Shell File Manager
"""passlib.apache - apache password support"""
# XXX: relocate this to passlib.ext.apache?
# imports
from __future__ import with_statement
# core
import logging; log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import os
from warnings import warn
# site
# pkg
from passlib import exc, registry
from passlib.context import CryptContext
from passlib.exc import ExpectedStringError
from passlib.hash import htdigest
from passlib.utils import render_bytes, to_bytes, is_ascii_codec
from passlib.utils.decor import deprecated_method
from passlib.utils.compat import join_bytes, unicode, BytesIO, PY3
# local
__all__ = [
# constants & support
_UNSET = object()
_BCOLON = b":"
_BHASH = b"#"
# byte values that aren't allowed in fields.
_INVALID_FIELD_CHARS = b":\n\r\t\x00"
#: _CommonFile._source token types
_SKIPPED = "skipped"
_RECORD = "record"
# common helpers
class _CommonFile(object):
"""common framework for HtpasswdFile & HtdigestFile"""
# instance attrs
# charset encoding used by file (defaults to utf-8)
encoding = None
# whether users() and other public methods should return unicode or bytes?
# (defaults to False under PY2, True under PY3)
return_unicode = None
# if bound to local file, these will be set.
_path = None # local file path
_mtime = None # mtime when last loaded, or 0
# if true, automatically save to local file after changes are made.
autosave = False
# dict mapping key -> value for all records in database.
# (e.g. user => hash for Htpasswd)
_records = None
#: list of tokens for recreating original file contents when saving. if present,
#: will be sequence of (_SKIPPED, b"whitespace/comments") and (_RECORD, <record key>) tuples.
_source = None
# alt constuctors
def from_string(cls, data, **kwds):
"""create new object from raw string.
:type data: unicode or bytes
:arg data:
database to load, as single string.
:param \*\*kwds:
all other keywords are the same as in the class constructor
if 'path' in kwds:
raise TypeError("'path' not accepted by from_string()")
self = cls(**kwds)
return self
def from_path(cls, path, **kwds):
"""create new object from file, without binding object to file.
:type path: str
:arg path:
local filepath to load from
:param \*\*kwds:
all other keywords are the same as in the class constructor
self = cls(**kwds)
return self
# init
def __init__(self, path=None, new=False, autoload=True, autosave=False,
encoding="utf-8", return_unicode=PY3,
# set encoding
if not encoding:
warn("``encoding=None`` is deprecated as of Passlib 1.6, "
"and will cause a ValueError in Passlib 1.8, "
"use ``return_unicode=False`` instead.",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
encoding = "utf-8"
return_unicode = False
elif not is_ascii_codec(encoding):
# htpasswd/htdigest files assumes 1-byte chars, and use ":" separator,
# so only ascii-compatible encodings are allowed.
raise ValueError("encoding must be 7-bit ascii compatible")
self.encoding = encoding
# set other attrs
self.return_unicode = return_unicode
self.autosave = autosave
self._path = path
self._mtime = 0
# init db
if not autoload:
warn("``autoload=False`` is deprecated as of Passlib 1.6, "
"and will be removed in Passlib 1.8, use ``new=True`` instead",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
new = True
if path and not new:
self._records = {}
self._source = []
def __repr__(self):
tail = ''
if self.autosave:
tail += ' autosave=True'
if self._path:
tail += ' path=%r' % self._path
if self.encoding != "utf-8":
tail += ' encoding=%r' % self.encoding
return "<%s 0x%0x%s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self), tail)
# NOTE: ``path`` is a property so that ``_mtime`` is wiped when it's set.
def path(self):
return self._path
def path(self, value):
if value != self._path:
self._mtime = 0
self._path = value
def mtime(self):
"""modify time when last loaded (if bound to a local file)"""
return self._mtime
# loading
def load_if_changed(self):
"""Reload from ``self.path`` only if file has changed since last load"""
if not self._path:
raise RuntimeError("%r is not bound to a local file" % self)
if self._mtime and self._mtime == os.path.getmtime(self._path):
return False
return True
def load(self, path=None, force=True):
"""Load state from local file.
