Shell File Manager
(* XML lens for Augeas
Author: Francis Giraldeau <[email protected]>
module Xml =
autoload xfm
* Utilities lens
let dels (s:string) = del s s
let spc = /[ \t\r\n]+/
let osp = /[ \t\r\n]*/
let sep_spc = del /[ \t\r\n]+/ " "
let sep_osp = del /[ \t\r\n]*/ ""
let sep_eq = del /[ \t\r\n]*=[ \t\r\n]*/ "="
let nmtoken = /[a-zA-Z:_][a-zA-Z0-9:_.-]*/
let word = /[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9._-]*/
let char = /.|(\r?\n)/
(* if we hide the quotes, then we can only accept single or double quotes *)
(* otherwise a put ambiguity is raised *)
let sto_dquote = dels "\"" . store /[^"]*/ . dels "\"" (* " *)
let sto_squote = dels "'" . store /[^']*/ . dels "'"
let comment = [ label "#comment" .
dels "<!--" .
store /([^-]|-[^-])*/ .
dels "-->" ]
let pi_target = nmtoken - /[Xx][Mm][Ll]/
let empty = Util.empty
let del_end = del />[\r?\n]?/ ">\n"
let del_end_simple = dels ">"
(* This is siplified version of processing instruction
* pi has to not start or end with a white space and the string
* must not contain "?>". We restrict too much by not allowing any
* "?" nor ">" in PI
let pi = /[^ \r\n\t]|[^ \r\n\t][^?>]*[^ \r\n\t]/
* Attributes
let decl = [ label "#decl" . sep_spc .
store /[^> \t\n\r]|[^> \t\n\r][^>\t\n\r]*[^> \t\n\r]/ ]
let decl_def (r:regexp) (b:lens) = [ dels "<" . key r .
sep_spc . store nmtoken .
b . sep_osp . del_end_simple ]
let elem_def = decl_def /!ELEMENT/ decl
let enum = "(" . osp . nmtoken . ( osp . "|" . osp . nmtoken )* . osp . ")"
let id_def = [ sep_spc . key /PUBLIC/ .
[ label "#literal" . sep_spc . sto_dquote ]* ] |
[ sep_spc . key /SYSTEM/ . sep_spc . sto_dquote ]
let notation_def = decl_def /!NOTATION/ id_def
let att_def = counter "att_id" .
[ sep_spc . seq "att_id" .
[ label "#name" . store word . sep_spc ] .
[ label "#type" . store att_type . sep_spc ] .
([ key /#REQUIRED|#IMPLIED/ ] |
[ label "#FIXED" . del /#FIXED[ \r\n\t]*|/ "" . sto_dquote ]) ]*
let att_list_def = decl_def /!ATTLIST/ att_def
let entity_def = decl_def /!ENTITY/ ([sep_spc . label "#decl" . sto_dquote ])
let decl_def_item = elem_def | entity_def | att_list_def | notation_def
let decl_outer = sep_osp . del /\[[ \n\t\r]*/ "[\n" .
(decl_def_item . sep_osp )* . dels "]"
(* let dtd_def = [ sep_spc . key "SYSTEM" . sep_spc . sto_dquote ] *)
let doctype = decl_def /!DOCTYPE/ (decl_outer|id_def)
(* General shape of an attribute
* q is the regexp matching the quote character for the value
* qd is the default quote character
* brx is what the actual attribute value must match *)
let attval (q:regexp) (qd:string) (brx:regexp) =
let quote = del q qd in
let body = store brx in
[ sep_spc . key nmtoken . sep_eq . square quote body quote ]
(* We treat attributes according to one of the following three patterns:
attval1 : values that must be quoted with single quotes
attval2 : values that must be quoted with double quotes
attval3 : values that can be quoted with either *)
let attributes =
let attval1 = attval "'" "'" /[^']*"[^']*/ in (* " *)
let attval2 = attval "\"" "\"" /[^"]*'[^"]*/ in
let attval3 = attval /['"]/ "\"" /(\\\\|[^'\"])*/ in (* " *)
[ label "#attribute" . (attval1|attval2|attval3)+ ]
let prolog = [ label "#declaration" .
dels "<?xml" .
attributes .
sep_osp .
dels "?>" ]
* Tags
(* we consider entities as simple text *)
let text_re = /[^<]+/ - /([^<]*\]\]>[^<]*)/
let text = [ label "#text" . store text_re ]
let cdata = [ label "#CDATA" . dels "<![CDATA[" .
store (char* - (char* . "]]>" . char*)) . dels "]]>" ]
(* the value of nmtoken_del is always the nmtoken_key string *)
let nmtoken_key = key nmtoken
let nmtoken_del = del nmtoken "a"
let element (body:lens) =
let h = attributes? . sep_osp . dels ">" . body* . dels "</" in
[ dels "<" . square nmtoken_key h nmtoken_del . sep_osp . del_end ]
let empty_element = [ dels "<" . nmtoken_key . value "#empty" .
attributes? . sep_osp . del /\/>[\r?\n]?/ "/>\n" ]
let pi_instruction = [ dels "<?" . label "#pi" .
[ label "#target" . store pi_target ] .
[ sep_spc . label "#instruction" . store pi ]? .
sep_osp . del /\?>/ "?>" ]
(* Typecheck is weaker on rec lens, detected by unfolding *)
let content1 = element text
let rec content2 = element (content1|text|comment)
let rec content = element (text|comment|content|empty_element|pi_instruction|cdata)
(* Constraints are weaker here, but it's better than being too strict *)
let doc = (sep_osp . (prolog | comment | doctype | pi_instruction))* .
((sep_osp . content) | (sep_osp . empty_element)) .
(sep_osp . (comment | pi_instruction ))* . sep_osp
let lns = doc
let filter = (incl "/etc/xml/*.xml")
. (incl "/etc/xml/catalog")
let xfm = transform lns filter
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]