Shell File Manager
# Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc. Daniel Walsh <[email protected]>
# This file is part of the sos project:
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
from sos.plugins import Plugin, RedHatPlugin, UbuntuPlugin
class Podman(Plugin, RedHatPlugin, UbuntuPlugin):
"""Podman containers
plugin_name = 'podman'
profiles = ('container',)
packages = ('podman')
option_list = [
("all", "enable capture for all containers, even containers "
"that have terminated", 'fast', False),
("logs", "capture logs for running containers",
'fast', False),
("size", "capture image sizes for podman ps", 'slow', False)
def setup(self):
subcmds = [
'pod ps',
'pod ps -a',
'port --all',
'ps -a',
'stats --no-stream --all',
'volume ls'
self.add_cmd_output(["podman %s" % s for s in subcmds])
# separately grab ps -s as this can take a *very* long time
if self.get_option('size'):
self.add_cmd_output('podman ps -as')
"ls -alhR /etc/cni",
"ls -alhR /etc/containers"
pnets = self.collect_cmd_output('podman network ls')
if pnets['status'] == 0:
nets = [pn.split()[0] for pn in pnets['output'].splitlines()[1:]]
"podman network inspect %s" % net for net in nets
], subdir='networks')
ps_cmd = 'podman ps -q'
if self.get_option('all'):
ps_cmd = "%s -a" % ps_cmd
fmt = '{{lower .Repository}}:{{lower .Tag}} {{lower .ID}}'
img_cmd = "podman images --format='%s'" % fmt
vol_cmd = 'podman volume ls -q'
containers = self._get_podman_list(ps_cmd)
images = self._get_podman_list(img_cmd)
volumes = self._get_podman_list(vol_cmd)
for container in containers:
self.add_cmd_output("podman inspect %s" % container,
for img in images:
name, img_id = img.strip().split()
insp = name if 'none' not in name else img_id
self.add_cmd_output("podman inspect %s" % insp, subdir='images')
for vol in volumes:
self.add_cmd_output("podman volume inspect %s" % vol,
if self.get_option('logs'):
for con in containers:
self.add_cmd_output("podman logs -t %s" % con,
def _get_podman_list(self, cmd):
ret = []
result = self.exec_cmd(cmd)
if result['status'] == 0:
for ent in result['output'].splitlines():
return ret
def postproc(self):
# Attempts to match key=value pairs inside container inspect output
# for potentially sensitive items like env vars that contain passwords.
# Typically, these will be seen in env elements or similar, and look
# like this:
# "Env": [
# "mypassword=supersecret",
# "container=oci"
# ],
# This will mask values when the variable name looks like it may be
# something worth obfuscating.
env_regexp = r'(?P<var>(pass|key|secret|PASS|KEY|SECRET).*?)=' \
self.do_cmd_output_sub('*inspect*', env_regexp,
# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]