If no path is specified, attempts to load from ``self.path``.
:type path: str
:arg path: local file to load from
:type force: bool
:param force:
if ``force=False``, only load from ``self.path`` if file
has changed since last load.
.. deprecated:: 1.6
This keyword will be removed in Passlib 1.8;
Applications should use :meth:`load_if_changed` instead.
if path is not None:
with open(path, "rb") as fh:
self._mtime = 0
elif not force:
warn("%(name)s.load(force=False) is deprecated as of Passlib 1.6,"
"and will be removed in Passlib 1.8; "
"use %(name)s.load_if_changed() instead." %
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return self.load_if_changed()
elif self._path:
with open(self._path, "rb") as fh:
self._mtime = os.path.getmtime(self._path)
raise RuntimeError("%s().path is not set, an explicit path is required" %
return True
def load_string(self, data):
"""Load state from unicode or bytes string, replacing current state"""
data = to_bytes(data, self.encoding, "data")
self._mtime = 0
def _load_lines(self, lines):
"""load from sequence of lists"""
parse = self._parse_record
records = {}
source = []
skipped = b''
for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
# NOTE: per htpasswd source (,
# lines with only whitespace, or with "#" as first non-whitespace char,
# are left alone / ignored.
tmp = line.lstrip()
if not tmp or tmp.startswith(_BHASH):
skipped += line
# parse valid line
key, value = parse(line, idx+1)
# NOTE: if multiple entries for a key, we use the first one,
# which seems to match htpasswd source
if key in records:
log.warning("username occurs multiple times in source file: %r" % key)
skipped += line
# flush buffer of skipped whitespace lines
if skipped:
source.append((_SKIPPED, skipped))
skipped = b''
# store new user line
records[key] = value
source.append((_RECORD, key))
# don't bother preserving trailing whitespace, but do preserve trailing comments
if skipped.rstrip():
source.append((_SKIPPED, skipped))
# NOTE: not replacing ._records until parsing succeeds, so loading is atomic.
self._records = records
self._source = source
def _parse_record(self, record, lineno): # pragma: no cover - abstract method
"""parse line of file into (key, value) pair"""
raise NotImplementedError("should be implemented in subclass")
def _set_record(self, key, value):
helper for setting record which takes care of inserting source line if needed;
bool if key already present
records = self._records
existing = (key in records)
records[key] = value
if not existing:
self._source.append((_RECORD, key))
return existing
# saving
def _autosave(self):
"""subclass helper to call save() after any changes"""
if self.autosave and self._path:
def save(self, path=None):
"""Save current state to file.
If no path is specified, attempts to save to ``self.path``.
if path is not None:
with open(path, "wb") as fh:
elif self._path:
self._mtime = os.path.getmtime(self._path)
raise RuntimeError("%s().path is not set, cannot autosave" %
def to_string(self):
"""Export current state as a string of bytes"""
return join_bytes(self._iter_lines())
# def clean(self):
# """
# discard any comments or whitespace that were being preserved from the source file,
# and re-sort keys in alphabetical order
# """
# self._source = [(_RECORD, key) for key in sorted(self._records)]
# self._autosave()
def _iter_lines(self):
"""iterator yielding lines of database"""
# NOTE: this relies on <records> being an OrderedDict so that it outputs
# records in a deterministic order.
records = self._records
if __debug__:
pending = set(records)
for action, content in self._source:
if action == _SKIPPED:
# 'content' is whitespace/comments to write
yield content
assert action == _RECORD
# 'content' is record key
if content not in records:
# record was deleted
# NOTE: doing it lazily like this so deleting & re-adding user
# preserves their original location in the file.
yield self._render_record(content, records[content])
if __debug__:
if __debug__:
# sanity check that we actually wrote all the records
# (otherwise _source & _records are somehow out of sync)
assert not pending, "failed to write all records: missing=%r" % (pending,)
def _render_record(self, key, value): # pragma: no cover - abstract method
"""given key/value pair, encode as line of file"""
raise NotImplementedError("should be implemented in subclass")
# field encoding
def _encode_user(self, user):
"""user-specific wrapper for _encode_field()"""
return self._encode_field(user, "user")
def _encode_realm(self, realm): # pragma: no cover - abstract method
"""realm-specific wrapper for _encode_field()"""
return self._encode_field(realm, "realm")
def _encode_field(self, value, param="field"):
"""convert field to internal representation.
