Shell File Manager
1. Add following entries before starting for manual installation in $datadir/app/config/config.yml take it from vendor/bolt/bolt/app/config/config.yml.dist
driver: mysql
username: root
password: mysql
databasename: bolt
host: localhost
2. create without public folder and create from public folder
This structure is changed since 3.2.6 because a user had pointed out this error in ticket.
3. Rename following files
composer.json.dist to composer.json, composer.lock.dist to composer.lock, .bolt.yml.dist to .bolt.yml, and /src/Site/CustomisationExtension.php.dist to /src/Site/CustomisationExtension.php in manual installation and add this renamed files in our zip package also.
4.Please note that since version 3.3.1 , '.bolt.yml' was removed from the Bolt's package.
So before starting manual installation create .bolt.yml in $datadir($datadir/.bolt.yml) manually
and add following entry to it.
web: [[softpath]]
(This is needed since we keep $datadir outside the webroot , It's needed for mapping webroot files.
Confirmed with vendor in mail).
Also add [[softdatadir]] path in index.php in softpath.
5. Added __pre_settings function in install.php becuase first character as special character is not allowed in config.yml in datadir. (Since 3.3.5)
6. Take SQL dump before login and after login add dummy content and check diff and make SQL accordingly.
7. move all the placeholder_xxx.jpg files inside 'files' folder(in softpath) from manual to zip as they are not made.(Since version 3.6.3)
Shell File Manager Version 1.1, Coded By Shell
Email: [email protected]