Shell File Manager
Module: Dovecot
Parses dovecot configuration files.
Author: Serge Smetana <[email protected]>
Pluron, Inc.
About: License
This file is licensed under the LGPL v2+.
About: Configuration files
This lens applies to /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf and files in
/etc/dovecot/conf.d/. See <filter>.
About: Examples
The <Test_Dovecot> file contains various examples and tests.
About: TODO
Support for multiline values like queries in dict-sql.conf
module Dovecot =
autoload xfm
(* View: indent *)
let indent = Util.indent
(* View: eol *)
let eol = Util.eol
(* View: empty
Map empty lines. *)
let empty = Util.empty
(* View: comment
Map comments in "#comment" nodes. *)
let comment = Util.comment
(* View: eq *)
let eq = del /[ \t]*=/ " ="
(* Variable: any *)
let any = Rx.no_spaces
(* Variable: value
Match any value after " =".
Should not start and end with spaces. May contain spaces inside *)
let value = any . ( . any)*
(* View: command_start *)
let command_start = Util.del_str "!"
(* View: block_args
Map block arguments after block name and before "{" *)
let block_args = . store /([A-Za-z0-9\/\\_-]+|\"[A-Za-z0-9 ]*\")/
* Group: ENTRIES
(* Variable: commands *)
let commands = /include|include_try/
(* Variable: block_names *)
let block_names = /dict|userdb|passdb|protocol|service|plugin|namespace|map|fields|unix_listener|fifo_listener|inet_listener/
(* Variable: keys
Match any possible key except commands and block names. *)
let keys = Rx.word - (commands | block_names)
(* View: entry
Map simple "key = value" entries including "key =" entries with empty value. *)
let entry = [ indent . key keys. eq . (Sep.opt_space . store value)? . eol ]
(* View: command
Map commands started with "!". *)
let command = [ command_start . key commands . . store Rx.fspath . eol ]
let mailbox = [ indent . key /mailbox/ . block_args? . Build.block_newlines_spc (entry) comment . eol ]
let block_ldelim_newlines_re = /[ \t]+\{([ \t\n]*\n)?/
let block_newlines (entry:lens) (comment:lens) =
let indent = del Rx.opt_space "\t"
in del block_ldelim_newlines_re Build.block_ldelim_default
. ((entry | comment) . (Util.empty | entry | comment)*)?
. del Build.block_rdelim_newlines_re Build.block_rdelim_newlines_default
(* View: block
Map block enclosed in brackets recursively.
Block may be indented and have optional argument.
Block body may have entries, comments, empty lines, and nested blocks recursively. *)
let rec block = [ indent . key block_names . block_args? . block_newlines (entry|block|mailbox) comment . eol ]
(* View: lns
The Dovecot lens *)
let lns = (comment|empty|entry|command|block)*
(* Variable: filter *)
let filter = incl "/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf"
. (incl "/etc/dovecot/conf.d/*.conf")
. Util.stdexcl
let xfm = transform lns filter
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]