internal representation is always bytes. byte strings are left as-is,
unicode strings encoding using file's default encoding (or ``utf-8``
if no encoding has been specified).
:raises UnicodeEncodeError:
if unicode value cannot be encoded using default encoding.
:raises ValueError:
if resulting byte string contains a forbidden character,
or is too long (>255 bytes).
encoded identifer as bytes
if isinstance(value, unicode):
value = value.encode(self.encoding)
elif not isinstance(value, bytes):
raise ExpectedStringError(value, param)
if len(value) > 255:
raise ValueError("%s must be at most 255 characters: %r" %
(param, value))
if any(c in _INVALID_FIELD_CHARS for c in value):
raise ValueError("%s contains invalid characters: %r" %
(param, value,))
return value
def _decode_field(self, value):
"""decode field from internal representation to format
returns by users() method, etc.
:raises UnicodeDecodeError:
if unicode value cannot be decoded using default encoding.
(usually indicates wrong encoding set for file).
field as unicode or bytes, as appropriate.
assert isinstance(value, bytes), "expected value to be bytes"
if self.return_unicode:
return value.decode(self.encoding)
return value
# FIXME: htpasswd doc says passwords limited to 255 chars under Windows & MPE,
# and that longer ones are truncated. this may be side-effect of those
# platforms supporting the 'plaintext' scheme. these classes don't currently
# check for this.
# eoc
# htpasswd context
# This section sets up a CryptContexts to mimic what schemes Apache
# (and the htpasswd tool) should support on the current system.
# Apache has long-time supported some basic builtin schemes (listed below),
# as well as the host's crypt() method -- though it's limited to being able
# to *verify* any scheme using that method, but can only generate "des_crypt" hashes.
# Apache 2.4 added builtin bcrypt support (even for platforms w/o native support).
# c.f. vs the 2.2 docs.
#: set of default schemes that (if chosen) should be using bcrypt,
#: but can't due to lack of bcrypt.
_warn_no_bcrypt = set()
def _init_default_schemes():
#: pick strongest one for host
host_best = None
for name in ["bcrypt", "sha256_crypt"]:
if registry.has_os_crypt_support(name):
host_best = name
# check if we have a bcrypt backend -- otherwise issue warning
# XXX: would like to not spam this unless the user *requests* apache 24
bcrypt = "bcrypt" if registry.has_backend("bcrypt") else None
if not bcrypt:
_warn_no_bcrypt.update(["portable_apache_24", "host_apache_24",
"linux_apache_24", "portable", "host"])
defaults = dict(
# strongest hash builtin to specific apache version
portable_apache_24=bcrypt or "apr_md5_crypt",
# strongest hash across current host & specific apache version
host_apache_24=bcrypt or host_best or "apr_md5_crypt",
host_apache_22=host_best or "apr_md5_crypt",
# strongest hash on a linux host
linux_apache_24=bcrypt or "sha256_crypt",
# set latest-apache version aliases
# XXX: could check for apache install, and pick correct host 22/24 default?
return defaults
#: dict mapping default alias -> appropriate scheme
htpasswd_defaults = _init_default_schemes()
def _init_htpasswd_context():
