Shell File Manager
* Atlantis Bootstrap Dashboard (Bootstrap 4)
* Product Page:
* Copyright 2018 Theme Kita (
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
[Table of contents]
* Background
* Typography
* Layouts
+ Body & Wrapper
+ Main Header
+ Sidebar
* Layouts Color
* Components
+ Breadcrumbs
+ Cards
- Card Stats
- Card Task
- Card States
- Card Posts
- Card Pricing
- Card Annoucement
- Card Profile
- Accordion
+ Inputs
+ Tables
+ Navbars
+ Navsearch
+ Badges
+ Dropdowns
+ Charts
+ Alerts
+ Buttons
+ Navtabs
+ Popovers
+ Progress
+ Paginations
+ Sliders
+ Modals
+ Timeline
+ Maps
+ Invoice
+ Messages
+ Tasks
+ Settings
* Plugins
+ jQueryUI
+ jQuery Scrollbar
+ Css Animate
+ Full Calendar
+ SweetAlert
+ Datatables
* Responsive
# [Color codes]
body-text-color: #575962
white-color: #ffffff
black-color: #191919
transparent-bg : transparent
default-color : #282a3c
primary-color : #177dff
secondary-color : #716aca
info-color : #36a3f7
success-color : #35cd3a
warning-color : #ffa534
danger-color : #f3545d
@import "atlantis/variables";
@import "atlantis/outlinefocus";
@import "atlantis/typography";
@import "atlantis/opacity";
@import "atlantis/layouts";
@import "atlantis/layouts-colors";
@import "atlantis/components";
@import "atlantis/plugins";
@import "atlantis/responsive";
@import "atlantis/background";
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]