Shell File Manager
"""passlib.handlers.pbkdf - PBKDF2 based hashes"""
# imports
# core
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
import logging; log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# site
# pkg
from passlib.utils import to_unicode
from passlib.utils.binary import ab64_decode, ab64_encode
from passlib.utils.compat import str_to_bascii, u, uascii_to_str, unicode
from passlib.crypto.digest import pbkdf2_hmac
import passlib.utils.handlers as uh
# local
__all__ = [
class Pbkdf2DigestHandler(uh.HasRounds, uh.HasRawSalt, uh.HasRawChecksum, uh.GenericHandler):
"""base class for various pbkdf2_{digest} algorithms"""
# class attrs
setting_kwds = ("salt", "salt_size", "rounds")
checksum_chars = uh.HASH64_CHARS
default_salt_size = 16
max_salt_size = 1024
default_rounds = None # set by subclass
min_rounds = 1
max_rounds = 0xffffffff # setting at 32-bit limit for now
rounds_cost = "linear"
#--this class--
_digest = None # name of subclass-specified hash
# NOTE: max_salt_size and max_rounds are arbitrarily chosen to provide sanity check.
# the underlying pbkdf2 specifies no bounds for either.
# NOTE: defaults chosen to be at least as large as pbkdf2 rfc recommends...
# >8 bytes of entropy in salt, >1000 rounds
# increased due to time since rfc established
# methods
def from_string(cls, hash):
rounds, salt, chk = uh.parse_mc3(hash, cls.ident, handler=cls)
salt = ab64_decode(salt.encode("ascii"))
if chk:
chk = ab64_decode(chk.encode("ascii"))
return cls(rounds=rounds, salt=salt, checksum=chk)
def to_string(self):
salt = ab64_encode(self.salt).decode("ascii")
chk = ab64_encode(self.checksum).decode("ascii")
return uh.render_mc3(self.ident, self.rounds, salt, chk)
def _calc_checksum(self, secret):
# NOTE: pbkdf2_hmac() will encode secret & salt using UTF8
return pbkdf2_hmac(self._digest, secret, self.salt, self.rounds, self.checksum_size)
def create_pbkdf2_hash(hash_name, digest_size, rounds=12000, ident=None, module=__name__):
"""create new Pbkdf2DigestHandler subclass for a specific hash"""
name = 'pbkdf2_' + hash_name
if ident is None:
ident = u("$pbkdf2-%s$") % (hash_name,)
base = Pbkdf2DigestHandler
return type(name, (base,), dict(
__module__=module, # so ABCMeta won't clobber it.
_digest = hash_name,
__doc__="""This class implements a generic ``PBKDF2-HMAC-%(digest)s``-based password hash, and follows the :ref:`password-hash-api`.
It supports a variable-length salt, and a variable number of rounds.
The :meth:`~passlib.ifc.PasswordHash.using` method accepts the following optional keywords:
:type salt: bytes
:param salt:
Optional salt bytes.
If specified, the length must be between 0-1024 bytes.
If not specified, a %(dsc)d byte salt will be autogenerated (this is recommended).
:type salt_size: int
:param salt_size:
Optional number of bytes to use when autogenerating new salts.
Defaults to %(dsc)d bytes, but can be any value between 0 and 1024.
:type rounds: int
:param rounds:
Optional number of rounds to use.
Defaults to %(dr)d, but must be within ``range(1,1<<32)``.
:type relaxed: bool
:param relaxed:
By default, providing an invalid value for one of the other
keywords will result in a :exc:`ValueError`. If ``relaxed=True``,
and the error can be corrected, a :exc:`~passlib.exc.PasslibHashWarning`
will be issued instead. Correctable errors include ``rounds``
that are too small or too large, and ``salt`` strings that are too long.