# start with schemes built into apache
schemes = [
# builtin support added in apache 2.4
# (
# support not "builtin" to apache, instead it requires support through host's crypt().
# adding them here to allow editing htpasswd under windows and then deploying under unix.
# apache default as of 2.2.18, and still default in 2.4
# NOTE: apache says ONLY intended for transitioning htpasswd <-> ldap
# NOTE: apache says ONLY supported on Windows, Netware, TPF
# apache can verify anything supported by the native crypt(),
# though htpasswd tool can only generate a limited set of hashes.
# (this list may overlap w/ builtin apache schemes)
# hack to remove dups and sort into preferred order
preferred = schemes[:3] + ["apr_md5_crypt"] + schemes
schemes = sorted(set(schemes), key=preferred.index)
# NOTE: default will change to "portable" in passlib 2.0
return CryptContext(schemes, default=htpasswd_defaults['portable_apache_22'])
#: CryptContext configured to match htpasswd
htpasswd_context = _init_htpasswd_context()
# htpasswd editing
class HtpasswdFile(_CommonFile):
"""class for reading & writing Htpasswd files.
The class constructor accepts the following arguments:
:type path: filepath
:param path:
Specifies path to htpasswd file, use to implicitly load from and save to.
This class has two modes of operation:
1. It can be "bound" to a local file by passing a ``path`` to the class
constructor. In this case it will load the contents of the file when
created, and the :meth:`load` and :meth:`save` methods will automatically
load from and save to that file if they are called without arguments.
2. Alternately, it can exist as an independant object, in which case
:meth:`load` and :meth:`save` will require an explicit path to be
provided whenever they are called. As well, ``autosave`` behavior
will not be available.
This feature is new in Passlib 1.6, and is the default if no
``path`` value is provided to the constructor.
This is also exposed as a readonly instance attribute.
:type new: bool
:param new:
Normally, if *path* is specified, :class:`HtpasswdFile` will
immediately load the contents of the file. However, when creating
a new htpasswd file, applications can set ``new=True`` so that
the existing file (if any) will not be loaded.
.. versionadded:: 1.6
This feature was previously enabled by setting ``autoload=False``.
That alias has been deprecated, and will be removed in Passlib 1.8
:type autosave: bool
:param autosave:
Normally, any changes made to an :class:`HtpasswdFile` instance
will not be saved until :meth:`save` is explicitly called. However,
if ``autosave=True`` is specified, any changes made will be
saved to disk immediately (assuming *path* has been set).
This is also exposed as a writeable instance attribute.
:type encoding: str
:param encoding:
Optionally specify character encoding used to read/write file
and hash passwords. Defaults to ``utf-8``, though ``latin-1``
is the only other commonly encountered encoding.
This is also exposed as a readonly instance attribute.
:type default_scheme: str
:param default_scheme:
Optionally specify default scheme to use when encoding new passwords.
This can be any of the schemes with builtin Apache support,
OR natively supported by the host OS's :func:`crypt.crypt` function.
* Builtin schemes include ``"bcrypt"`` (apache 2.4+), ``"apr_md5_crypt"`,
and ``"des_crypt"``.
* Schemes commonly supported by Unix hosts
include ``"bcrypt"``, ``"sha256_crypt"``, and ``"des_crypt"``.
In order to not have to sort out what you should use,
passlib offers a number of aliases, that will resolve
to the most appropriate scheme based on your needs:
* ``"portable"``, ``"portable_apache_24"`` -- pick scheme that's portable across hosts
running apache >= 2.4. **This will be the default as of Passlib 2.0**.
* ``"portable_apache_22"`` -- pick scheme that's portable across hosts
running apache >= 2.4. **This is the default up to Passlib 1.9**.
* ``"host"``, ``"host_apache_24"`` -- pick strongest scheme supported by
apache >= 2.4 and/or host OS.
* ``"host_apache_22"`` -- pick strongest scheme supported by
apache >= 2.2 and/or host OS.
.. versionadded:: 1.6
This keyword was previously named ``default``. That alias
has been deprecated, and will be removed in Passlib 1.8.
.. versionchanged:: 1.6.3
Added support for ``"bcrypt"``, ``"sha256_crypt"``, and ``"portable"`` alias.
