Shell File Manager
Module: Dhcpd
BIND dhcp 3 server configuration module for Augeas
Author: Francis Giraldeau <[email protected]>
About: Reference
Reference: manual of dhcpd.conf and dhcp-eval
Follow dhclient module for tree structure
About: License
This file is licensed under the GPL.
About: Lens Usage
Sample usage of this lens in augtool
Directive without argument.
Set this dhcpd server authoritative on the domain.
> clear /files/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf/authoritative
Directives with integer or string argument.
Set max-lease-time to one hour:
> set /files/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf/max-lease-time 3600
Options are declared as a list, even for single values.
Set the domain of the network:
> set /files/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf/option/domain-name/arg
Set two name server:
> set /files/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf/option/domain-name-servers/arg[1]
> set /files/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf/option/domain-name-servers/arg[2]
Create the subnet with 10 addresses:
> clear /files/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf/subnet[last() + 1]
> set /files/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf/subnet[last()]/network
> set /files/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf/subnet[last()]/netmask
> set /files/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf/subnet[last()]/range/from
> set /files/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf/subnet[last()]/range/to
Create a new group "foo" with one static host. Nodes type and address are ordered.
> ins group after /files/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf/subnet[network='']/*[last()]
> set /files/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf/subnet[network='']/group[last()]/host foo
> set /files/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf/subnet[network='']/group[host='foo']/host/hardware/type "ethernet"
> set /files/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf/subnet[network='']/group[host='foo']/host/hardware/address "00:00:00:aa:bb:cc"
> set /files/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf/subnet[network='']/group[host='foo']/host/fixed-address
About: Configuration files
This lens applies to /etc/dhcpd3/dhcpd.conf. See <filter>.
module Dhcpd =
autoload xfm
let dels (s:string) = del s s
let eol = Util.eol
let comment = Util.comment
let empty = Util.empty
let indent = Util.indent
let eos = comment?
(* Define separators *)
let sep_spc = del /[ \t]+/ " "
let sep_osp = del /[ \t]*/ ""
let sep_scl = del /[ \t]*;([ \t]*\n)*/ ";\n"
let sep_obr = del /[ \t]*\{([ \t]*\n)*/ " {\n"
let sep_cbr = del /[ \t]*\}([ \t]*\n)*/ "}\n"
let sep_com = del /[ \t\n]*,[ \t\n]*/ ", "
let sep_slh = del "\/" "/"
let sep_col = del ":" ":"
let sep_eq = del /[ \t]*=[ \t]*/ "="
let scl = del ";" ";"
(* Define basic types *)
let word = /[A-Za-z0-9_.-]+(\[[0-9]+\])?/
let ip = Rx.ipv4
(* Define fields *)
(* adapted from sysconfig.aug *)
(* Chars allowed in a bare string *)
let bchar = /[^ \t\n"'\\{}#,()\/]|\\\\./
let qchar = /["']/ (* " *)
(* We split the handling of right hand sides into a few cases:
* bare - strings that contain no spaces, optionally enclosed in
* single or double quotes
* dquot - strings that contain at least one space, apostrophe or slash
* which must be enclosed in double quotes
* squot - strings that contain an unescaped double quote
let bare = del qchar? "" . store (bchar+) . del qchar? ""
let quote = Quote.do_quote (store (bchar* . /[ \t'\/]/ . bchar*)+)
let dquote = Quote.do_dquote (store (bchar+))
let sto_to_spc = store /[^\\#,;\{\}" \t\n]+|"[^\\#"\n]+"/
let sto_to_scl = store /[^ \t;][^;\n=]+[^ \t;]|[^ \t;=]+/
let sto_number = store /[0-9][0-9]*/
let stmt_noarg_re = "authoritative"
| "primary"
| "secondary"
let stmt_noarg = [ indent
. key stmt_noarg_re
. sep_scl
. eos ]
let stmt_integer_re = "default-lease-time"
| "max-lease-time"
| "min-lease-time"
| /lease[ ]+limit/
| "port"
| /peer[ ]+port/
| "max-response-delay"
| "max-unacked-updates"
| "mclt"
| "split"
| /load[ ]+balance[ ]+max[ ]+seconds/
| "max-lease-misbalance"
| "max-lease-ownership"
| "min-balance"
| "max-balance"
| "adaptive-lease-time-threshold"
| "dynamic-bootp-lease-length"
| "local-port"
| "min-sec"
| "omapi-port"
| "ping-timeout"
| "remote-port"
let stmt_integer = [ indent
. key stmt_integer_re
. sep_spc
. sto_number
. sep_scl
. eos ]
let stmt_string_re = "ddns-update-style"
| "ddns-updates"
| "ddns-hostname"
| "ddns-domainname"
| "ddns-rev-domainname"
| "log-facility"
| "server-name"
| "fixed-address"
| /failover[ ]+peer/
| "use-host-decl-names"
| "next-server"
| "address"
| /peer[ ]+address/
| "type"
| "file"
| "algorithm"
| "secret"
| "key"
| "include"
| "hba"
| "boot-unknown-clients"
| "db-time-format"
| "do-forward-updates"
| "dynamic-bootp-lease-cutoff"
| "get-lease-hostnames"
| "infinite-is-reserved"
| "lease-file-name"
| "local-address"
| "one-lease-per-client"
| "pid-file-name"
| "ping-check"
| "server-identifier"
| "site-option-space"
| "stash-agent-options"
| "update-conflict-detection"
| "update-optimization"
| "update-static-leases"
| "use-host-decl-names"
| "use-lease-addr-for-default-route"
| "vendor-option-space"
| "primary"
let stmt_string_tpl (kw:regexp) (l:lens) = [ indent
. key kw
. sep_spc
. l
. sep_scl
. eos ]
let stmt_string = stmt_string_tpl stmt_string_re bare
| stmt_string_tpl stmt_string_re quote
| stmt_string_tpl "filename" dquote
let stmt_range = [ indent
. key "range"
. sep_spc
. [ label "flag" . store /dynamic-bootp/ . sep_spc ]?
