ) ;
sub filter
my ($self) = @_ ;
my ($status) ;
while (1) {
return $status
if ($status = filter_read() ) <= 0;
chomp ;
++ $$self ;
# Skip the begin line (if it is there)
($_ = ''), next if $$self == 1 and /^begin/ ;
# is this the last line?
if ($_ eq " " or length $_ <= 1) {
$_ = '' ;
# If there is an end line, skip it too
return $status
if ($status = filter_read() ) <= 0 ;
$_ = "\n" if /^end/ ;
filter_del() ;
return 1 ;
# uudecode the line
$_ = unpack("u", $_) ;
# return the uudecoded data
return $status ;
1 ;
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]