.. versionchanged:: 1.7
Added apache 2.4 semantics, and additional aliases.
:type context: :class:`~passlib.context.CryptContext`
:param context:
:class:`!CryptContext` instance used to create
and verify the hashes found in the htpasswd file.
The default value is a pre-built context which supports all
of the hashes officially allowed in an htpasswd file.
This is also exposed as a readonly instance attribute.
.. warning::
This option may be used to add support for non-standard hash
formats to an htpasswd file. However, the resulting file
will probably not be usable by another application,
and particularly not by Apache.
:param autoload:
Set to ``False`` to prevent the constructor from automatically
loaded the file from disk.
.. deprecated:: 1.6
This has been replaced by the *new* keyword.
Instead of setting ``autoload=False``, you should use
``new=True``. Support for this keyword will be removed
in Passlib 1.8.
:param default:
Change the default algorithm used to hash new passwords.
.. deprecated:: 1.6
This has been renamed to *default_scheme* for clarity.
Support for this alias will be removed in Passlib 1.8.
Loading & Saving
.. automethod:: load
.. automethod:: load_if_changed
.. automethod:: load_string
.. automethod:: save
.. automethod:: to_string
.. automethod:: users
.. automethod:: check_password
.. automethod:: get_hash
.. automethod:: set_password
.. automethod:: delete
Alternate Constructors
.. automethod:: from_string
.. attribute:: path
Path to local file that will be used as the default
for all :meth:`load` and :meth:`save` operations.
May be written to, initialized by the *path* constructor keyword.
.. attribute:: autosave
Writeable flag indicating whether changes will be automatically
written to *path*.
:raises ValueError:
All of the methods in this class will raise a :exc:`ValueError` if
any user name contains a forbidden character (one of ``:\\r\\n\\t\\x00``),
or is longer than 255 characters.
# instance attrs
# NOTE: _records map stores <user> for the key, and <hash> for the value,
# both in bytes which use self.encoding
# init & serialization
def __init__(self, path=None, default_scheme=None, context=htpasswd_context,
if 'default' in kwds:
warn("``default`` is deprecated as of Passlib 1.6, "
"and will be removed in Passlib 1.8, it has been renamed "
"to ``default_scheem``.",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
default_scheme = kwds.pop("default")
if default_scheme:
if default_scheme in _warn_no_bcrypt:
warn("HtpasswdFile: no bcrypt backends available, "
"using fallback for default scheme %r" % default_scheme,
default_scheme = htpasswd_defaults.get(default_scheme, default_scheme)
context = context.copy(default=default_scheme)
self.context = context
super(HtpasswdFile, self).__init__(path, **kwds)
def _parse_record(self, record, lineno):
# NOTE: should return (user, hash) tuple
result = record.rstrip().split(_BCOLON)
if len(result) != 2:
raise ValueError("malformed htpasswd file (error reading line %d)"
% lineno)
return result
def _render_record(self, user, hash):
return render_bytes("%s:%s\n", user, hash)
# public methods
def users(self):
Return list of all users in database
return [self._decode_field(user) for user in self._records]
##def has_user(self, user):
## "check whether entry is present for user"
## return self._encode_user(user) in self._records
##def rename(self, old, new):
## """rename user account"""
## old = self._encode_user(old)
## new = self._encode_user(new)
## hash = self._records.pop(old)
## self._records[new] = hash
## self._autosave()
def set_password(self, user, password):
"""Set password for user; adds user if needed.
* ``True`` if existing user was updated.
* ``False`` if user account was added.
.. versionchanged:: 1.6
This method was previously called ``update``, it was renamed
to prevent ambiguity with the dictionary method.
The old alias is deprecated, and will be removed in Passlib 1.8.
hash = self.context.hash(password)
return self.set_hash(user, hash)
@deprecated_method(deprecated="1.6", removed="1.8",
def update(self, user, password):
"""set password for user"""
return self.set_password(user, password)
def get_hash(self, user):
"""Return hash stored for user, or ``None`` if user not found.