.. versionadded:: 1.6
""" % dict(digest=hash_name.upper(), dsc=base.default_salt_size, dr=rounds)
# derived handlers
pbkdf2_sha1 = create_pbkdf2_hash("sha1", 20, 131000, ident=u("$pbkdf2$"))
pbkdf2_sha256 = create_pbkdf2_hash("sha256", 32, 29000)
pbkdf2_sha512 = create_pbkdf2_hash("sha512", 64, 25000)
ldap_pbkdf2_sha1 = uh.PrefixWrapper("ldap_pbkdf2_sha1", pbkdf2_sha1, "{PBKDF2}", "$pbkdf2$", ident=True)
ldap_pbkdf2_sha256 = uh.PrefixWrapper("ldap_pbkdf2_sha256", pbkdf2_sha256, "{PBKDF2-SHA256}", "$pbkdf2-sha256$", ident=True)
ldap_pbkdf2_sha512 = uh.PrefixWrapper("ldap_pbkdf2_sha512", pbkdf2_sha512, "{PBKDF2-SHA512}", "$pbkdf2-sha512$", ident=True)
# cryptacular's pbkdf2 hash
# bytes used by cta hash for base64 values 63 & 64
class cta_pbkdf2_sha1(uh.HasRounds, uh.HasRawSalt, uh.HasRawChecksum, uh.GenericHandler):
"""This class implements Cryptacular's PBKDF2-based crypt algorithm, and follows the :ref:`password-hash-api`.
It supports a variable-length salt, and a variable number of rounds.
The :meth:`~passlib.ifc.PasswordHash.using` method accepts the following optional keywords:
:type salt: bytes
:param salt:
Optional salt bytes.
If specified, it may be any length.
If not specified, a one will be autogenerated (this is recommended).
:type salt_size: int
:param salt_size:
Optional number of bytes to use when autogenerating new salts.
Defaults to 16 bytes, but can be any value between 0 and 1024.
:type rounds: int
:param rounds:
Optional number of rounds to use.
Defaults to 60000, must be within ``range(1,1<<32)``.
:type relaxed: bool
:param relaxed:
By default, providing an invalid value for one of the other
keywords will result in a :exc:`ValueError`. If ``relaxed=True``,
and the error can be corrected, a :exc:`~passlib.exc.PasslibHashWarning`
will be issued instead. Correctable errors include ``rounds``
that are too small or too large, and ``salt`` strings that are too long.
.. versionadded:: 1.6
# class attrs
name = "cta_pbkdf2_sha1"
setting_kwds = ("salt", "salt_size", "rounds")
ident = u("$p5k2$")
checksum_size = 20
# NOTE: max_salt_size and max_rounds are arbitrarily chosen to provide a
# sanity check. underlying algorithm (and reference implementation)
# allows effectively unbounded values for both of these parameters.
default_salt_size = 16
max_salt_size = 1024
default_rounds = pbkdf2_sha1.default_rounds
min_rounds = 1
max_rounds = 0xffffffff # setting at 32-bit limit for now
rounds_cost = "linear"
# formatting
# hash $p5k2$1000$ZxK4ZBJCfQg=$jJZVscWtO--p1-xIZl6jhO2LKR0=
# ident $p5k2$
# rounds 1000
# salt ZxK4ZBJCfQg=
# chk jJZVscWtO--p1-xIZl6jhO2LKR0=
# NOTE: rounds in hex
def from_string(cls, hash):
# NOTE: passlib deviation - forbidding zero-padded rounds
rounds, salt, chk = uh.parse_mc3(hash, cls.ident, rounds_base=16, handler=cls)
salt = b64decode(salt.encode("ascii"), CTA_ALTCHARS)
if chk:
chk = b64decode(chk.encode("ascii"), CTA_ALTCHARS)
return cls(rounds=rounds, salt=salt, checksum=chk)
def to_string(self):
salt = b64encode(self.salt, CTA_ALTCHARS).decode("ascii")
chk = b64encode(self.checksum, CTA_ALTCHARS).decode("ascii")
return uh.render_mc3(self.ident, self.rounds, salt, chk, rounds_base=16)
# backend
def _calc_checksum(self, secret):
# NOTE: pbkdf2_hmac() will encode secret & salt using utf-8
return pbkdf2_hmac("sha1", secret, self.salt, self.rounds, 20)
# eoc
# dlitz's pbkdf2 hash
class dlitz_pbkdf2_sha1(uh.HasRounds, uh.HasSalt, uh.GenericHandler):
"""This class implements Dwayne Litzenberger's PBKDF2-based crypt algorithm, and follows the :ref:`password-hash-api`.
