Shell File Manager
# Author: Jeff Bauer <[email protected]>
# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
Salt Minion
**Summary:** set up and run salt minion
This module installs, configures and starts salt minion. If the ``salt_minion``
key is present in the config parts, then salt minion will be installed and
started. Configuration for salt minion can be specified in the ``conf`` key
under ``salt_minion``. Any conf values present there will be assigned in
``/etc/salt/minion``. The public and private keys to use for salt minion can be
specified with ``public_key`` and ``private_key`` respectively. Optionally if
you have a custom package name, service name or config directory you can
specify them with ``pkg_name``, ``service_name`` and ``config_dir``.
**Internal name:** ``cc_salt_minion``
**Module frequency:** per instance
**Supported distros:** all
**Config keys**::
pkg_name: 'salt-minion'
service_name: 'salt-minion'
config_dir: '/etc/salt'
- web
public_key: |
------BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-------
<key data>
------END PUBLIC KEY-------
private_key: |
<key data>
------END PRIVATE KEY-------
import os
from cloudinit import safeyaml, util
# Note: see
# Note: see
class SaltConstants(object):
defines default distribution specific salt variables
def __init__(self, cfg):
# constants tailored for FreeBSD
if util.is_FreeBSD():
self.pkg_name = 'py36-salt'
self.srv_name = 'salt_minion'
self.conf_dir = '/usr/local/etc/salt'
# constants for any other OS
self.pkg_name = 'salt-minion'
self.srv_name = 'salt-minion'
self.conf_dir = '/etc/salt'
# if there are constants given in cloud config use those
self.pkg_name = util.get_cfg_option_str(cfg, 'pkg_name',
self.conf_dir = util.get_cfg_option_str(cfg, 'config_dir',
self.srv_name = util.get_cfg_option_str(cfg, 'service_name',
def handle(name, cfg, cloud, log, _args):
# If there isn't a salt key in the configuration don't do anything
if 'salt_minion' not in cfg:
log.debug(("Skipping module named %s,"
" no 'salt_minion' key in configuration"), name)
s_cfg = cfg['salt_minion']
const = SaltConstants(cfg=s_cfg)
# Start by installing the salt package ...
# Ensure we can configure files at the right dir
# ... and then update the salt configuration
if 'conf' in s_cfg:
# Add all sections from the conf object to minion config file
minion_config = os.path.join(const.conf_dir, 'minion')
minion_data = safeyaml.dumps(s_cfg.get('conf'))
util.write_file(minion_config, minion_data)
if 'grains' in s_cfg:
# add grains to /etc/salt/grains
grains_config = os.path.join(const.conf_dir, 'grains')
grains_data = safeyaml.dumps(s_cfg.get('grains'))
util.write_file(grains_config, grains_data)
# ... copy the key pair if specified
if 'public_key' in s_cfg and 'private_key' in s_cfg:
pki_dir_default = os.path.join(const.conf_dir, "pki/minion")
if not os.path.isdir(pki_dir_default):
pki_dir_default = os.path.join(const.conf_dir, "pki")
pki_dir = s_cfg.get('pki_dir', pki_dir_default)
with util.umask(0o77):
pub_name = os.path.join(pki_dir, '')
pem_name = os.path.join(pki_dir, 'minion.pem')
util.write_file(pub_name, s_cfg['public_key'])
util.write_file(pem_name, s_cfg['private_key'])
# we need to have the salt minion service enabled in rc in order to be
# able to start the service. this does only apply on FreeBSD servers.
if cloud.distro.osfamily == 'freebsd':
cloud.distro.updatercconf('salt_minion_enable', 'YES')
# restart salt-minion. 'service' will start even if not started. if it
# was started, it needs to be restarted for config change.
util.subp(['service', const.srv_name, 'restart'], capture=False)
# vi: ts=4 expandtab
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]