.. versionchanged:: 1.6
This method was previously named ``find``, it was renamed
for clarity. The old name is deprecated, and will be removed
in Passlib 1.8.
return self._records[self._encode_user(user)]
except KeyError:
return None
def set_hash(self, user, hash):
semi-private helper which allows writing a hash directly;
adds user if needed.
.. warning::
does not (currently) do any validation of the hash string
.. versionadded:: 1.7
# assert self.context.identify(hash), "unrecognized hash format"
if PY3 and isinstance(hash, str):
hash = hash.encode(self.encoding)
user = self._encode_user(user)
existing = self._set_record(user, hash)
return existing
@deprecated_method(deprecated="1.6", removed="1.8",
def find(self, user):
"""return hash for user"""
return self.get_hash(user)
# XXX: rename to something more explicit, like delete_user()?
def delete(self, user):
"""Delete user's entry.
* ``True`` if user deleted.
* ``False`` if user not found.
del self._records[self._encode_user(user)]
except KeyError:
return False
return True
def check_password(self, user, password):
Verify password for specified user.
If algorithm marked as deprecated by CryptContext, will automatically be re-hashed.
* ``None`` if user not found.
* ``False`` if user found, but password does not match.
* ``True`` if user found and password matches.
.. versionchanged:: 1.6
This method was previously called ``verify``, it was renamed
to prevent ambiguity with the :class:`!CryptContext` method.
The old alias is deprecated, and will be removed in Passlib 1.8.
user = self._encode_user(user)
hash = self._records.get(user)
if hash is None:
return None
if isinstance(password, unicode):
# NOTE: encoding password to match file, making the assumption
# that server will use same encoding to hash the password.
password = password.encode(self.encoding)
ok, new_hash = self.context.verify_and_update(password, hash)
if ok and new_hash is not None:
# rehash user's password if old hash was deprecated
assert user in self._records # otherwise would have to use ._set_record()
self._records[user] = new_hash
return ok
@deprecated_method(deprecated="1.6", removed="1.8",
def verify(self, user, password):
"""verify password for user"""
return self.check_password(user, password)
# eoc
# htdigest editing
class HtdigestFile(_CommonFile):
"""class for reading & writing Htdigest files.
The class constructor accepts the following arguments:
:type path: filepath
:param path:
Specifies path to htdigest file, use to implicitly load from and save to.
This class has two modes of operation:
1. It can be "bound" to a local file by passing a ``path`` to the class
constructor. In this case it will load the contents of the file when
created, and the :meth:`load` and :meth:`save` methods will automatically
load from and save to that file if they are called without arguments.
2. Alternately, it can exist as an independant object, in which case
:meth:`load` and :meth:`save` will require an explicit path to be
provided whenever they are called. As well, ``autosave`` behavior
will not be available.
This feature is new in Passlib 1.6, and is the default if no
``path`` value is provided to the constructor.
This is also exposed as a readonly instance attribute.
:type default_realm: str
:param default_realm:
If ``default_realm`` is set, all the :class:`HtdigestFile`
methods that require a realm will use this value if one is not
provided explicitly. If unset, they will raise an error stating
that an explicit realm is required.
This is also exposed as a writeable instance attribute.
.. versionadded:: 1.6
:type new: bool
:param new:
Normally, if *path* is specified, :class:`HtdigestFile` will
immediately load the contents of the file. However, when creating
a new htpasswd file, applications can set ``new=True`` so that
the existing file (if any) will not be loaded.
.. versionadded:: 1.6
This feature was previously enabled by setting ``autoload=False``.
That alias has been deprecated, and will be removed in Passlib 1.8
:type autosave: bool
:param autosave:
Normally, any changes made to an :class:`HtdigestFile` instance
will not be saved until :meth:`save` is explicitly called. However,
if ``autosave=True`` is specified, any changes made will be
saved to disk immediately (assuming *path* has been set).
This is also exposed as a writeable instance attribute.
