Shell File Manager
(* Generic lens for shell-script config files like the ones found *)
(* in /etc/sysconfig, where a string needs to be split into *)
(* single words. *)
module Shellvars_list =
autoload xfm
let eol = Util.eol
let key_re = /[A-Za-z0-9_]+/
let eq = Util.del_str "="
let comment = Util.comment
let comment_or_eol = Util.comment_or_eol
let empty = Util.empty
let indent = Util.indent
let sqword = /[^ '\t\n]+/
let dqword = /([^ "\\\t\n]|\\\\.)+/
let uqword = /([^ `"'\\\t\n]|\\\\.)+/
let bqword = /`[^`\n]*`/
let space_or_nl = /[ \t\n]+/
let space_or_cl = space_or_nl |
(* lists values of the form ... val1 val2 val3 ... *)
let list (word:regexp) (sep:regexp) =
let list_value = store word in
indent .
[ label "value" . list_value ] .
[ del sep " " . label "value" . list_value ]* . indent
(* handle single quoted lists *)
let squote_arr = [ label "quote" . store /'/ ]
. (list sqword space_or_nl)? . del /'/ "'"
(* similarly handle double qouted lists *)
let dquote_arr = [ label "quote" . store /"/ ]
. (list dqword space_or_cl)? . del /"/ "\""
(* handle unquoted single value *)
let unquot_val = [ label "quote" . store "" ]
. [ label "value" . store (uqword+ | bqword)]?
(* lens for key value pairs *)
let kv = [ key key_re . eq .
( (squote_arr | dquote_arr) . comment_or_eol
| unquot_val . eol )
let lns = ( comment | empty | kv )*
let filter = incl "/etc/sysconfig/bootloader"
. incl "/etc/sysconfig/kernel"
let xfm = transform lns filter
(* Local Variables: *)
(* mode: caml *)
(* End: *)
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]