It supports a variable-length salt, and a variable number of rounds.
The :meth:`~passlib.ifc.PasswordHash.using` method accepts the following optional keywords:
:type salt: str
:param salt:
Optional salt string.
If specified, it may be any length, but must use the characters in the regexp range ``[./0-9A-Za-z]``.
If not specified, a 16 character salt will be autogenerated (this is recommended).
:type salt_size: int
:param salt_size:
Optional number of bytes to use when autogenerating new salts.
Defaults to 16 bytes, but can be any value between 0 and 1024.
:type rounds: int
:param rounds:
Optional number of rounds to use.
Defaults to 60000, must be within ``range(1,1<<32)``.
:type relaxed: bool
:param relaxed:
By default, providing an invalid value for one of the other
keywords will result in a :exc:`ValueError`. If ``relaxed=True``,
and the error can be corrected, a :exc:`~passlib.exc.PasslibHashWarning`
will be issued instead. Correctable errors include ``rounds``
that are too small or too large, and ``salt`` strings that are too long.
.. versionadded:: 1.6
# class attrs
name = "dlitz_pbkdf2_sha1"
setting_kwds = ("salt", "salt_size", "rounds")
ident = u("$p5k2$")
_stub_checksum = u("0" * 48 + "=")
# NOTE: max_salt_size and max_rounds are arbitrarily chosen to provide a
# sanity check. underlying algorithm (and reference implementation)
# allows effectively unbounded values for both of these parameters.
default_salt_size = 16
max_salt_size = 1024
salt_chars = uh.HASH64_CHARS
# NOTE: for security, the default here is set to match pbkdf2_sha1,
# even though this hash's extra block makes it twice as slow.
default_rounds = pbkdf2_sha1.default_rounds
min_rounds = 1
max_rounds = 0xffffffff # setting at 32-bit limit for now
rounds_cost = "linear"
# formatting
# hash $p5k2$c$u9HvcT4d$Sd1gwSVCLZYAuqZ25piRnbBEoAesaa/g
# ident $p5k2$
# rounds c
# salt u9HvcT4d
# chk Sd1gwSVCLZYAuqZ25piRnbBEoAesaa/g
# rounds in lowercase hex, no zero padding
def from_string(cls, hash):
rounds, salt, chk = uh.parse_mc3(hash, cls.ident, rounds_base=16,
default_rounds=400, handler=cls)
return cls(rounds=rounds, salt=salt, checksum=chk)
def to_string(self):
rounds = self.rounds
if rounds == 400:
rounds = None # omit rounds measurement if == 400
return uh.render_mc3(self.ident, rounds, self.salt, self.checksum, rounds_base=16)
def _get_config(self):
rounds = self.rounds
if rounds == 400:
rounds = None # omit rounds measurement if == 400
return uh.render_mc3(self.ident, rounds, self.salt, None, rounds_base=16)
# backend
def _calc_checksum(self, secret):
# NOTE: pbkdf2_hmac() will encode secret & salt using utf-8
salt = self._get_config()
result = pbkdf2_hmac("sha1", secret, salt, self.rounds, 24)
return ab64_encode(result).decode("ascii")
# eoc
# crowd
class atlassian_pbkdf2_sha1(uh.HasRawSalt, uh.HasRawChecksum, uh.GenericHandler):
"""This class implements the PBKDF2 hash used by Atlassian.
It supports a fixed-length salt, and a fixed number of rounds.
The :meth:`~passlib.ifc.PasswordHash.using` method accepts the following optional keywords:
:type salt: bytes
:param salt:
Optional salt bytes.
If specified, the length must be exactly 16 bytes.
If not specified, a salt will be autogenerated (this is recommended).