:type encoding: str
:param encoding:
Optionally specify character encoding used to read/write file
and hash passwords. Defaults to ``utf-8``, though ``latin-1``
is the only other commonly encountered encoding.
This is also exposed as a readonly instance attribute.
:param autoload:
Set to ``False`` to prevent the constructor from automatically
loaded the file from disk.
.. deprecated:: 1.6
This has been replaced by the *new* keyword.
Instead of setting ``autoload=False``, you should use
``new=True``. Support for this keyword will be removed
in Passlib 1.8.
Loading & Saving
.. automethod:: load
.. automethod:: load_if_changed
.. automethod:: load_string
.. automethod:: save
.. automethod:: to_string
.. automethod:: realms
.. automethod:: users
.. automethod:: check_password(user[, realm], password)
.. automethod:: get_hash
.. automethod:: set_password(user[, realm], password)
.. automethod:: delete
.. automethod:: delete_realm
Alternate Constructors
.. automethod:: from_string
.. attribute:: default_realm
The default realm that will be used if one is not provided
to methods that require it. By default this is ``None``,
in which case an explicit realm must be provided for every
method call. Can be written to.
.. attribute:: path
Path to local file that will be used as the default
for all :meth:`load` and :meth:`save` operations.
May be written to, initialized by the *path* constructor keyword.
.. attribute:: autosave
Writeable flag indicating whether changes will be automatically
written to *path*.
:raises ValueError:
All of the methods in this class will raise a :exc:`ValueError` if
any user name or realm contains a forbidden character (one of ``:\\r\\n\\t\\x00``),
or is longer than 255 characters.
# instance attrs
# NOTE: _records map stores (<user>,<realm>) for the key,
# and <hash> as the value, all as <self.encoding> bytes.
# NOTE: unlike htpasswd, this class doesn't use a CryptContext,
# as only one hash format is supported: htdigest.
# optionally specify default realm that will be used if none
# is provided to a method call. otherwise realm is always required.
default_realm = None
# init & serialization
def __init__(self, path=None, default_realm=None, **kwds):
self.default_realm = default_realm
super(HtdigestFile, self).__init__(path, **kwds)
def _parse_record(self, record, lineno):
result = record.rstrip().split(_BCOLON)
if len(result) != 3:
raise ValueError("malformed htdigest file (error reading line %d)"
% lineno)
user, realm, hash = result
return (user, realm), hash
def _render_record(self, key, hash):
user, realm = key
return render_bytes("%s:%s:%s\n", user, realm, hash)
def _require_realm(self, realm):
if realm is None:
realm = self.default_realm
if realm is None:
raise TypeError("you must specify a realm explicitly, "
"or set the default_realm attribute")
return realm
def _encode_realm(self, realm):
realm = self._require_realm(realm)
return self._encode_field(realm, "realm")
def _encode_key(self, user, realm):
return self._encode_user(user), self._encode_realm(realm)
# public methods
def realms(self):
"""Return list of all realms in database"""
realms = set(key[1] for key in self._records)
return [self._decode_field(realm) for realm in realms]
def users(self, realm=None):
"""Return list of all users in specified realm.
* uses ``self.default_realm`` if no realm explicitly provided.
* returns empty list if realm not found.
realm = self._encode_realm(realm)
return [self._decode_field(key[0]) for key in self._records
if key[1] == realm]
##def has_user(self, user, realm=None):
## "check if user+realm combination exists"
## return self._encode_key(user,realm) in self._records
##def rename_realm(self, old, new):
## """rename all accounts in realm"""
## old = self._encode_realm(old)
## new = self._encode_realm(new)
## keys = [key for key in self._records if key[1] == old]
## for key in keys:
## hash = self._records.pop(key)
## self._set_record((key[0], new), hash)
## self._autosave()
## return len(keys)
##def rename(self, old, new, realm=None):
## """rename user account"""
## old = self._encode_user(old)
## new = self._encode_user(new)
## realm = self._encode_realm(realm)
## hash = self._records.pop((old,realm))
## self._set_record((new, realm), hash)
## self._autosave()
def set_password(self, user, realm=None, password=_UNSET):
"""Set password for user; adds user & realm if needed.
