Shell File Manager
(* Process /etc/multipath.conf *)
(* The lens is based on the multipath.conf(5) man page *)
module Multipath =
autoload xfm
let comment = Util.comment
let empty = Util.empty
let dels = Util.del_str
let eol = Util.eol
let ws = del /[ \t]+/ " "
let indent = del /[ \t]*/ ""
(* We require that braces are always followed by a newline *)
let obr = del /\{([ \t]*)\n/ "{\n"
let cbr = del /[ \t]*}[ \t]*\n/ "}\n"
let ikey (k:regexp) = indent . key k
let section (n:regexp) (b:lens) =
[ ikey n . ws . obr . (b|empty|comment)* . cbr ]
let kv (k:regexp) (v:regexp) =
[ ikey k . ws . store v . eol ]
(* FIXME: it would be much more concise to write *)
(* [ key k . ws . (bare | quoted) ] *)
(* but the typechecker trips over that *)
let qstr (k:regexp) =
let delq = del /['"]/ "\"" in
let bare = del /["']?/ "" . store /[^"' \t\n]+/ . del /["']?/ "" in
let quoted = delq . store /.*[ \t].*/ . delq in
[ ikey k . ws . bare . eol ]
|[ ikey k . ws . quoted . eol ]
let wwid = kv "wwid" (Rx.word|"*")
(* Settings that can be changed in various places *)
let common_setting =
kv "path_grouping_policy"
|qstr /(getuid|prio)_callout/
|qstr /path_(selector|checker)|features/
|kv "failback" (Rx.integer | /immediate|manual/)
|kv "rr_weight" /priorities|uniform/
|kv "no_path_retry" (Rx.integer | /fail|queue/)
|kv /rr_min_io(_rq)?/ Rx.integer
let default_setting =
kv "polling_interval" Rx.integer
|kv "udev_dir" Rx.fspath
|qstr "selector"
|kv "user_friendly_names" /yes|no/
|kv "dev_loss_tmo" Rx.integer
|kv "fast_io_fail_tmo" Rx.integer
|kv "verbosity" /[0-6]/
|kv "reassign_maps" /yes|no/
(* These are not in the manpage but in the example multipath.conf *)
|kv "prio" Rx.word
|kv "max_fds" Rx.integer
(* SUSE extensions *)
|kv "async_timeout" Rx.integer
|kv "max_polling_interval" Rx.integer
|kv "pg_timeout" Rx.word
|kv "bindings_file" Rx.fspath
|kv "multipath_dir" Rx.fspath
|kv "alias_prefix" Rx.word
|kv "queue_without_daemon" /yes|no/
|kv "h_on_last_deleassign_maps" /yes|no/
|qstr "prio_args"
(* SUSE extensions SP3 *)
|qstr "uid_attribute"
|kv "wwids_file" Rx.fspath
|kv "log_checker_err" Rx.word
|kv "retain_attached_hw_handler" /yes|no/
|kv "detect_prio" /yes|no/
|kv "flush_on_last_del" /yes|no/
(* A device subsection *)
let device =
let setting =
qstr /vendor|product|product_blacklist|hardware_handler/
|default_setting in
section "device" setting
(* The defaults section *)
let defaults =
let setting =
in section "defaults" setting
(* The blacklist and blacklist_exceptions sections *)
let blacklist =
let setting =
|qstr "devnode"
|device in
section /blacklist(_exceptions)?/ setting
(* A multipath subsection *)
let multipath =
let setting =
|qstr "alias"
|common_setting in
section "multipath" setting
(* The multipaths section *)
let multipaths =
section "multipaths" multipath
(* The devices section *)
let devices =
section "devices" device
let lns = (comment|empty|defaults|blacklist|devices|multipaths)*
let xfm = transform lns (incl "/etc/multipath.conf")
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]