:type relaxed: bool
:param relaxed:
By default, providing an invalid value for one of the other
keywords will result in a :exc:`ValueError`. If ``relaxed=True``,
and the error can be corrected, a :exc:`~passlib.exc.PasslibHashWarning`
will be issued instead. Correctable errors include
``salt`` strings that are too long.
.. versionadded:: 1.6
name = "atlassian_pbkdf2_sha1"
setting_kwds =("salt",)
ident = u("{PKCS5S2}")
checksum_size = 32
min_salt_size = max_salt_size = 16
def from_string(cls, hash):
hash = to_unicode(hash, "ascii", "hash")
ident = cls.ident
if not hash.startswith(ident):
raise uh.exc.InvalidHashError(cls)
data = b64decode(hash[len(ident):].encode("ascii"))
salt, chk = data[:16], data[16:]
return cls(salt=salt, checksum=chk)
def to_string(self):
data = self.salt + self.checksum
hash = self.ident + b64encode(data).decode("ascii")
return uascii_to_str(hash)
def _calc_checksum(self, secret):
# TODO: find out what crowd's policy is re: unicode
# crowd seems to use a fixed number of rounds.
# NOTE: pbkdf2_hmac() will encode secret & salt using utf-8
return pbkdf2_hmac("sha1", secret, self.salt, 10000, 32)
# grub
class grub_pbkdf2_sha512(uh.HasRounds, uh.HasRawSalt, uh.HasRawChecksum, uh.GenericHandler):
"""This class implements Grub's pbkdf2-hmac-sha512 hash, and follows the :ref:`password-hash-api`.
It supports a variable-length salt, and a variable number of rounds.
The :meth:`~passlib.ifc.PasswordHash.using` method accepts the following optional keywords:
:type salt: bytes
:param salt:
Optional salt bytes.
If specified, the length must be between 0-1024 bytes.
If not specified, a 64 byte salt will be autogenerated (this is recommended).
:type salt_size: int
:param salt_size:
Optional number of bytes to use when autogenerating new salts.
Defaults to 64 bytes, but can be any value between 0 and 1024.
:type rounds: int
:param rounds:
Optional number of rounds to use.
Defaults to 19000, but must be within ``range(1,1<<32)``.
:type relaxed: bool
:param relaxed:
By default, providing an invalid value for one of the other
keywords will result in a :exc:`ValueError`. If ``relaxed=True``,
and the error can be corrected, a :exc:`~passlib.exc.PasslibHashWarning`
will be issued instead. Correctable errors include ``rounds``
that are too small or too large, and ``salt`` strings that are too long.
.. versionadded:: 1.6
name = "grub_pbkdf2_sha512"
setting_kwds = ("salt", "salt_size", "rounds")
ident = u("grub.pbkdf2.sha512.")
checksum_size = 64
# NOTE: max_salt_size and max_rounds are arbitrarily chosen to provide a
# sanity check. the underlying pbkdf2 specifies no bounds for either,
# and it's not clear what grub specifies.
default_salt_size = 64
max_salt_size = 1024
default_rounds = pbkdf2_sha512.default_rounds
min_rounds = 1
max_rounds = 0xffffffff # setting at 32-bit limit for now
rounds_cost = "linear"
def from_string(cls, hash):
rounds, salt, chk = uh.parse_mc3(hash, cls.ident, sep=u("."),
salt = unhexlify(salt.encode("ascii"))
if chk:
chk = unhexlify(chk.encode("ascii"))
return cls(rounds=rounds, salt=salt, checksum=chk)
def to_string(self):
salt = hexlify(self.salt).decode("ascii").upper()
chk = hexlify(self.checksum).decode("ascii").upper()
return uh.render_mc3(self.ident, self.rounds, salt, chk, sep=u("."))
def _calc_checksum(self, secret):
# TODO: find out what grub's policy is re: unicode
# NOTE: pbkdf2_hmac() will encode secret & salt using utf-8
return pbkdf2_hmac("sha512", secret, self.salt, self.rounds, 64)
# eof
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]