If ``self.default_realm`` has been set, this may be called
with the syntax ``set_password(user, password)``,
otherwise it must be called with all three arguments:
``set_password(user, realm, password)``.
* ``True`` if existing user was updated
* ``False`` if user account added.
if password is _UNSET:
# called w/ two args - (user, password), use default realm
realm, password = None, realm
realm = self._require_realm(realm)
hash = htdigest.hash(password, user, realm, encoding=self.encoding)
return self.set_hash(user, realm, hash)
@deprecated_method(deprecated="1.6", removed="1.8",
def update(self, user, realm, password):
"""set password for user"""
return self.set_password(user, realm, password)
def get_hash(self, user, realm=None):
"""Return :class:`~passlib.hash.htdigest` hash stored for user.
* uses ``self.default_realm`` if no realm explicitly provided.
* returns ``None`` if user or realm not found.
.. versionchanged:: 1.6
This method was previously named ``find``, it was renamed
for clarity. The old name is deprecated, and will be removed
in Passlib 1.8.
key = self._encode_key(user, realm)
hash = self._records.get(key)
if hash is None:
return None
if PY3:
hash = hash.decode(self.encoding)
return hash
def set_hash(self, user, realm=None, hash=_UNSET):
semi-private helper which allows writing a hash directly;
adds user & realm if needed.
If ``self.default_realm`` has been set, this may be called
with the syntax ``set_hash(user, hash)``,
otherwise it must be called with all three arguments:
``set_hash(user, realm, hash)``.
.. warning::
does not (currently) do any validation of the hash string
.. versionadded:: 1.7
if hash is _UNSET:
# called w/ two args - (user, hash), use default realm
realm, hash = None, realm
# assert htdigest.identify(hash), "unrecognized hash format"
if PY3 and isinstance(hash, str):
hash = hash.encode(self.encoding)
key = self._encode_key(user, realm)
existing = self._set_record(key, hash)
return existing
@deprecated_method(deprecated="1.6", removed="1.8",
def find(self, user, realm):
"""return hash for user"""
return self.get_hash(user, realm)
# XXX: rename to something more explicit, like delete_user()?
def delete(self, user, realm=None):
"""Delete user's entry for specified realm.
if realm is not specified, uses ``self.default_realm``.
* ``True`` if user deleted,
* ``False`` if user not found in realm.
key = self._encode_key(user, realm)
del self._records[key]
except KeyError:
return False
return True
def delete_realm(self, realm):
"""Delete all users for specified realm.
if realm is not specified, uses ``self.default_realm``.
:returns: number of users deleted (0 if realm not found)
realm = self._encode_realm(realm)
records = self._records
keys = [key for key in records if key[1] == realm]
for key in keys:
del records[key]
return len(keys)
def check_password(self, user, realm=None, password=_UNSET):
"""Verify password for specified user + realm.
If ``self.default_realm`` has been set, this may be called
with the syntax ``check_password(user, password)``,
otherwise it must be called with all three arguments:
``check_password(user, realm, password)``.
* ``None`` if user or realm not found.
* ``False`` if user found, but password does not match.
* ``True`` if user found and password matches.
.. versionchanged:: 1.6
This method was previously called ``verify``, it was renamed
to prevent ambiguity with the :class:`!CryptContext` method.
The old alias is deprecated, and will be removed in Passlib 1.8.
if password is _UNSET:
# called w/ two args - (user, password), use default realm
realm, password = None, realm
user = self._encode_user(user)
realm = self._encode_realm(realm)
hash = self._records.get((user,realm))
if hash is None:
return None
return htdigest.verify(password, hash, user, realm,
@deprecated_method(deprecated="1.6", removed="1.8",
def verify(self, user, realm, password):
"""verify password for user"""
return self.check_password(user, realm, password)
# eoc
# eof
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]