. [ label "from" . store ip . sep_spc ]?
. [ label "to" . store ip ]
. sep_scl
. eos ]
let stmt_hardware = [ indent
. key "hardware"
. sep_spc
. [ label "type" . store /ethernet|tokenring/ ]
. sep_spc
. [ label "address" . store /[a-fA-F0-9:-]+/ ]
. sep_scl
. eos ]
(* The general case is considering options as a list *)
let stmt_option_code = [ label "label" . store word . sep_spc ]
. [ key "code" . sep_spc . store word ]
. sep_eq
. [ label "type" . store word ]
let stmt_option_list = ([ label "arg" . bare ] | [ label "arg" . quote ])
. ( sep_com . ([ label "arg" . bare ] | [ label "arg" . quote ]))*
let stmt_option_basic = [ key word . sep_spc . stmt_option_list ]
let stmt_option_extra = [ key word . sep_spc . store /true|false/ . sep_spc . stmt_option_list ]
let stmt_option_body = stmt_option_basic | stmt_option_extra
let stmt_option1 = [ indent
. key "option"
. sep_spc
. stmt_option_body
. sep_scl
. eos ]
let stmt_option2 = [ indent
. dels "option" . label "rfc-code"
. sep_spc
. stmt_option_code
. sep_scl
. eos ]
let stmt_option = stmt_option1 | stmt_option2
(* this statement is not well documented in the manual dhcpd.conf
we support basic use case *)
let stmt_subclass = [ indent . key "subclass" . sep_spc .
([ label "name" . quote ]|
[ label "name" . bare ]) . sep_spc .
[ label "value" . bare ] . sep_scl . eos ]
(* We have to use special key for allow/deny members of
to avoid ambiguity in the put direction *)
let allow_deny_re = "unknown-clients"
| /dynamic[ ]+bootp[ ]+clients/
| /authenticated[ ]+clients/
| /unauthenticated[ ]+clients/
let stmt_secu_re = "allow"
| "deny"
let del_allow = del /allow[ ]+members[ ]+of/ "allow members of"
let del_deny = del /deny[ \t]+members[ \t]+of/ "deny members of"
let stmt_secu_tpl (l:lens) (s:string) =
[ indent . l . sep_spc . label s . bare . sep_scl . eos ] |
[ indent . l . sep_spc . label s . quote . sep_scl . eos ]
let stmt_secu = [ indent . key stmt_secu_re . sep_spc .
store allow_deny_re . sep_scl . eos ] |
stmt_secu_tpl del_allow "allow-members-of" |
stmt_secu_tpl del_deny "deny-members-of"
let sto_fct = store (word . /[ \t]*\([^)]*\)/)
let sto_option = store (/option[ ]+/ . word)
let sto_com = /[^ \t\n,\(\)][^,\(\)]*[^ \t\n,\(\)]|[^ \t\n,\(\)]+/ | word . /[ \t]*\([^)]*\)/
let fct_re = "substring" | "binary-to-ascii"
let fct_args = [ label "args" . dels "(" . sep_osp .
([ label "arg" . store sto_com ] . [ label "arg" . sep_com . store sto_com ]+) .
sep_osp . dels ")" ]
let stmt_match_if = [ dels "if" . sep_spc . store fct_re . sep_osp . label "function" . fct_args ] .
sep_eq . ([ label "value" . bare ]|[ label "value" . quote ])
let stmt_match_pfv = [ label "function" . store "pick-first-value" . sep_spc .
dels "(" . sep_osp .
[ label "args" .
[ label "arg" . store sto_com ] .
[ sep_com . label "arg" . store sto_com ]+ ] .
dels ")" ]
let stmt_match_tpl (l:lens) = [ indent . key "match" . sep_spc . l . sep_scl . eos ]
let stmt_match = stmt_match_tpl (stmt_match_if | stmt_match_pfv )
(* Blocks doesn't support comments at the end of the closing bracket *)
let stmt_entry = stmt_secu
| stmt_option
| stmt_hardware
| stmt_range
| stmt_string
| stmt_integer
| stmt_noarg
| stmt_match
| stmt_subclass
| empty
| comment
let stmt_block_noarg_re = "pool"
| "group"
| "allow-update"
let stmt_block_noarg (body:lens)
= [ indent
. key stmt_block_noarg_re
. sep_obr
. body*
. sep_cbr ]
let stmt_block_arg_re = "host"
| "class"
| "shared-network"
| /failover[ ]+peer/
| "zone"
| "key"
let stmt_block_arg (body:lens)
= [ indent
. key stmt_block_arg_re
. sep_spc
. sto_to_spc
. sep_obr
. body*
. sep_cbr ]
let stmt_block_subnet (body:lens)
= [ indent
. key "subnet"
. sep_spc
. [ label "network" . store ip ]
. sep_spc
. [ key "netmask" . sep_spc . store ip ]
. sep_obr
. body*
. sep_cbr ]
let all_block (body:lens) =
let lns1 = stmt_block_subnet body in
let lns2 = stmt_block_arg body in
let lns3 = stmt_block_noarg body in
(lns1 | lns2 | lns3 | stmt_entry)
let rec lns_staging = stmt_entry|all_block lns_staging
let lns = (lns_staging)*
let filter = incl "/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf"
. incl "/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf"
. incl "/etc/dhcpd.conf"
let xfm = transform lns filter
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]