Shell File Manager
Module: Xymon_Alerting
Parses xymon alerting files
Author: Francois Maillard <[email protected]>
About: Reference
This lens tries to keep as close as possible to `man 5 alerts.cfg` where possible.
About: License
This file is licenced under the LGPL v2+, like the rest of Augeas.
About: Lens Usage
To be documented
About: Not supported
File inclusion are not followed
About: Configuration files
This lens applies to /etc/xymon/alerts.d/*.cfg and /etc/xymon/alerts.cfg. See <filter>.
About: Examples
The <Test_Xymon_Alerting> file contains various examples and tests.
module Xymon_Alerting =
autoload xfm
(* View: store_word *)
let store_word = store /[^ =\t\n#]+/
(* View: comparison The greater and lesser than operators *)
let comparison = store /[<>]/
(* View: equal *)
let equal = Sep.equal
(* View: ws *)
let ws =
(* View: eol *)
let eol = Util.eol
(* View: ws_or_eol *)
let ws_or_eol = del /([ \t]+|[ \t]*\n[ \t]*)/ " "
(* View: comment *)
let comment = Util.comment
(* View: empty *)
let empty = Util.empty
(* View: include *)
let include = [ key "include" . ws . store_word . eol ]
(* View: macrodefinition
A string that starts with $ and that is assigned something *)
let macrodefinition = [ key /\$[^ =\t\n#\/]+/ . Sep.space_equal . store Rx.space_in . eol ]
(* View: flag
A flag value *)
let flag (kw:string) = Build.flag kw
(* View: kw_word
A key=value value *)
let kw_word (kw:regexp) = Build.key_value kw equal store_word
* Group: FILTERS
(* View: page
The (ex)?page filter definition *)
let page = kw_word /(EX)?PAGE/
(* View: group
The (ex)?group filter definition *)
let group = kw_word /(EX)?GROUP/
(* View: host
The (ex)?host filter definition *)
let host = kw_word /(EX)?HOST/
(* View: service
The (ex)?service filter definition *)
let service = kw_word /(EX)?SERVICE/
(* View: color
The color filter definition *)
let color = kw_word "COLOR"
(* View: time
The time filter definition *)
let time = kw_word "TIME"
(* View: duration
The duration filter definition *)
let duration = [ key "DURATION" . [ label "operator" . comparison ] . [ label "value" . store_word ] ]
(* View: recover
The recover filter definition *)
let recover = flag "RECOVER"
(* View: notice
The notice filter definition *)
let notice = flag "NOTICE"
(* View: rule_filter
Filters are made out of any of the above filter definitions *)
let rule_filter = page | group | host | service
| color | time | duration | recover | notice
(* View: filters
One or more filters *)
let filters = [ label "filters" . Build.opt_list rule_filter ws ]
(* View: filters_opt
Zero, one or more filters *)
let filters_opt = [ label "filters" . (ws . Build.opt_list rule_filter ws)? ]
(* View: kw_word_filters_opt
A <kw_word> entry with optional filters *)
let kw_word_filters_opt (kw:string) = [ key kw . equal . store_word . filters_opt ]
(* View: flag_filters_opt
A <flag> with optional filters *)
let flag_filters_opt (kw:string) = [ key kw . filters_opt ]
(* View: mail
The mail recipient definition *)
let mail = [ key "MAIL" . ws . store_word . filters_opt ]
(* View: script
The script recipient definition *)
let script = [ key "SCRIPT" . ws . [ label "script" . store_word ]
. ws . [ label "recipient" . store_word ] . filters_opt ]
(* View: ignore
The ignore recipient definition *)
let ignore = flag_filters_opt "IGNORE"
(* View: format
The format recipient definition *)
let format = kw_word_filters_opt "FORMAT"
(* View: repeat
The repeat recipient definition *)
let repeat = kw_word_filters_opt "REPEAT"
(* View: unmatched
The unmatched recipient definition *)
let unmatched = flag_filters_opt "UNMATCHED"
(* View: stop
The stop recipient definition *)
let stop = flag_filters_opt "STOP"
(* View: macro
The macro recipient definition *)
let macro = [ key /\$[^ =\t\n#\/]+/ . filters_opt ]
(* View: recipient
Recipients are made out of any of the above recipient definitions *)
let recipient = mail | script | ignore | format | repeat | unmatched
| stop | macro
let recipients = [ label "recipients" . Build.opt_list recipient ws_or_eol ]
* Group: RULES
(* View: rule
Rules are made of rule_filter and then recipients sperarated by a whitespace *)
let rule = [ seq "rules" . filters . ws_or_eol . recipients . eol ]
(* View: lns
The Xymon_Alerting lens *)
let lns = ( rule | macrodefinition | include | empty | comment )*
(* Variable: filter *)
let filter = incl "/etc/xymon/alerts.d/*.cfg"
. incl "/etc/xymon/alerts.cfg"
. Util.stdexcl
let xfm = transform lns filter
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]